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The structure and organization of eukaryotic cell

By: dr.Sutrisno Darmosumarto, Sp.A Histology & Cell Biology Department Gadjah Mada University

The cell is composed of 2 basic parts: cytoplasm and nucleus Individual cytoplasmic components not clearly visible in HE-stained preparations the nucleus intensely stained dark blue or black

The basic structure of cell

Cellular membrane ,covers Cytoplasm ,contains nucleus, organelles and inclusions

Permanent Performing cell activities E.g. : mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosome, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum etc.

Temporary Metabolic products E.g.: glycogen granules, mucinogen globule, zymogen granule, melanin granule etc

Basic activities of cell Metabolism, divided into: anabolism and katabolism Conserning irritability Reproduction

The cell is composed of 2 basic parts: cytoplasm and nucleus Individual cytoplasmic components not clearly visible in HE-stained preparations the nucleus intensely stained dark blue or black

Cell Membrane
composed of phospholipids, protein, and, to a lesser extent, polysaccharides. The functions: selective barrier regulates the passage of certain materials into and out of the cell. facilitate the transport of specific materials through this limiting barrier carry out a number of specific recognition and regulatory functions 7.5 to 10 nm in thickness visible only in the EM.

composed of a matrix embedded several structures classified into 3 groups: organelles inclusions other components

The characteristics of cytoplasmic components

1. organelles presents in all eukaryotic cells enclosed in a membrane, and contain enzymes that participate in cellular metabolic activity permanent components of the cytoplasm (the endoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondria, the Golgi apparatus, and the lysosome). 2. The inclusions temporary components , accumulations of pigment, lipids, proteins, or carbohydrates 3. The other components the centrioles, microtubules, and microfilaments.

composed of an external membrane and an internal membrane Internal membrane projects folds the crista. These membranes surround a space spaium intermembrane Space between the cristae matrix

transform the chemical energy into available energy stored in ATP release energy required to perform any type of work ( be of osmotic, mechanical, electrical, or chemical nature)

E R & Ribosomes
flattened, rounded, or tubular vesicles anastomose with one another in a network form 2 types of ER granular (rough) and agranular (smooth). The membranes of the ER continuous with the nuclear envelope membrane. usually arranged in the form of flattened cisternae stacked in parallel

small, electron-dense particles, 1520 nm in diameter, attached to the outer surfaces of the membranes composed of RNA and protein the basophilia in the cytoplasm Ribosomes can appear as isolated granules free in the cytoplasm, or linked in groups called polysomes.

Smooth ER
no ribosomes very abundant in the liver cell composed entirely of membranes that generally appear as profusely anastomosing tubules or flat cisternae participates in the contraction of muscle cells also involved in the synthesis of the glycogen in liver cells glucose-6-phosphatase is found within its membranes

Golgi Apparatus

group of piled-up flat vesicles with peripheral dilatations occupies a finite and fixed area in the cytoplasm of most cells (supranuclear)

Golgi app.
plays a role in the process of synthesis, concentration, and storage of secretoryproducts of most glandular cells. The proteins synthesized enclosed by a membrane to form secretory granules.

membrane-bound vesicles contain lytic enzymes intracytoplasmic digestion. particularly abundant in cells exhibiting phagocytic activity (eg, macrophages, white blood cells). usually spherical, diameter 0.2 to 0.5 /um,. The enveloping single membrane serves to separate the lytic enzymes from the cytoplasm prevents the attacking and digesting cytoplasmic organelles.

Lysosomal enzymes synthesized in RER , transferred to the Golgi apparatus packaged into vesicular lysosomes


In addition to the membrane-bound organelles, the cytoplasmic matrix exhibits a complex network consisting of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments provide for the form and shaping of cells , also important in cytoplasmic and cellular movement.

rod- or pipe-like organelles microtubules. outer diameter of 24 nm consisting of a dense wall 5 nm thick and a less dense (possibly hollow) core 14 nm wide. lengths are variable

Composed of proteinaceous subunits ( tubulin ). Tubulin, a heterodimer, is a molecule consisting of 2 non-identical monomers ( alfa and beta tubulins). Both tubulins , MW about 60,000 Under appropriate conditions tubulin subunits polymerize into typical microtubules. A total of 13 protofilaments generally comprise the wall of a microtubule .

Cilia and flagella

motile processes highly organized microtubule core extend from the surface of many different cell types. Ciliated cells possess a large number of cilia ( 2 to 10 /um in length). Flagellated cells have only one or 2 flagella, range in length from 100 to 200 /um. Cilia and flagella both have a diameter of 0.3 0.5 /um and possess the same complexly organized core of microtubules.

Intermediate Filaments
known as tonofilaments diameter of 8-10 nm. be involved with the "slow" component of axoplasmic transport, as a smooth muscle cytoskeletal component, in pigment granule movement, as a junctional complex structural element, and with cell spreading. possess an actin core following brief trypsinization the filaments bind heavy meromyosin ( a functional assay normally used to identify actin)

Cytoplasmic Inclusions
transitory components of the cytoplasm lipid droplets, carbohydrate accumulations (glycogen), secretory granules, colored substances (melanin pigment and lipofuscin)

a rounded or elongated structure in the center of the cell. its diameter varies 5 to 10 /um. is composed of the nuclear envelope, chromatin, the nucleolus, and nucleoplasm .

The plasma membrane

Is about 8 nm thick Surrounds the cell and controls chemical traffic into and out of the cell is selectively permeable; it allows some substances to cross more easily than others Has a unique structure which determines its function and solubility characteristics

Lipid in plasma membrane

The lipids in the plasma membrane are chiefly phospholipids like phosphatidyl ethanolamine and cholesterol. Phospholipids are amphiphilic with the hydrocarbon tail of the molecule being hydrophobic; its polar head hydrophilic.

Lipid bilayer
Cell membrane is made of a phospholipid bilayer sandwiched between two layers of globular protein.
The polar (hydrophilic) heads of phospholipids are oriented towards the protein layers forming a hydrophilic zone. The nonpolar (hydrophobic) tails of phospholipids are oriented in between polar heads forming a hydrophobic zone.

Role of membrane protein

transport of molecules/ions into or out of cells. Three methods of doing this are through active, facilitated or passive transport. cell recognition, enzymatic activity receptors, cell to cell communication, attachment to the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix

Role of membrane protein

transport of molecules/ions into or out of cells. Three methods of doing this are through active, facilitated or passive transport. cell recognition, enzymatic activity receptors, cell to cell communication, attachment to the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix

Transport protein
Two ways that molecules pass through transmembrane proteins:
uniport - which is where one molecule is transported, cotransport - where 2 molecules are transferred. two basic types of cotransport:
symport, which is where two molecules are transported in the same direction and antiport, where the molecules are transported opposite directions through the membrane (which will be shown by the Na - K ATPase pump).

Types of transport
Passive Transport:
uncharged small molecules can move directly through the membrane in the direction of high concentration to low concentration. charge molecule (positive or negative) tend to move to the side of the membrane that have the opposite electrical potential.

Types of transport
Facilitated Transport (these can be either uniport or cotransport):
Using special channel protein to facilitate the transport moves with the electro-chemical gradient.

Types of transport
Active Transport (these can be either uniport or cotransport):
require energy, is going against the electro-chemical gradient. An example of this can be found in the Na - K ATPase (The Sodium-Potassium ATPase pump), this is important especially in the nerves of all animals. This is commonly used to generate a membrane potential

Transport of large molecules

Endocytosis Exocytosis

Cell division
Mitotic division Meiotic division

Mitotic division
During mitosis the mother cell divides and each of the daughter cells receives a chromosomal karyotype identical to that of the mother cell

characterized by the gradual coiling up of chromatin of the nucleus giving rise to several individualized rod-shaped or hairpin-shaped bodies that stain intensely (the chromosomes) The nuclear envelope remains unaltered, and the chromosomes appear coiled in the nucleus. The centrioles duplicate and separate, and a pair migrates to each pole of the cell. Simultaneously, the microtubules of the mitotic spindle appear between the 2 pairs of centrioles .

the nuclear envelope and the nucleolus disappear. The chromosomes migrate to the equatorial plane of the cell, where each di vides longitudinally to form 2 chromatids. These attach to the microtubules of the mitotic spindle at a special plaquelike, electron-dense region, the centromere (kinetochore) .

the sister chromatids separate from each other and migrate toward the opposite poles of the cell, following the direction of the spindle microtubules. Throughout this process, the centromeres move from the center, pulling along the remainder of the chromosome .

characterized by the reappearance of nuclei in the daughter cells. The chromosomes revert to their semidispersed state and the nucleoli, chromatin, and nuclear envelope reappear. a constriction develops at the level of the equatorial plane of the mother cell and progresses until it divides the cytoplasm and its organelles in half . An accumulation of microfilaments occurs beneath the cell membrane in the region of mitotic constriction.

Meiotic division
Germinal cells (spermatogonium or oogonium) Goes through 2 successive divisions Reduction by half of the number of chromosomes and amount of DNA per cell producing spermatid Through an elaborate process of cytodifferentiation spermatozoon

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