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Organic, essential nutrients required in the diet in tiny amounts to prevent deficiency diseases and to support optimal health

Essential micronutrients that are involved in the fundamental functions of the body such as growth, maintenanace of health and metabolism

General Characteristics

NOT catabolized as a source of energy NOT used for structural purposes Assist enzymes that release energy from CHO, CHON and fats

General Characteristics

Some vitamins cannot be used in the form in which they are absorbed
Must be changed to active form Undergo transformation before performing their function

Are individual units Measured in micrograms(g) or milligrams (mg)

Water-soluble Vitamins
Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Pyridoxine Vitamin B12 Folate

Fat-soluble Vitamins
Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K

Pantothenic Acid Vitamin C

Fat-soluble Vitamins
Soluble in fat and fat solvents Intake in excess of daily need is stored in the body, trapped in cells associated with fats Less readily excreted; tend to remain in fat storage sites Deficiency symptoms slow to develop

Water-soluble Vitamins
Soluble in water Minimal storage of dietary excesses; Freely circulating in water-filled parts of the body Kidneys detect and remove excess in the urine Deficiency symptoms develop rapidly

Not absolutely needed in the diet everyday Needed in periodic doses Many require protein carriers

Must be supplied in diet everyday; Needed in frequent small doses Travel freely

Fat-soluble Vitamins
NAME FOOD SOURCES Liver, whole milk, butter, cream, dark green leafy vegetables, deep yellow or orange fruit, fortified margarine FUNCTIONS DEFICIENCY/ TOXICITY

Vitamin A (retinol)

Normal vision Deficiency: Healthy Nightblindness epithelium Xerophthalmia Aid to Respiratory reproduction infections and growth Bone growth Healthy ceases immune system Toxicity: Birth Defects Bone pain Anorexia Enlargement of liver

Corneal ulceration

Bitots spot

Conjunctival xerosis

Corneal xerosis


FOOD FUNCTIONS DEFICIENCY/ SOURCES TOXICITY Absorption and Deficiency: Vitamin D Eggs, utilization of Ca Rickets liver, (calciferol) and P Osteomalacia fortified Osteoporosis milk, Bone matrix fortified Poorly developed formation teeth and bones margarine, Muscle spasms fish oil Prevention of tetany Toxicity: Kidney stones Calcification of soft tissues


Soft Tissue Calcification

Soft tissue calcification -refers to the abnormal hardening or thickening of tissue that occurs when calcium crystals accumulate in the wrong places

Muscle spasm

FOOD SOURCES Vitamin E Green leafy (tocopherol) vegetables, margarines, salad dressing, wheat germ, whole grains, vegetable oils and nuts


Antioxidant Considered essential for protection of cell structure especially RBCs

DEFICIENCY/ TOXICITY Erythrocyte hemolysis

FOOD FUNCTIONS DEFICIENCY/ SOURCES TOXICITY Blood clotting Deficiency: Vitamin K Liver Hemorrhage (menadione) Milk Green leafy vegetables Cabbage, broccoli
Toxicity: Hemolytic anemia Interferes with anticlotting medications


Water-soluble Vitamins
FOOD FUNCTIONS DEFICIENCY/ SOURCES TOXICITY Thiamin Lean pork, Metabolism of Beri-beri CHO and beef, liver, (Vitamin B1) eggs, fish, some amino GI tract, nervous acids NAME

whole and system and enriched cardiovascular Maintains grains, normal appetite system problems legumes and functioning
of nervous system


Symptoms of beriberi: Edema or muscle wasting Poor appetite Weight loss Depression Muscular weakness




Riboflavin Liver Kidney (Vit B2)

Heart Milk Cheese Green leafy vegetables Cereals Enriched bread

Metabolism of CHO, CHON and fats

Health of the mouth tissue

Cheilosis Eye sensitivity Dermatitis Glossitis Photophobia

Healthy eyes

FOOD SOURCES Niacin Milk (Vit B3) Eggs Fish Poultry Nuts Enriched bread and cereals


FUNCTIONS CHO, CHON and fat metabolism Healthy skin

DEFICIENCY/ TOXICITY Deficiency: Pellagra dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia and could lead to death

Toxicity: Vasodilation of blood vessels





Pyridoxine Pork Fish (Vit B6)

Poultry Liver Kidney Milk Eggs Whole-grain cereals Legumes

Conversion of tryptophan to niacin

Release of glucose from glycogen

Deficiency: Cheilosis Glossitis Dermatitis Confusion Depression Irritability

CHON metabolism and Toxicity: synthesis of Depression nonessential Nerve Damage amino acids


Vitamin B12

FOOD SOURCES Seafood Poultry Liver Kidney

Muscle meats

Eggs Milk cheese

DEFICIENCY/ TOXICITY Synthesis of red Deficiency: blood cells Degeneration of myelin sheaths Folate Pernicious anemia metabolism Sore mouth and tongue Maintenance of Anorexia myelin sheaths
Neurological disorder


Myelin Sheath

FOOD SOURCES Liver Folate (folic acid) Leafy green vegetables Spinach Legumes Seeds Broccoli Cereal fortified with folate Fruit


FUNCTIONS Synthesis of RBCs Synthesis of DNA

DEFICIENCY/ TOXICITY Deficiency: Anemia Glossitis Neural tube defects Toxicity: Could mask Vit B12 deficiency

Spina bifida


FOOD SOURCES Vitamin C Citrus fruits (ascorbic acid) Broccoli Melons Strawberries Tomatoes Potatoes Cabbage


DEFICIENCY / TOXICITY Collagen formation Deficiency: Wound healing Scurvy Release of stress hormones Toxicity: Absorption of Fe Raised uric Antioxidant acid level Resistance to infection Hemolytic anemia Green peppers Kidney stones



Symptoms: Bleeding gums Easy bruising & red blotches under the skin Delayed wound healing Irritability

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