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The scope of Nursing is wider and cover a larger area: They are


care Nursing homes MCH and family planning services School health nursing


Care Rehabilitative centers Mental health nursing services Geriatric nursing care Family planning centre Industrial nursing services



Many patient can be cared at home according to their need. But this type of services should be as an extension of certain hospital services. Some communities have nurse practitioners or home visiting nurse. These nurse are taking much more responsibility than other on giving care to the clients at home.

In each district , there are health post: through health post certain care can be given to client by the help of health worker or Auxiliary nurse midwife or other health worker . For example Village health worker , MCH provider and TBA etc.


Nursing homes are established by private groups . They charge fee according to facilities they provide to their client. Nurses plays a vital role in providing care to the patient in the nursing home.


There are MCH clinic as well as family planning clinics in Nepal. These clinics provide health care to the children's and mothers. The services provided are antenatal care , natal and post natal care. In this field , nurses are doing the main role of motivating the couples for family planning .

In clinics nurses are distributing temporary measures to the client as well as providing health education , if needed and assist the doctors in doing permanent methods of family planning. For child health care ,under 5 age group clinics are conducted where nurse provide immunization , maintain growth chart , detect minor disease and provide treatment to the children



School health nursing is the new concept in Nepal. It is not well developed yet . Mostly private school are providing formal health care clinic for minor treatment . A school health nurse render services in order to prevent disease , and promote health of the children.

The main activities of school health nurse are to detect disease , health teaching , immunization , dental health , ENT care, school sanitation , Nutrition , first aid , personal hygiene, referral services , follow up , counseling and guidance and maintenance of records . An effective way of reaching children is by teaching school children through School health programme.



When antenatal , delivery and post natal services are given to the mother by nurses or TBA or any health personnel at home situation then it is called as Domiciliary care. The two main area where domiciliary care is practiced are - Maternity services: e.g. Antenatal , delivery and post natal care.

- Health supervision and disease prevention among newborn , older children's as well as services for illness and accidents.



Rehabilitation implies restoration of all treated cases to the highest level of functioning ability: physically , mentally and socially , so that the person can go back to his/her own place to lead a normal life as before. The medical component of rehabilitation include diagnosis , surgical treatment and prosthetic and orthopedic appliances and physical and mental therapy.

Nursing is important component in the rehabilitation of the disease. Nurses are working in Rehabilitation and providing care to the disable. Community health nurse need to assist the parents to care their children.



Mental health nursing is also one of the important component of health services. This is new concept in health in Nepal. This concept need to developed more in the future. Services are being provided at clinics, health post , hospital etc . Tribhuvan University of Medicine is providing training in Mental Heath Nursing.

So far , more than 130 nurse have been trained from different institutions by conducting Mental Health workshops. These services comprises of early detection , treatment , group or individual psychotherapy and mental health education.



The art and science which is applied in meeting the health needs and problems of the elderly people is called geriatric Nursing .The old people have their own health problem. They need more health care than young people. Old people need more attention and tender love and care. They should not be neglected by health care system.

Geriatric nursing is another vital field of nursing services. Health care services for the old are being provided in many countries through home visiting or through specialized geriatric nursing home.



Family planning is not just only birth control. It include many more family welfare planning. Nurses have many role /activities as well as responsibilities in the family planning centre which are as follows: Spacing of pregnancy Advice and counseling of sterility and infertility. Education for planned parenthood

Sex education Screening of cancer of cervix and breast Preparation for pregnancy and delivery Marriage counseling Referral Recording and reporting Follow up.



Nurses are employed in industry. There is a provision of appointment of medical and nursing staff in factories where 500 or more workers are employed. The broad areas of nursing in industrial settings are: Care of sick and injured Pre placement and periodic examination Industrial sanitation First aid


safety e.g. use of helmets , use of gloves when contact with chemicals, safety belts etc Rehabilitative etc

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