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Flexion - Extension

Abduction - Adduction
Medial and lateral rotation (Internal and external rotation) Transverse abduction - adduction

6 main phases
Wind up II. Early cocking III. Late cocking IV. Acceleration V. Deceleration VI. Follow-through

Begins at the start of movement and ends when the lead leg is maximally lifted

The coiling phase Potential energy is developed The center of gravity is raised No appreciable stress on the shoulder and elbow

front leg strides forward

trunk rotation

Center of gravity lowered shoulder abducted to 90, shoulder ext rotation, scapular retraction, and elbow flexion

The four rotator cuff muscles fire to hold the head of the humerus within the glenoid fossa. Deltoid and supraspinatus produce abduction

Infraspinatus and teres minor initiate external rotation and assist abduction

trapezius and rhomboids retract the scapula

EMG : Early Deltoid, Late Cuff

This phase begins when the lead foot makes contact with the ground during the stride phase (early cocking ) and ends when the throwing arm achieves its maximum external rotation
Rotation of the hips and pelvis helps set up the rotation that will be transferred to the torso and shoulders. Muscles acting at the shoulder and scapula position the glenoid fossa against the head of the humerus and stabilize the scapula. Specifically these include the levator scapula, serratus anterior, rhomboids, trapezius, and pectoralis minor.

The rotator cuff muscles maintain tension at this point to keep the head of the humerus stable inside the glenoid fossa. The internal rotators of the shoulder will develop tension to slow down and prevent excessive external rotation.

external rotation EXTREME external rotation terminated by forces from

anterior joint capsule

& ligaments subscapularis pectoralis major triceps brachii teres major latissimus dorsi

common injuries resulting from EXTREME external rotation tendinitis of supraspinatus tendon muscle strain of pectoralis major, teres major, or latissimus dorsi

This is the quickest phase of the throw. Starts just after the shoulder reaches maximum external rotation and ends when the ball is released. The internal rotators of the shoulder have been stretched like a coiled spring during the previous phase. They shorten rapidly, assisted by this springlike effect, and produce very rapid internal rotation of the shoulder.

characterized by

transverse abduction and internal rotation

initiation of elbow extension shoulder internal rotation maintenance of shoulder abduction at 90 shoulder transverse abduction scapular protraction Humerus IR 100 deg / 0.5 sec Eccentric to concentric conversion

subscapularis, latissimus dorsi teres major pectoralis major serratus anterior

scapular protraction

elbow extension

triceps brachii

Muscle contraction with movement muscle shortens or lengthen 2 subtypes :

Concentric : The muscle shortens during the contraction Tension Applied load Eccentric : The muscle lengthen during contraction

Starts when the ball is released and ends when maximum internal rotation of the shoulder is reached. The throwing arm is horizontally adducted and internally rotated to the neutral or anatomical position and the scapula is protracted. Posterior muscles of the G-H Joint, especially the Teres Minor, slow down the movement at the shoulder while the retractors of the scapula slow down the scapular protraction.

Begins when when the internal rotation of the shoulder ends and finishes when the thrower returns to a balanced position. The arm deceleration process helps reduce the force and therefore the stress on the joints and muscles involved

This part of the movement is designed to extend the time that it takes to come to a stop as well as distribute the forces to the body and leg. The posterior muscles of the G-H Joint are very important to continue the deceleration process at the shoulder. The serratus anterior is very active in stabilizing scapular rotation while the rhomboids and the middle part of the trapezius continue to slow down and reduce the force of scapular protraction.

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