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Reproductive System

Ms. Amairani
Ms. Karina
Mr. Matthew
Reproductive System

The system of organs and parts which function

in reproduction consisting in the male especially
of the testes, penis,seminal vesicles, prostate,
and urethra and in the female especially of the
ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and
Male Hormones


The Menstrual Cycle
• Menstruation is a very complicated process involving many different hormones, the
woman's sex organs and the brain.
• A woman's internal sex organs consist of two ovaries, the Fallopian tubes, the uterus
(womb) and the vagina. The ovaries contain the eggs with which the woman is
born and, during each period, a single egg will usually ripen and mature due to
the action of hormones circulating in the bloodstream.
• When the egg is mature it bursts from the ovary and drifts through the Fallopian tube
down into the uterus. The lining of the uterus - the endometrium - has been
thickened by the action of hormones and made ready to receive the fertilised
• If the egg is fertilized and the woman becomes pregnant, it will fasten itself onto the
endometrium. If the egg is not fertilized, however, resultant hormonal changes

cause the endometrium to slip away and menstruation begins.

• In Males
• Puberty usually begins with the testicles and penis getting bigger. 
• Then hair grows in the pubic area and armpits. 
• Muscles grow, the voice deepens, and acne and facial hair develop as puberty continues.
• In Female
• The first sign of puberty is usually breast development. 
• Other signs are the growth of hair in the pubic area and armpits, and acne.
• Menstruation (or a period) usually happens last. 

Fertilization Occurs When A Sperm Cell Joins An Egg
• The long journey to fertilization must be completed within 12 to 48 hours, before
the sperm die. They must first cross the barrier of the cervix, which will be thin
and watery if the woman has just ovulated (for our purposes, we will assume that
sexual intercourse has occurred within a couple of hours after ovulation).
• Once the sperm have traversed the cervical mucus, they travel up the moist lining of
the uterus into the Fallopian tubes (only one of the Fallopian tubes contains an
egg, so many sperm travel in the wrong direction). Fewer than 1,000 sperm out of
the millions in the semen actually reach the Fallopian tubes.
• Many sperm surround the egg in the Fallopian tube. The head of each sperm
(acrosome) releases enzymes that begin to break down the outer, jelly-like layer
of the egg's membrane, trying to penetrate the egg. Once a single sperm has
penetrated, the cell membrane of the egg changes its electrical characteristics
(depolarizes). This electrical signal causes small sacs just beneath the
membrane (cortical granules) to dump their contents into the space
surrounding the egg. The contents swell, pushing the other sperm far away from
the egg (cortical reaction). The other sperm die within 48 hours. The cortical
reaction ensures that only one sperm fertilizes the egg.
• The fertilized egg is now called a zygote. The tube. By approximately four days after
fertilization, the zygote has about 100 cells and is depolarization caused by
sperm penetration results in one last round of division in the egg's nucleus,
forming a pronucleus containing only one set of genetic information. The
pronucleus from the egg merges with the nucleus from the sperm. Once the two
pronuclei merge, cell division begins immediately.
• The dividing zygote gets pushed along the Fallopian called a blastocyst. When the
blastocyst reaches the uterine lining, it floats for about two days, finally
implanting in the uterine wall by the sixth day after fertilization. Once
implanted, the blastocyst secretes hCG, which rescues the corpus luteum and
signals that a successful pregnancy has begun.
Fertilization Occurs When A Sperm Cell Joins
An Egg Cell
Sexually Transmitted Disease
• List of Diseases
• Chlamydia ,Gonorrhea ,Herpes , Hiv/Aids/, Hpv ,Syphilis ,Tricomoniasis, and more

• So Guys Use A Condom!

• Most STDs affect both men and women, but in many cases the health
problems they cause can be more severe for women. If a pregnant
woman has an STD, it can cause serious health problems for the baby.
• If you have an STD caused by bacteria or parasites, your health care
provider can treat it with antibiotics or other medicines. If you have an
STD caused by a virus, there is no cure. Sometimes medicines can keep
the disease under control. Correct usage of latex condoms greatly
reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the risk of catching or
spreading STDs.

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