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Assistant Professor PG Department Of Management Science Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College POLLACHI 642 107.


Use formal dress to appear for an interview.
Avoid using new clothes because one may not know how to function in them.

It is not wise to change usual hair styles or clothing patterns as they will inconvenience the candidate.
Use executive clothing, deep and bright colours may not suit the occasion. Cloths have to be clean and ironed to represent order and discipline.

Carry a pen in the pocket or in the folder.

Carry all the documents in an order in a folder.

Avoid carrying documents in an envelope as it will take time to show them to the interviews. Carry only relevant documents. Copy of the application sent and bio data and certificate of qualifying examination are important documents.

Carrying certificates and documents in a plastic bag will not give an impression of quality and class. Do not present any certificate or document unless asked for.

Remember to collect all the certificates given for persual at the interview.


Knock at the door and then enter even if your name is called out. Greet the interviewers as soon as you enter, the lady first and the gentlemen there after.

Sit down only after you are asked to.

Remember to say thank you before being seated. Avoid pulling a chair. instead, lift it if necessary and always enter from the right side of the chair. Sit without crossing legs and sit straight.

Look at the interviewers instead of looking down. Keep what ever paper materials you carry on your lap, and not on the table.

Bend forward while answering questions.

While answering a questioner, remember to look at the other interviewers also. avoid fidgeting like touching moustache, scratching nose or arranging hair. Avoid carrying anything like a key bunch or a pen in your hands.

At the end of the interview, get up and move out only after thanking the interviewers.
While moving out, step back first, then turn and walk away.

Listen to questions carefully to comprehend. if you have not understood a question, politely request for a repeat. Give short answers unless asked for longer ones. exude confidence but not arrogance.

Be firm when you are sure, otherwise start statements with : i think or as far as i know.
Mouth all words clearly and speak loud enough to hear. Answer immediately without wasting time.

Avoid being humorous or ironical in your answers.

Keep looking at the interviewers and never at other things in the room or outside. Give authentic information about any details connected with your bio-data. It is discourteous to take anything from the table in front of the interviewer. Avoid tightening a tie or pulling at the dress while answering any questions. Answer should not be given in a raised voice even when the question comes in that manner.

Answer questions in simple single sentence. Avoid giving additional information unless asked for.

If you are complimented for the answers, remember to thank the interviewer.
If your answers or opinions are rejected by the interviewer, remember to say sorry. Avoid repeating answers, phases or words. Be aware of mannerisms and avoid them.


Keep a smiling face so as to welcome any questions. Avoid any disagreement with the interviewer unless it involves your belief systems.

If or when an interviewee has to disagree with the interviewer do it politely after expressing regret or asking for pardon.
It is unwise to contradict an answer through a subsequent answer.

If an error is brought to the notice of a candidate, he should accept the same.

Use a language that is easy to understand but formal in its usage. A candidate should avoid offering her hand for a hand shake. all the same, if offered by the interviewer, she should accept it. While a male candidate has to stand up to shake hands a lady may accept an offer while being seated. A candidates behavior should convince the interviewer about the quality of personality that the candidate has.

Avoid any exhibition of emotion about an answer that a candidate considers very dear or correct. The interviewee should not condemn or deprecate any other person, group, community or nation during an interview.

If or when a candidate is asked about achievements or successe she should take care to list only those which can be proved with evidence. There is nothing wrong in requesting an interviewer to ask a candidate questions on a subject of her choice. Once the subject is announced as the favored one, a candidate should make sure that all questions are answered.

If you get an opportunity to open the discussion or to conclude do it well.

Be punctual.
Dress neatly. Be confident of success.

Techniques For Leading Group Discussions

What is an effective group discussion?

An effective group discussion is one in which the group is able to accomplish its purpose or to establish a basis either for ongoing discussion or for further contact and collaboration among its members.

The elements of an effective group discussion:

All members of the group have a chance to speak, expressing their own ideas and feelings freely, and to pursue and finish out their thoughts. All members of the group can hear others ideas and feelings stated openly. Group members can safely test out ideas that are not yet fully formed.

The elements of an effective group discussion (cont.):

Group members can receive and respond to respectful but honest and constructive feedback. A variety of points of view are put forward and discussed. The discussion is not dominated by any one person.

The elements of an effective group discussion (cont.):

Arguments, while they may be spirited, are based on the content of ideas and opinions, not on personalities.

Even in disagreement, theres an understanding that the group is working together to resolve a dispute, solve a problem, create a plan, make a decision, find a precept or set of precepts all can agree on, or come to a conclusion from which it can move on.

Possible uses for a group discussion:

Create a new situation form a coalition, start an initiative, etc. Explore cooperative or collaborative arrangements among groups or organizations. Discuss and/or analyze an issue. Create a strategic plan for an initiative, an advocacy campaign, an intervention, etc. Discuss policy and policy change.

Possible uses for a group discussion (cont.):

Air concerns and differences among individuals or groups. Hold public hearings on proposed laws or regulations, development, etc. Decide on an action. Provide mutual support. Solve a problem. Resolve a conflict. Plan your work or an event.

Why should you lead a group discussion?

A group discussion gives everyone involved a voice. A group discussion allows for a variety of ideas to be expressed and discussed. Group discussion is generally a democratic, egalitarian process. A group discussion leads to group ownership of whatever conclusions, plans, or action the group decides upon.

Why should you discussion? (cont.)



An effective group discussion encourages those who might normally be reluctant to speak their minds. Group discussions can often open communication channels among people who might not communicate in any other way. In some cases, a group discussion is simply the obvious, or even the only, way to proceed

You might lead a group discussion because:

Its part of your job. Youve been asked to. A discussion is necessary, and you have the skills to lead it. It was your idea in the first place.

Some people who might find themselves leading a group discussion:

Directors of organizations Public officials Coalition coordinators Professionals with group-leading skills Teachers Health professionals and health educators Respected community members Community activists

When might you lead a group discussion?

At the start of something new. When an issue can no longer be ignored. When groups need to be brought together. When an existing group is considering its next step or seeking to address an issue of importance to it.

How do you lead a group discussion?

If you have the opportunity to prepare beforehand: Choose the space. Provide food and drink. Bring materials to help the discussion along. Become familiar with the purpose and content of the discussion. Make sure everyone gets any necessary information, readings, or other material in plenty of time to study it well beforehand.

General guidelines:

Think about leadership style. Put people at ease. Help the group develop ground rules. Generate an agenda or goals for the discussion.

Lead the discussion:

Set the topic. Foster the open process. Involve all participants. Ask questions or provide information to move the discussion. Summarize and/or clarify important points and conclusions. Wrap up the session. Follow-up if necessary

Dos for discussion leaders:

Model the behavior and attitudes you want group members to employ. Use encouraging body language and tone of voice, as well as words. Give positive feedback for joining the discussion. Be aware of peoples reactions and feelings, and try to respond appropriately.

More Dos for discussion leaders:

Ask open-ended questions. Control your own biases. Encourage disagreement, and help the group use it creatively. Be a recorder if necessary. Keep your mouth shut as much as possible.

Donts for discussion leaders:

Dont let one or a small group of individuals dominate the discussion. Dont let one point of view override others. Dont assume that anyone holds particular opinions or positions because of his culture, background, race, personal style, etc. By the same token, dont assume that someone from a particular culture, race, or background speaks for everyone else from that situation. Dont be the font of all wisdom.



Group discussion has become an integral part of the selection procedure for Job Recruitment, and Admission to Quality Academic Programmes. The strategy for success involves many Dos and Donts. Here are a few vital points to be borne in mind at the time of preparation.

Gather full details of controversial topics of public interest by following daily news, editorial comments and articles written by experts in magazines. Maintain a personal diary of events covering national / international news items of significance.

Dont swallow news reports hook, line and sinker. Melt them in the crucible of your mind and arrive at your own conclusions.
Develop language skills including basic grammar, pronunciation, and effective expression.

Observe the techniques of successful speakers cadences, voice modulation, pauses, etc. Use simple yet forceful language; dont go for bombast. Arrange your facts logically. Dont take extreme positions. Meet opposition with a smile. Be broad minded in your approach. Dont be unduly emotional during discussion.

Discuss and not dispute. Produce light and not heat. If you present an argument, give facts to support it.

Be impartial. Keep a balanced view.

Dont insult a person or a group. Appreciate good views expressed by others. Dont explode if anyone gives a blunder. Be a good listener.

Dont try to monopolies the time given for the group. Speak patiently and convincingly. Use appropriate and relevant quotations or proverbs to establish your point. Encourage a silent or shy member to speak.

Dont use provocation language or gestures.

Dont hit on the table to prove a point. Look at the members by turn. Dont block others.

Dont retort strongly if someone attacks you. Continue to be pleasant; a smile helps a lot. Light humor is ok; dont be a clown. Check your body language.

If someone asks your views, take it as an opportunity to speak. Dont shy away from it.
Show willingness for co operation and teamwork. Be polite; show no sign of arrogance or superiority.

Dont talk too fast sacrificing clarity; dont be dragging either. Dont shout or whisper; speak normally.

Avoid mannerisms such as you see, I mean, sort of and ya ya.

Give priority to group interest and not self interest. Never give an impression that you are confused.

Use expression such as As you put it rightly and we should appreciate the views of.

When you want to differ, use phrases such as Let us look at this from a different angle.

Dont just repeat the view given by another participant.

Dont give crude or uncivilised views or unpalatable expressions. Illustrate your views by examples.

Dont get disheartened if one of your views is not being carried.

Dont blow your trumpets.

If you get an opportunity to open the discussion or to conclude do it well. Be punctual. Dress neatly. Be confident of success.


Skills / Attitude Assessed

Communication Skill
Leadership Planning Skill Decision Making Skill Motivation Interpersonal Relationship

Oral Communication Skills

Expresses Ideas Clearly in English.

Willingly Speaks Out and Contributes. Shows Tact and Sensitivity Towards Others. Listens, Establishes Rapport and Engages Others in Dialogue. Listens to Others Suggestions. Communicates Succinctly, Confidently, Clearly, Persuasively and Logically.

Encourage Others to Contribute to the Discussion and Move Others Towards a Stated Goal or Objective. Defines Goals and Support/Motivate Others in Reaching Goals Contributes to a Good Sense of Team Spirit Influences Others Through Argument and Persuasion Respects Others Is Creative/Visionary

Leadership Skills and Qualities

Planning Skill
Encourages Team to Take a Structured Approach in Defining Objectives and Planning Solution Shows Ability in Identifying Problems and Suggesting Solutions Understands Objectives and Sets Priorities Ensures that Own and Groups Time is Managed Well

Decision Making Skills

Eager to See Decisions Taken and Have Confidence to Make Decisions. Ability to Process Information Using Logical, Objective Analysis and to Identify Alternatives.

Ensures that in the End, Some Sound Decision is Taken

Shows Energy, Enthusiasm and Drive in Facing the Task

Shows Determination and Commitment to Achieving the Best Possible Solution Willing to Stand His / Her Ground When He / She Believes He / She is Right
Shows a Positive Attitude to Accepting a Challenge

Interpersonal Relationship
Understands the Behaviors and Motivations of Others and Respond Sensitively Works Harmoniously with Others Towards the Accomplishment of Common Tasks

Be Friendly
Be Diplomatic and Tactful

Get a Good Grasp of Any Information You Are Given, but Don't Waste Time on Minute Details In the Light of the Information, Decide Your Objectives and Priorities Be Assertive - but Diplomatic Be Tactful, Be Persuasive & Work with Group Try to Get the Task Done, but Also Get on With Other Members of the Group and Support Their Ideas When You Agree With Them Keep Cool and Use Your Sense of Humour

Handling Difficult Situations

A Person who Tends to Dominate the Discussion
Ask Closed Questions
Use Direct Questions to Draw Other

Participants (e.g. lets hear what Harini

has to say on this point)

Handling Difficult Situations

A Person who Disagrees / Argues all the Time
Keep Cool Ask Questions to Draw Out Foolish Statements From This Person Point Out the Time Factor

Handling Difficult Situations

Loss of Direction
Indicate Tactfully that the Meeting has Gone off Track. Restate the Task;

Summarize the Main Ideas so far.

Ask for Feelings and Opinion

Ask Questions to help People Express their Ideas, Draw People Out.
What is Your Reaction to?
How Do You Feel About?

What Brings You to Conclude that.?

What Promoted Your Decision to.?

Help People Reach Mutual Understanding; Clarification
Are You Asking Me.? Let Me See if I Understand Your Position. Are You Saying That.? Before You Go On, Do You Mean That?

Encourage Participation
Encourage Drawn Back People to Participate
Suraj, How Would You Answer Anitas Question?

We Have Heard From Everyone but Kiran,

What is Your Feeling on This, Kiran?

Test for Consensus

It Seems That We Have Come to
Agreement on This Issue. Does

Everyone Accept the ..?

Senthil, is that Your Feeling Too.?

Explore an Idea in More Detail

What Are Some Other Ways to Approach This Problem? Are There Other Things We Should Consider?

Are These the Most Important Goals?

Check Targets or Goals

Are We in the Right Direction?

Is This Relevant to Our Discussion?

Confront Differences
Eswari, You Seem to be Holding Back on This. Is There Something You Would Like to Make Suggestions or Comments?

We Have Considered Every Possibility, We Must Choose From These Three Alternatives.
We Have Discussed Both Sides

Carefully. Its Time We Made A Choice.

Watch out!
Use of Words

Body Language
Eye Contact Voice-Tone / Pitch

Introduces New Ideas

The DOs During Group Discussion

Expresses Ideas Clearly and Convincingly Encourages Others to Give Opinions Listens Before Contributing Steps in and Redirect the Conversation When Necessary Be Sensitive to the Feelings of Others Be Natural

Dominate the Discussion Most of the Time

Stray From the Subject

The DONTs During Group Discussion



Interrupt Other Contributors

Keep Silent
Be Wishy-Washy


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