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Irma Rachmatiani (0661 12 057)

Syarah Diyah Ayu Budiyono (0661 12 068) Maya Sri Budianti (0661 12 058) Vinny Oktaviany (0661 12 060) Ghinty Fitaloka (0661 12 079) Arnold Amba (0661 12 063)

The heart Look at the diagram and complete the descriptions with the words below. Pump Leaves Valve Enters Artery Flows Atrium Fills Aorta Opens Closing Beat

The heart is a muscle as big as your fist in the centre of your chest. It is an
efficient PUMP 1 that can get blood to the furthest cell in your body within sixty seconds. On its circular journey around the body, BLOOD FLOWS 2 the heart twice-once with oxygen and once without oxygen. Blood without oxygen comes into the right side of the heart. It FILLS 3 the right atrium. Then the tricuspid valve OPENS 4 and the blood goes into the right ventricle. Then the pulmonary VALVE 5 opens and the blood LEAVES 6 through the pulmonary ARTERY 7. Blood carrying oxygen comes into the left ATRIUM

fills, the

mitral valve opens and the blood ENTERS 9 into the left ventricle. The aortic valve opens and the blood leaves through the AORTA 10. When you listen to a heart BEAT

you hearlub dub lub dub. This is the sound of the valves


1. Do you know of any murders where blood analysis has helped the police to

catch the killer? Tell the class. Answer : I know that blood has an
important role. one of which is in the process of searching for identity in a murder. police used a fast way to determine the blood of someone

who will be matched with the blood of the victim's family. why police
use blood? in addition to giving blood or blood droplets form. Blood is also a combination of fluid, cells and cell-like particles that flow in the arteries, capillaries and veins. which deliver oxygen and nutrients to internal and carry carbon dioxide and other waste results.

1. Blood from a cut artery drips out TRUE. 2. Blood pattern analysis looks at the shape of drops of blood TRUE. 3. Luminol tell you the blood type TRUE. 4. Male blood is different from female blood TRUE. 5. Graham backhouses neighbour shot himself TRUE.


1. (Used about a thick liquid) to move slowly OOZED.
2. A Knife, gun or other thing used to hurt people WEAPON. 3. Saliva, semen, and other liquids in the body BLOOD DROP. 4. People who the police believe commited a crime SUSPECT. 5. Hurt by a weapon WOUND.

6. Responsible for a crime GUILTY.



Cause and effect (also written as cause-effect or cause/effect or cause and

consequence) refers to the philosophical concept of causality, in which an action or event will produce a certain response to the action in the form of another event.

1. Read this : (note : the information is from the previous unit )

causes produces results in leads to

Example :
Lack of vitamin C causes defective collagen fibre formation. Respiratory blockage results in alveolar oxygen deficiency. Match these : a) An excessive intake of vit A produces SYMPTOMS OF TOXICITY b) Folic acid deficiency causes MALFORMATION OF ERYTHROCYTES c) Thiamin deficiency results in DISORDERS OF CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM d) Shortage of niacin produces SCURVY e) Prolonged vit C deficiency leads to INFLAMMATION OF THE SKIN f) Vitamin A deficiency can lead to BLINDNESS

is caused by is produced by results from

occurs as a result of
Example : Defective collagen fibre formation is caused by vit. C deficiency.

Lack of alveolar oxygen may result from respiratory blockage.

Match these :

g) Histotoxic anoxia results from THE DESTRUCTION OF THE OXYGEN

METABOLISING ENZYMES IN THE CELLS. h) Respiratory stimulation in asphyxia occurs as a result of A DEFICIENCY OF


i) Lack of oxygen in the blood when the haemoglobin level is normal is produced by CARBON DIOXIDE ACCUMULATION. j) A lack of oxygen in the lungs may result from A LACK OF HAEMOGLOBIN IN THE BLOOD.

k) Anaemic anoxia can be caused by INSUFFICIENT PARTIAL PRESSURE OF

OXYGEN IN THE AIR INHALED. l) Anaemic anoxia may be produced by CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING.

2. Read this : when there is more than one possible cause, we use may or can . Example : Anoxia may be caused by a deficiency in the oxygen supply. Anoxia can occurs as a result of lack of available haemoglobin. Anoxia may be produced by other factors.

If, however, the cause is certain, the present simple is usually used. Example : Histotoxic anoxia is caused by the destruction of the cell enzyme system.

Now complete these sentences : a) Pellagra IS CAUSED BY niacin deprivation. b) Stagnant anoxia IS CAUSED BY slow blood circulation. c) Slow blood circulation MAY BE CAUSED BY a localised obstruction of the arteries. d) Changes in the epithelial tissue of the skin IS CAUSED BY Vit.a deficiency.

OEDEMA can be caused by increased production of tissue fluid.

OEDEMA may be due to decreased reabsorption of tissue fluid.

OEDEMA may occur because of water retention in the tissue fluid.

Now complete these : a) Increased tissue fluid production may be due to there is excessive intake obtained thus exceeding the minimum limit will extra cellular fluid and intra cell exceeds that could cause a problem. b) Less tissue fluid may be reabsorbed because of result in the loss of water c) Water retention in the tissue fluid increases in both intra and extra, potassium, sodium on the rise or other types of liquids.

Now say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
i) j) k) Capillary permeability to proteins is due to a decrease in osmotic pressure (TRUE) A decrease in osmotic pressure results in a deficiency of plasma proteins. (TRUE) An increase in capillary blood pressure may be due to the obstruction of a vein. (TRUE) l) Venous obstruction may also occur because of an increase in cappilary blood pressure. (TRUE) m) A rise in arteriolar blood pressure produces a rise in capillray blood pressure which results in excess tissue fluid being produced. (TRUE) n) If plasma proteins leak into the tissue fluid through a damagec capillary wall.

Oedema will occur because of the reduction in cappiulary blood pressure. (TRUE)


Read this A B B causes is caused by is due to B A A A is the CAUSE B is the EFFECT

Answer these questions : a) What is one cause of oedema ? Edema caused by heart failure, salt and water

retention by kidney and plasma potein reduction.

b) What is an effect of haemoglobin deficiency ? Effect of hemoglobin deficiency dizziness, eye shine dizzy, fainting, rapid breathing, heart palpitations and Pale. c) What is cause of pellagra ? cause of pellagra is caused by a deficiency of niacin (vitamin B3) in the diet and chronic, decreased intake of niacin or tryptophan, possibly due to excessive intake of leucine, protein metabolic abnormalities, such as carcinoid syndrome, lack of amino acid lysine.

d) What is one effect of venous obstruction ? Effects venous obstruction may be superior vena cava syndrome and varicose veins e) What is the cause of beri-beri ? The cause of beri-beri is due to deficiency of vitamin B and can also be caused due to lack of exposure to sunlight, rarely

exercise or move, and excessive sleep is also a causative factor berries berries,
this should be immediately treated in an appropriate manner so as not develop into a more serious illness. f) What is a result of an inadequate intake of vitamin A ? Vitamin A deficiency can lead to abnormalities in the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes of the eyes, a layer of cells that covers the lung mucus, making it easily accessible micro-organisms, bacteria, and viruses that can cause infections.

Complete these : g) The wounds of a vitamin C deficient will heal slowly because of when we consume fruits h) Oedema occurs in cases of capillary damage due to increasing the volume of fluid

outside the cells (extracellular) and outside blood vessels (extravascular)

accompanied by accumulation of serous network. i) Asphyxia is less dangerous than anoxia due to anoxia is an obstacle (stagnant anoxia). There was not smooth due to lack of O2 with increased levels of CO2.

Write two full sentences about each of the following, using it once as a cause and once as an effect : j) A reduction in osmotic pressure = Decreased osmotic effect to the blood vessels and can cause for not hemostatis body.

m) An increase in capillary blood pressure = hypertension due to that damage blood vessel walls or capillary cause, there is usually a primary and secondary factors. n) Lack of oxygen in the lungs = Lung function as a center for the distribution of oxygen throughout the body, where the lack of oxygen diparu lungs causing

fatigue and drowsiness, but also inhibits several vital functions of the body.
o) Inability of cell enzymes to metabolise oxygen = cause of the inability of cells to oxygen metabolism enzymes are organ failure and the effect the loss of balance 5. Look at this : Capillary walls allow water molecules to pass through. let water molecules pass through. Capillary walls prevent protein molecules (from) passing through. the passage of protein molecules. High venous b.p prevent water being draw back into the blood.

Complete these sentences: a) Damaged capillaries allow blood flow is not normally resulting in inhibition of blood in the body. b) Insulin allows our cells to take in glucose. c) Valves in veonus blood vessels let so that the blood circulation flowing throughout the body tissues. d) Valves prevent infection, a person with a damaged valve or an artificial valve

should take antibiotics.

e) Lack of insulin prevent occur in a vacuum chamber vial f) The presence of cyanide in the tissue prevents occurrence of shortness of breath

g) A semipremeable membrane allows parts water, but not ions but prevents a
selectively permeable membrane from the more dilute to the more concentrated.

Bagian bunda Match sentences a) to d) with A to D below : a) The adrenal normone, cortisol, has an effect opposite to that of insulin (which promotes the metabolism of glucose). Therefore an axcess of cortisol causes causes an increase in the formation and storage of glucose (gluconeogenesis) b) Proteins have to be broken down to amino acids to from this glucose. Consequently there is loss muscle, leading to weakness and tiredness. c) Another feature of this syndrome is increased lipid formation and storage. Hence we see the characteristic buffalo hump (accumulation of fat at then lower part of the bottom of the neck). d) In addition, excess cortisol cause retention of sodium and therefore water. As a result patients often have the moon face produced by oedema.

Now match e) to paragraph.

i) with E to I. then rearrange the combined sentences to from a

e) This excess of cortisol will have the effect of increasing the formation and storage of carbohydrate and reducing its metabolism in the cells The blood cortisol level will

f) If the level exceed 180 mg glucose per 100 ml blood Consequently the blood glucose level rises.

g) If the secretion of cortisol from the adrenal gland increases Glucose will appear in
the urine, thereby indicating diabetes mellitus h) This from of diabetes, however, cannot be treated with insulin because it is due to an excess of cortisol and is therefore insulin-resistant. i) This alteration in carbohydrate metabolism means that glucose is being added to the blood but not being used up. Since cortisol inhibits the action of insulin.

8. Look at these different ways of expressing cause and effect : Since Because As

carbohydrate is not metabolised, the blood glucose level rises.

Carbohydrate is not metabolised.

Therefore Consequentiy Hence As a a result

the blood glucose level rises

Carbohydrate is not metabolised

with the result that blood glucose rises Thereby raising the blood glucose level Thus

if the secretion of cortisol increase, the blood cortisol level will rise. the secretion of cortisol my increase, in which case the blood cortisol level will rise.

Now change the sentences you have formed in exercise 7 to alternative forms using the
conneting words given :

Example : a) as

As cortisol has an effect oppsite to thet of insulin, an excess of

cortisol causes an increase in the formation and storage og glucose. b) Since c) As d) thus e) therefore f) because g) in which case h) consequently

9. Read the passage and choose a suitable title (say why the other are not suitable) Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus The causes of diabetes The effect of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a clinical syndrome involving a variety of metabolic disorders characterised by hyperglycaemia. The hyperglycaemia result from the fact that insulin secreted by thepancreas is either insufficient in amount or ineffective in action and arises from two main sources. Namely a reduced rate of removal of glucose from the liver into circulation.

As result of the hyperglycaemia large amounts of glucose are excreted in the urine. Because of the increase of glucose in the kidney filtrate water reabsorption is prevented. In this way the volume of urine is markedly increased in diabetes; this in trun leads to loss of water and minerals, there by making the diabetic very thristy so that he drinks large amounts of fluid (without however satisfying his thirst).

Answer these : a) What is the cause of diabetes mellitus ? causes of diabetes mellitus because generally caused by the consumption of foods that are not controlled or as a side effect of the use of certain medications. b) what is the primary clinical sign of diabetes mellitu? The main clinical signs of diabetes mellitus is hyperglycemia.

c) d)

Sampai sini bunda What is hyperglycaemia due to? Hyperglycaemi is a condition in which an excessive amount of glucose circulates in the blood plasma.


Why does glycosuria occur? Because of the increase of glucose in the kidney filtrate water reabsorption is prevented


What are the effect of glycosuria? effects of the disease are diabetes glycosuria or diabetes is characterized by increased levels of glucose in the blood due to insulin deficiency. Nephrons can not reabsorb the excess glucose, so that the excess glucose discharged with urine.

10. Read this : In other patients, however, further features develop if treatment is not begun quickly enough. The tissues, although receiving liberal supplies of glucose from the blood, are unable to utilies it effectively in the absence if insulin and so the diabetic feels

weak and tired. This causes two main compensatory mechanisms to operate, both of
which lead to loss of body tissue. Protein is broken down to provide energy and fat replaces carbohydrate as a fuel. Since the fat must be transferred from the body stores to the liver to be broken down, the fat content of both the blood and the liver is increased thus a plasma sample from an untreated diabetic is often fatty. In severe cases of diabetes the disproportionate metabolism of fat results in the overproduction of ketone bodies * (acetone, acetoacetic acid, and -hydroxybutyric acid)

leading to ketonaemia and ketonuria. Furthermore, as acetoacetic and -hydroxybutyric

acids are produced faster than they can be metabolised, the patient devoleps acidaemia, one of the effects of which is to stimulate breathing so that clinically air hunger is observed.

*ketone bodies are intermediate products in the breakdown on fast to CO2 and H2O : a process only completed if carbohydrates are being metabolised. Look at this : fatigue

Peripheral underutilisation of glucose

Protein catabolism






Explain each of the terms in the diagram (with reference to the passage). Answer these : a. What are the further features referred to line 1 ? further features develop if treatment is not begun quickly enough. The tissues, although receiving liberal supplies of glucose from the blood, are unable to utilies it effectively in the absence if insulin and so the diabetic feels weak and tired. This causes two main compensatory mechanisms to operate, both of which lead to loss of body tissue. b. Why can the muscles of a diabetic not provide enough energy ? Therefore, protein is broken down to provide energy and fat replace carbohydrates as fuel. Because fat must be removed from the body shop to the liver to be broken down, the fat content of the blood and liver increased so that the plasma samples from untreated diabettic often fat.

c. What is the causes of loss of body tissue in a diabetic ? Pamkreas not able
to make the hormone insulin that is needed to convert glucose into blood sugar. d. Why does the increase in lipolysis affect the blood ? leads to ketonaemia and ketonuria. e. What does disproportionate metabolism of fat refer to ? cases of diabetes the disproportionate metabolism of fat results in the overproduction of ketone bodies * (acetone, acetoacetic acid, and hydroxybutyric acid) leading to ketonaemia and ketonuria.

g. Why does an excess of ketone bodies produce excess acid in the blood ?
because acetoacetic and hydroxybutyric acids are produced faster than they can be metabolised, the patient devoleps acidaemia, one of the effects of which is to stimulate breathing so that clinically air hunger is observed. h. Why is hyperventilation sometimes observed in a diabetic ? I think is no relation between hyperventilation with diabetes melitus as diabetes melitus and insulin associated with blood-related hyperventilation breath while one of them is asthma.

i. How does an increase in lipolysis lead to ketosis ? due, the

balance of insulin and glucagon increases lipolysis in the body. Is a form of lipolysis in fat breakdown. Secretion that result in increased

levels of fatty acids in the blood. If liposis effect is accompanied by

severe insulin deficiency can lead to ketosis. Ketosis is the result of incomplete metabolism of the fatty acids. The body shape fragments fatty acids into substances called ketones. Ketones are toxic to your system and remove the body through urine. This can be harmful to the kidneys because it can cause kidney failure.

i. Why is there an increase in protein catabolism ? diabetes mellitus was a malfunction of the pancreas itself should glucose is needed for energy sources but pancreas problems. so plus insulin which will transform

glucose into energy source that is associated with proteins. possible

protein could produce energy and become a key ingredient for our body for energy. abnormalities may be likened to the metabolism of protein to

replace our body's energy

j. What will the effect of this be on wound healing if that process requires proteins ? When plasma insulin levels are low (such as fasting) GH

increases fatty acid oxidation into CoA. This effect together with the
increasing number of glycerol reaching the liver as a result of an increase in lipolysis that acts as a substrate for gluconeogenesis.


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