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Tidal Energy: Worldwide distribution Efficient technology Multiple benefits

The Current Situation

Tidal Energy is sustainable, clean, reliable, widely distributed, and can offer significant benefits to many marine nations. Tidal Energy can be captured in an efficient and cost effective way. Tidal Energy is not yet recognized by the United Nations as an energy resource that should receive support and funding for its development.

Tidal Energy is a clean, renewable source of energy--such as solar, wind, biofuels, and lowhead hydro-- and deserves official international support and funding for its development.

The !orldwide "istribution of Tidal Energy

!orld #ap of the "istribution of Tidal Energy

Red areas show most intense tidal energy

"eveloping Nations that could receive significant benefits from Tidal Energy

Indian Ocean: Comoros, Madagascar, Maldives, Seychelles. Asia: China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, ietnam. Paci!ic Ocean: "i#i, Kiri$ati, Micronesia, Pala%, Pap%a &ew

'%inea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, (imor, (%val%, an%at%. Central and So%th America: Argentina, )ra*il, +c%ador, '%yana, Panama, S%rinam. Atlantic Ocean: Cape erde. All coastal nations with tidal passes $etween coral ree!s

Signi!icant $ene!its !rom %sing (idal +nergy incl%de: incl%de

, +lectri!ication o! isolated comm%nities , 'eneration !or the grid ,Regrowth o! coral ree!s %sing mineral accretion technology , S%$stit%tion o! imported petrole%m %sed to generate electricity

Efficient technology to capture Tidal Energy is already cost effective

Tidal Energy can be captured , efficiently and , ine%pensively using the helical turbine
Pro!. Ale-ander 'orlov o! &ortheastern .niversity with the helical t%r$ine he invented and per!ected

Schematic view of the helical turbine mounted in a frame.

&eatures of the 'elical Turbine(

Basic Concept designed !or hydroelectric applications in !ree/!lowing water , operates in ocean, tidal, and river c%rrents does not re0%ire e-pensive dams that can harm the environment

&eatures of the 'elical Turbine


, sel!/starting with !low as low as 1.2 m3s , smooth/r%nning , rotates in same direction regardless
o! the direction o! !low, ma4ing it ideal !or tidal applications

&eatures of the 'elical Turbine

35% Efficiency

&eatures of the 'elical Turbine

Power increases 8 times when velocity doubles
7511 7111 6511 6111 511 1 1 6 7 8 9 5 2 : ; < 61 &ree &low )&t*sec+ ,ower )watts+

- .not / 0.12 ft*sec - #*sec / 3.45 ft*sec

So%rce: 'CK (echnology

&eatures of the 'elical Turbine Installation Cost: dollars/kw 14000

13000 12000 11000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

6ed( high estimate 7lue( low estimate







So%rce: 'CK (echnology, Inc.





#ultiple 7enefits from Tidal Energy

#ultiple 7enefits from Tidal Energy.


,ractical E%amples( E%amples

6= +lectri!ication o! isolated comm%nities 7= Power !or the grid 8= Regrowth o! coral ree!s %sing mineral accretion technology

0+ Electrification of -solated Communities( The Tide Energy pro8ect near the mouth of the 9mazon

R%ral residents with a 2/$lade helical t%r$ine

The Tide Energy pro8ect near the mouth of the 9mazon( a simple generating pac:age

>$= P%lley and $elt

>c= A%tomotive alternator

>a= 2/$lade helical t%r$ine

(he (ide/+nergy pro#ect near the mo%th o! the Ama*on: simple, accessi$le, a!!orda$le technology Simple:
, (he helical t%r$ine rotates on a sha!t with a p%lley that r%ns an alternator $y means o! a $elt. , (he alternator charges $atteries !or ho%sehold %se, as is %s%al with other intermittent so%rces@ solar and wind@when %sed o!! the grid.


A$o%t <1? o! a tide/powered station can $e $%ilt %sing locally/availa$le la$or, materials, and e0%ipment. Only the technically/re!ined helical t%r$ine $lades are o%tside components.

(he (ide/+nergy pro#ect near the mo%th o! the Ama*on: simple, accessi$le, a!!orda$le technology Affordable.
.nder local nat%ral and economic conditions: , (he investment in installation and e0%ipment o! a tide/energy station is only 51? o! the compara$le solar option. (hat investment is similar to the cost o! a small, diesel/powered $oat, which tho%sands o! people in the region already own. , (he operating costs o! a tide/energy station are less than 21? o! those o! the compara$le diesel option.

4+ ,ower for the ;rid

The Uldolmo: Strait ,ilot ,ro8ect in .orea

6m - 7.5m 'A( !rom 'CK (echnology, Inc.

The Uldolmo: Channel ,ilot ,ro8ect in .orea 6esults and perspectives(

(esting o! the 'orlov Aelical (%r$ine man%!act%red $y 'CK (echnology, Inc. was per!ormed $y the Korea Ocean Research B Cevelopment Instit%te >KORCI=. S%ccess!%l tests were carried o%t In 7117 %sing a 6m diameter 'orlov Aelical (%r$ine which prod%ced a$o%t 614D in a 9 4not !low. As a res%lt o! these trials, a larger 'A( >7.7m diameter, 7.5m length= was designed and man%!act%red $y 'CK and s%ccess!%lly tested $y KORCI in 7119 (he 'A( has also $een s%ccess!%lly tested on !loating plat!orms o!! o! Eong Island, &F and in the Merrimac4 River in Massach%setts.

3+ ;eneration of hydrogen for fuel cells from the electrolysis of water from tidal currents that do not need to be in close pro%imity to end users.
Cetail o! the "arm

8 6 7

Pro#ected Power "arm

(he 'orlov Aelical (%r$ine mod%les can $e assem$led in large/ scale power !arms, as depicted in the artistGs conception a$ove.

<+ 6egrowth of Coral 6eefs Using 7ioroc: Technology( .arang =estari coral reef and fisheries restoration pro8ect, -ndonesia

7ioroc: shore protection pro8ect at -huru -sland, #aldives, turned a severely eroding beach into 0> meters )>? feet+ growth in a few years

)e!ore: Severe erosion

7ioroc: reef in front of the beach uses electricity to grow solid limestone roc: on a steel frame and to grow corals. This slows down waves, causes sand to settle, and attracts fish.

A !ew years later: $each has grown 65 meters >51 !t.=.

(idal energy can grow )ioroc4 ree!s to protect whole islands !rom sea level rise, while restoring their coral ree!s and !isheries

)ioroc4Gs technology speeds the growth o! coral ree!s 8/5 times and increases s%rvival !rom severe high temperat%re 62/51 times. (his rapidly increases !ish pop%lations and creates ecoto%rism attractions. )ioroc4Gs technology can $e %sed to regrow dying coral ree!s thro%gho%t the world, $%ild coastal protection, restore !isheries, and create maric%lt%re reso%rces. )ioroc4Gs technology has $een proven in !ield tests in more than 71 Cari$$ean, Paci!ic, Indian Ocean, and So%theast Asian co%ntries. (idal +nergy o!ten !o%nd aro%nd coral ree!s and atolls can $e %sed with )ioroc4Gs technology to regrow ree!s in an ine-pensive, low/maintenance way %sing the helical t%r$ine.

, Tidal Energy is sustainable, clean, and reliable. , Tidal Energy is widely distributed and can offer significant benefits to many coastal nations. , Tide Energy can be captured in a practical, efficient, cost effective way. Tidal Energy deserves to be included on the list of sources of sustainable energy supported and funded by CS", ;E&, UN",, -E9, UN-"@, C"#, etc.

Contact -nformation
Thomas A. ;oreau, Ph.C. President 'lo$al Coral Ree! Alliance 8: Pleasant Street Cam$ridge MA 1768< .SA H6 >26:= ;29/9772 goreauBbestweb.net http:33www.glo$alcoral.org #r. Edward =. .urth President and 'eneral Co%nsel 'CK (echnology, Inc. 21: )l%!! Cli!! Crive San Antonio, (I :;762 H6 >761= 9<2/5<17 :urthBgc:technology.com Scott ". 9nderson, Ph.C. Coordinator (he (ide/+nergy Pro#ect near the Mo%th o! the Ama*on H6 >857= 792/;792 >mo$ile= sdandBbellsouth.net

,rof. 9le%ander #. ;orlov Chie! (echnology O!!icer 'CK (echnology, Inc. 21: )l%!! Cli!! Crive San Antonio, (I :;762 H6 >26:= 7::/1<;2 gorlovBgc:technology.com

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