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Kuliah Gizi Kesehatan Reproduksi 1 9 September 2013 Eri Wahyuningsih Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat FKIK UNSOED Purwokerto

Remaja, siapa sajakah mereka?

Adolescence may be divided into 3 developmental stages based on physical, psychological and social changes (WHO/UNICEF 1995): Early adolescence, 10/13-14/15 years; Mid adolescence, 14/15-17; Late adolescence, between 17-21, but variable. Being in transition, adolescents may no longer benefit from the attention and care that usually go to children, but they may not get the protections associated with adulthood either.

Gizi & Tumbuh Kembang Remaja

Peralihan anak dewasa Important transformations occur: Growth in height and weight - greater Changes in body composition - more rapid Eating habits & food consumption

Nutrition is an essential component of total adolescent health care


Adolescents = highest prevalence of any

age-group for unsatisfactory nutrition:

Reduce regular breakfast consumption Increase consumption of: prepared food, snacks, fried foods, nutrient-poor foods Increase in portion of sweetened beverages at each meal Decrease in consumption of dairy products, fruits & vegetables Sodium intake >>>>; calcium & potassium intake <<<<

Potential Nutritional Problems:

Increased nutritional needs during adolescence are related to several factors Increased physical activity of adolescents makes proper nutrition essential Poor eating habits contributes to nutritional problems Factors thah influence nutritional needs during adolescence are: level of activity; special diets; chronic illness; substance abuse; menstruation; pregnancy; lactation.

Peran Gizi dlm Tumbuh Kembang Remaja

Asupan energi pertumbuhan

Asupan energi inadekuat unit fungsional menderita; a.l: derajat metabolisme, tingkat aktifitas, tampilan fisik, maturasi seksual (Soetjiningsih dkk, 2007)

Contoh: Wanita rendah gizi berat ovarium berkurang, mengalami compromised ovarian function. Keadaan berbalik jika nutrisi diperbaiki fungsi hormon normal kembali, kematangan seksual berlangsung.

Angka Kecukupan Gizi Remaja

Angka kecukupan gizi remaja dikategorikan berdasar usia kronologis, bukan berdasar kematangan perkembangannya.

Status gizi remaja harus dinilai secara perorangan

dengan menggunakan informasi dari hasil penilaian klinik, biokimia, antropometri serta konsumsi makanan dan aspek psikososial (Almatsier dkk, 2011)

Kebutuhan Energi & Gizi Remaja

nutrition needs in adolescence.pdf nutrition in adolescence.pdf

Thank you.

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