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The harmonious balance of the five elements are key components of a healthy life.

In Chinese philosophy the Five Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water are the five basic aspects of Qi, or life energy. These five elements are interconnected and interdependent. The harmonious balance of the five elements are key components of a healthy life. Like all forms of energy, all forms of Qi, the energy of the five elements are constantly in the process of transformation: The energy of each element is more prominent or less prominent in seasonal and daily cycles. Each element is also more strongly connected with specific organs and energy channels in the body. Wood Season: Spring; Energy Channels: Liver and Gallbladder The Qi of the Wood element is most prominent in the spring when plants are sprouting new growth. The color of this element is green. The energy channels most prominent in wood element energy are the liver and gallbladder. As the liver energy starts to flow more easily in the spring, helping to detoxify the body and helping to give us more energy and vitality. This is an important time to focus on the liver. Fire Season: Summer; Energy Channels: Heart, Small Intestines, Pericardium, Tripple Heater The Qi of the Fire element is most prominent in summer when the weather is hotter and fire is heat. The color of this element is red. The energy channels most prominent in the wood element are the heart, small intestines, pericardium and the triple heater. Heart energy is so critical to healing and health and joy in our lives it is important to always focus on enhancing our heart energy and especially in summer time.

Metal Season: Fall ; Energy Channels: Lung, Large Intestine The Qi of the Metal element is most prominent in fall, which is the time of harvesting the abundance of summer. The color of this element is white. The energy channels most prominent in the metal element are the lungs and large intestines, as well as the skin and nose, which are parts of the breathing energy system. Since fall is a transition time from the heat and outdoor activity of summer to the cooler temperatures and more indoor activity it is especially important to focus on the lung energy to help prevent breathing problems, colds and the like that are associated with fall and the winter to come. Water Season: Winter; Energy Channels: Kidneys, Bladder The Qi of the Water element is most prominent in winter when the cold creates a time for hibernation and plants go into their dormant cycle storing their energy for the spring to come. The color of this element is dark, dark blue, almost black. The kidney energy is the vitality of the body and focusing on enhancing the kidney energy during the winter season is so important for giving you more energy and vitality for the more active seasons ahead. Earth Season: All Seasons Especially Late Summer; Energy Channels: Stomach, Spleen The Qi of the Earth element has no specific season because it is important and active through all of the seasons. Earth energy is especially prominent during the last seven to ten days of each month of each season and in late summer. The color of this element is yellow. All energy and all of the other elements have a great relationship with the earth element because the earth energy is grounding. Since earth energy is even more prominent the last seven to ten days of each month this is an excellent time to focus on enhancing your stomach and spleen energy channels.

While each of the five elements is more prominent during different seasons, or times of the month as in the earth element, it is not helpful to focus on those respective energy channels exclusively during these periods of prominence. As in all things in Chinese philosophy and Chinese medicine, creating and maintaining energy balance and harmony is the goal.

Your tongue is always working for you and represents your energy in 5 Elements. Relative to its size, it is the strongest muscle in your body and if you take a close look at it on a regular basis, you can discover a lot about your energy and health. A normal healthy tongue has a light white coating on it. General Signs: - Sore Tongue is usually a sign of nutritional deficiency. - Burning Tongue is often a sign of lack of digestive juices in the stomach. - Thick White Coating can be a sign of too much mucus in the body. - Thick Yellow Coating can be excess heat in the intestines; the bowels may not be working well. - Horizontal Groves in the Tongue can be a sign of poor absorption of nutrients. - Red Tip of the tongue can be a sign of emotional stress and upset.

The Tip of your tongue is the Fire Element and heart and small intestine energy.

In Qigong, the spirit resides in the heart energy channels. The tip corresponds to issues of the heart physical and emotional. When the tip is red or there are red dots on the tip of the tongue it can be a sign that there is stress and anxiety in your life.
Just behind the tip is the Metal Element that is the lungs. This corresponds to the respiratory and immune system and the large intestine. When the metal area of your tongue has small red dots it usually. Is a sign of a possible developing respiratory issue. When the tongue is very pale in this area it can be a sign of a weakening immune system. If there is a brown or black coating, is it advisable to see a doctor as there could be advanced respiratory health issues. Sides of your tongue are the Wood Element and correspond to your liver, gallbladder, eyes and fingernails. The right side of your tongue tells you how your gallbladder is doing. The left side is the liver energy and eyes. If there are teeth marks on the sides of the tongue, this usually is a sign of stagnant energy in the liver channels. Middle of the Tongue is the Earth Element, stomach and spleen. A crack down the middle of the tongue usually indicates weak stomach and digestion.

Back of the Tongue is the Water Element and corresponds to the kidney/bladder energy channel that includes the hormonal system and sexual glands for men and women. The larger papilla on the back of the tongue are the tongues larger taste buds. Their larger size is normal.

You can look for color and coating in this area. If the area has a thick yellow coating at the back center of the tongue it is commonly an indication of bladder issues or infection.
Remember, when you are looking at your tongue for energy health signals they will be in the wetness or dryness, the size, shape and color and the thickness of the fur. The coating on the tongue is formed when tiny amounts of impurities form the spleen float up to the tongue.

When the spleen and stomach are in balance, the fir on your tongue is uniform and the center fur is slightly thicker.

A healer in every family and a world without pain."

Were coming to the end of the summer. So far, the energy is moving pretty well because of the love from your heart and your prayers for the peace of the world and harmony of the universe. The energy in the atmosphere around the earth is flowing more smoothly than Ive every seen before in my meditation. This month, on August 23rd is a very special day for the earth. I want you to meditate today. If you are close to any spring, well water, lake or river, the water is highly charged and is a very special energy from the earth as soothing and balancing energy for you. It soothes the skin, the lymph system and the immune system. From ancient times to the present, people at this special time, go to take a bath in this water, or a dip in the lake to bless them and heal them with anything from skin problems to benefit their lymph and immune system. 11:30 am to 12:30pm is the best time (in your time zone). Save some of this water. Put it in a sacred area in your home and water your plants with it. This highly charged water is very healing for your home Feng Shui to balance the energies of your space and assure your health and good fortune.

Late summer is also prime time for business success to flourish. You have all the energy you need to support what you planned earlier in the Spring. Now you are waiting for the harvest of the energy in the Fall. This is true for the plans you made in the Spring for your spiritual goals. At this time, you begin to see, from the flowering, the fruits of what you have worked on so hard.
Stay with it. Let all the energy nurture and bring the sweetness to your lifes work. Take this into your meditation. You may see many beautiful things in your meditation or have deep insights about what you will have come into your life. Feel the joy of it now. Harvesting time is coming soon.

At the end of summer, the yang energy is the strongest and the heart energy is strong. This is a good thing. If you experience an emotion like frustration, anger or anxiety, then drink more water and balance by doing more active exercise. Take 3 deep breaths and put a smile on your face and wait 30 seconds before you express a feeling like anger. Because the energy is so powerful at this time, if you have even a small frustration, it can become accelerated into anger. If you sense this kind of energy, I recommend you meditate facing the water. If you are indoors then meditate with a glass of water in front of you or facing the water outside like the ocean, a river, a lake or pond and do the Moon Meditation. Meditating amongst living green plants will also help balance your high yang energy. The yin energy starts growing when the Yang becomes the strongest. Prepare yourself for August 30th and send lots of prayers and hold the vision for childrens spirits who have already crossed over to the other side of life. This is sacred part of my culture and I invite you to join me on Thursday, the 30th of this month. I will be meditating deeply to send love to all the children who have crossed over to give unconditional love to them so their spirit can benefit. In my home country, we light candles and incense to represent the sacred love we send to the children for their peaceful transition in Heaven and to help them feel the love from the earth, from their parents and family and better know their soul purpose to take another baby body to come to earth again. In this seasonal transitional time it is most important to stay grounded. Remember the energy of this time of year has a tendency to go out and when that happens it weakens the earth energy. Keep doing Seven Steps of New Life each day and start combining cooling foods with earth energy food. Adding foods like broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus along with orange and yellow foods is very beneficial.

As this season of summer closes and the Fall Equinox is just one month away, you are feeling what is called the highest yang of the year in your small Universe. Not only does Mother Earth receive all its nurturing benefits ~ you do too. The highest yang, the heavenly fire in your heart center, your middle dan tien, is at its energetic peak. The energy grows and moves outward from your heart center and it illumines your intellect and is the source of all your inspirations and creativity. It is the light and warmth that brings the blossoming, the flowering of every seed. ou can give a seed water but without light it will not activate and become a living signature of what it contains. The same is true for you. This is a time when many thoughts can flood your intellect and the energy of over thinking can occur.
Remember, your intellect is only ten percent of your mind. Its handy for reason and logic, but theres so much more! Your minds infinite field is Universal and there is no limit to what you can conceive for yourself. Spiritual Energy of Late Summer - One of the things you can do with this pure love and light energy during high yang is to more consciously become aware of it by just loving it. Each time you do, the energy comes back to you. There are many methods offered for knowing yourself. There is no greater teacher than your Love, the essence and energy of the Master within you. To consciously love, is to feel the yang fiery heart of life from the Universe illumine your spiritual awareness and open the field of your inner sight so you can sense, know, and feel and see the truth from the inner life of the heart. This love, this energy is forever seeking to fulfill itself. It is in every cell of you and its hertz, its frequency, is constantly changing higher or lower as all energy is forever transforming and changing.

Your thoughts, your feelings and your actions express the energy of your body. In high yang energy, when you want to do what love wants to do which is to constantly fulfill itself, you bring the energy down into your lower torso and into your lower dan tien. Its just like the sun meeting the moon. Yangs brilliant golden light and the silvery white light of yin join together in peace and harmony within you. The two combined within you maintains the balance. It is so peaceful when done with love and not by force. Balancing Over Thinking - As Master Lin so lovingly says, if the high yang energy is not balanced then its power can ignite feelings like worry, resentment, anxiety from over thinking and forgetting to bring love into action. If you feel thoughts ignite into emotions of anger, you can bring the yin of water literally into your focus, your awareness. You can do this inwardly by visualizing yin energy or outwardly like meditating with water, face the water, even a glass of water, or among living green plants. This is a simple way to balance. You correct your own energy before expressing it outward to others. In high yang energy, your awareness of your vision, your attention and your qualification of the energy can become more known to you during this time. Your love has many gifts and great intelligence, wisdom and truth are often revealed when high yang energy is balanced with Earth energy. Nurturing and Balancing - Singing~ The Power of Sound in Earth Energy - At the close of every season is Earth energy. It has been known from ancient times to be the 5th season that balances the energy from one season to the nex universe and feel it upon your lips, which are also part of earth energy. Your words, your kiss, your sounds are all part of this energy. It is also the energy of the middle the middle way for pure balance ~ physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Earth energy is deep nurturance and taking time to honor what you have birthed and trusting in a full harvest of all you planned and planted, for your life, in early spring. Nurture and drawn deeply into you the splendid light form this high yang time so all the fruits of your love blossom sweetly in your life. As you do this for you, everyone else benefits.

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