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By : Mithun.M
Email: mithunsworld@gmail.com
H e n ry Fo rd , b o rn Ju ly 30, 1863, was the first
o f W illia m a n d M a ry Fo rd 's six ch ild re n .

H e n ry e n jo ye d a ch ild h o o d typ ica lo f th e

ru ra l n in e te e n th ce n tu ry , sp e n d in g d a ys
in a o n e -ro o m sch o o la n d d o in g fa rm
ch o re s
A t a n e a rly a g e , h e sh o w e d a n in te re st in
m e ch a n ica l th in g s a n d a d islike fo r fa rm
w o rk
In 1 8 7 9 , sixte e n -ye a r- o ld Fo rd le ft
h o m e fo r th e n e a rb y city o f D e tro it
to w o rk a s a n a p p re n tice m a ch in ist

In 1 8 9 1 , Fo rd b e ca m e a n e n g in e e r
w ith th e E d iso n Illu m in a tin g C o m p a n y
in D e tro it
D u rin g th is p e rio d Fo rd re a d a n
a rticle in th e World of Science
about how the German engineer,
Nicholas Otto, had built a
internal combustion engine.

Ford now spent his spare time trying

to build a petrol-driven motor car
His first car, finished in 1896, was
built in a little brick shed in his
garden. Driven by a two-cylinder, four-
cycle motor, it was mounted on bicycle
wheels. Named the Thin Lizzie, the car
had no reverse gear or brakes.

By August, 1899, Ford had raised enough money

to start his own company
His first group of investors withdrew after
Ford had spent $86,000 without producing a car
that could be sold

 Then he produced a car

that appeared at the Grosse Pointe
Blue Ribbon track at Detroit. Its performance
helped him to sell 6,000 $10 dollar shares in
his new company.

Ford began production of the Model A car.

In 1909

the Model T.
First World War
On the outbreak of the
First World War in
Europe, Ford soon made
it clear he opposed the
Ford entered in to the aviation business durin
World War II

 During Second World War Adolf Hitler Told in a

press conference that. "I regard Henry Ford as
my inspiration,"
Ford not approve of U.S. involvement in the war

Mainly the U.S. army dealt with others in the organisationsuch as

Edsel Ford and Charles Sorensen

Ford resumed hold of the company in 1943.

Grand Cross Of German
 In July 1938,

 Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the

German Eagle, the highest medal awarded by
Nazi Germany to foreigners.


Fo rd m a in ta in e d a n
in te re st in a u to
ra cin g fro m 1 9 0 1
to 1 9 1 3 a n d b e g a n
h is in vo lve m e n t in
th e sp o rt a s b o th a
b u ild e r a n d a
d rive r, la te r tu rn in g
th e w h e e lo ve r to
h ire d d rive rs.
Ford Racing
He entered stripped-down Model Ts in races,
finishing first
Ford Racing

In 1 9 1 1 it h a d m a d e a o n e m ile ( 1 . 6 km ) o va l
sp e e d re co rd a t D e tro it Fa irg ro u n d s

In 1 9 1 3 , Fo rd a tte m p te d to e n te r a re w o rke d
M o d e l T in th e In d ia n a p o lis 5 0 0 b u t w a s to ld
ru le s re q u ire d th e a d d itio n o f a n o th e r 1 , 0 0 0
p o u n d s ( 4 5 0  kg ) to th e ca r b e fo re it co u ld
q u a lify.
 Ford dropped out of the race and soon thereafter
dropped out of racing permanently
Ford Racing
Ø He describes himself as someone who raced
only because in the 1890s through 1910s,
one had to race because prevailing ignorance
held that racing was the way to prove the
worth of an automobile.
Ø Racing was one of the best way to bring his car
to the people , as his car wins the sale also
increases , That was the secret of his success
that time
Ø Ford was inducted into the Motorsports Hall of
Fame of America in 1996.

§ One of the greatest discoveries a man makes,
one of his great surprises, is to find he can do
what he was afraid he couldn't do. 

§ Don't find fault, Find remedy

§ Whether you believe you can do a thing or

not, you're right

Thinking is the hardest work there is,
which is probably the reason why so few
engage in it.

There are no big problems, there are just

a lot of little problems.

The only real security that a man can

have in this world is a reserve of
knowledge, experience and ability.
Success is a matter of adjusting one's efforts to
obstacles and one's abilities to a service needed
by others.
Failure is only the opportunity to begin again
more intelligently.
Failure is only the opportunity to more
intelligently begin again.
Overcoming Failure:
Failure is the opportunity to begin again more

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