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Elements & Principles of Art

Introduction to Art

Color Theory
The blending and visual impact of colors. Studied by artists and scientists since at early as the 1400s.

Color Theory
Colors are linked to different emotions. Many artists use colors as symbols to represent ideas or feelings that cant be shown as an actual image.

Black usually represents death, evil, or power.

White represents purity or cleanliness. In some cultures, white represents death.

Red can represent anger, love, passion. However, pink is more calming and soft.

Red cars are stolen and in more accidents than any other color car.

Blue is peaceful and calming. However, some shades of blue can be depressing and lonely.

Green symbolizes nature and life. Some shades of green can be calming. Green also represents wealth.

Yellow is happy and optimistic. Yellow can also represent sickness and anxiety.

Violet is the color of royalty. It is also the color of romance. Violet is rare in nature.

Orange is energizing. Its supposed to make you more productive and work harder. Orange stimulates your appetite. Thats why so many food labels use orange.

Color Fun Facts

Natural blue foods are rare. People lose their appetite with blue foods. Painting a kitchen red will make you eat more. Yellow helps with concentration. Blue helps weightlifters do more reps.

Primary Colors

Cannot be made Make all other colors

Secondary Colors

Made by mixing two primary colors

Primary Colors

Tertiary Colors







Tertiary colors are made by mixing one primary and one secondary color.







The primary color name must ALWAYS come first.

Another name for color

Tint is a color + white. This lightens a color.

Shade is a color + black. This darkens a color.

Tone is a color + grey. This greys a color.

Monochromatic is using one color with its tints, tones, and shades.

Analogous Colors
Analogous colors are two or more colors next to each other on the color wheel in the same family

Complementary Colors
Complementary colors are colors that are opposite on the color wheel.

Complementary Pairs
Three pairs that should be memorized are: Red and Green Yellow and Violet Blue and Orange

Intensity is how bright or dull a color is.

High intensity is created when complementary colors of the same value are put against each other.

Low intensity is created when complementary colors are mixed together.

Cool colors
Cool colors are colors that have blue in their mixture.

Think of water, a shady forest, etc. Cool colors are peaceful and calm. They can be lonely and cold too.

Warm Colors
Warm colors are colors that have red in their mixture.

Think of fire, the sun, etc. Warm colors are energetic and tense. They can be happy too.

Project: Mandala
Use the template to create a radially balanced design. You must have at least four partitions or shapes in your design and it must repeat for each pie shape. We will be using colored pencils to complete the design.

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