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Coal Mining Industry

Coal is valued for its energy content, and, since the 1880s, has been widely used to generate electricity. Surface mining and deep underground mining are the two basic methods of mining.

Ethical issues in Coal mining industry:

Environmental Impacts: Eliminates existing vegetation, destroys the genetic soil profile, displaces or destroys wildlife and habitat, degrades air quality. Acid Mine Drainage: High concentrations of metals and acidic conditions have adverse effects on water bodies near by destroying fish, aquatic plant communities and humans. Labor issues: The workers are exploited in this industry. No compensation or monetary safety for workers working in the mining industry. Irresponsible mining: Affects the agricultural lands and residential lands near by due as the companies dont fill up pits with sand and gravel. This is leading to accidents and is a major safety hazard. Safety Equipment: The workers are not provided with protective gears and safety equipment in the mines. Lobbying: Coal mining is concentrated in fewer hands and the coal industry has long been known for an aggressive approach to lobbying, political donations, and greenwashing.

Efforts to Overcome and tackle issues in Coal mining industry

Problems arise either when the law does not set strict enough limits on permitted emissions or where there is no effective enforcement of applicable laws, or both. In such cases companies may undertake voluntary emission reduction programs, often under pressure from civil society organizations. Such initiatives include installation of effective wastewater treatment, alternative waste disposal methods for mine tailings, etc.
New regulatory structures are designed to address the potential impacts of mining activities on the environment and to ensure the local community doesnt become financially liable for the reclamation of abandoned sites with a risk of civil fines, penalties and sanctions being imposed on those companies who fail to satisfy the local civil authorities. Programs such as Land Reclamation performance standards measures the level of pollution caused by the companies. Control Strategies around labor issues: Workers health surveillance and training program. Reporting, recording and notification of work-related injuries and diseases. Technological Advancement: Continuous technological advances paired with skilled workforce have allowed the coal mining industry to meet the nations energy needs while providing safer workplaces. Since 1970, coal production has increased 76% while fatal injuries have decreased by 93%.

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