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J. Senthilnath , S.N. Omkar , V. Mani , Ashoka Vanjare, P.G. Diwakar

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012

Motivation Objective Problem formulation Methodology Study area Results & discussion Conclusions & future work References Acknowledgement Recognitions

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012

Earth observation sensor namely optical Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image is useful for flood assessment application The spectral (pixel) classification is carried out using classification techniques. Incorporating spatial features with spectral information results in good accuracy. To overcome this problem nature inspired algorithm is used.

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012

Multi-temporal MODIS satellite image analysis using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Gene Expression Programming (GEP) classifiers to assess flooded regions. Use of image low resolution image about 250 meters square Spectral features of an image is used to differentiate water and non-water image pixels An automatic extraction of river networks (using imagery before flooding and during flooding) Evaluating extracted floods results with ground truth data
Ashoka Vanjare SocPros 2012 4

Problem formulation

Identification of similar water image pixels which is obtained by partitioning the image and grouping similar pixels

The given problem is solved by grouping of pixels i.e. by image segmentation through artificial neural network and Gene expression programming methods.

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012

Here we first classify and then segment Image Classification
Two supervised classification methods Artificial Neural Network and GEP are used to classify the similar spectral water features of an image

Training data set are created in order to identify similar pixels.

During classification, some of water image pixels are misclassification as non-water image pixels so it is resolved by using region-growing and knowledge-based techniques

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012

For the given training data set, ANN generates weights where as GEP provides mathematical expression Using these weights and mathematical expression all pixels of the image are extracted and evaluated

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012

Image Segmentation
Image segmentation is to eliminate those pixels that are wrongly classified as water image pixels
By using shape index and density index are used for identifying non linear features like river.


P 4 A


A 1 VAR( X ) VAR(Y )

Where; P- represents the perimeter of the region A -represents the area of the region VAR( X ) -represents variance of x-coordinates VAR(Y ) -represents variance of y-coordinates
Ashoka Vanjare SocPros 2012 8

The river image pixels have a high Shape Index and a low Density Index, whereas non-river pixels have a low Shape Index and a high Density Index So a threshold values are set for both indices for segmenting water image pixels from non-water pixels

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012

Study Area
The study are is Krishna river in south India and images cover an area of 75.55 km2

Figure 1: Study area covers the districts - Kurnool, Mahaboobnagar, Bellary, Gulbarga and Raichur

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012


Results and Discussions

Figure 2. (a) MODIS image of Krishna River before flood. (b) Segmented Image using ANN. (c) Segmented Image using GEP

The two classifier are used to extract the course of the river from the March 2009 image (i.e. before the flooding)

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012


Results and Discussions

Fig. 3. (a) MODIS during flood image with ground truth information flooded (white dots with black dots) and non-flooded cities (white dots). (b) Segmented Image using ANN (White pts. are identified as flooded cities). (c) Segmented Image using GEP (White pts. are identified as flooded cities).

Two MODIS images (i.e. before flooding and during flooding) of the same region are used to classify, segment and validate.
The classifiers were trained using 20 randomly picked samples of two classes (water and non-water) and the whole image was tested using the trained classifiers.
Ashoka Vanjare SocPros 2012 12

Results and Discussions

GEP expression tree generated for the training samples using before and during flooded image
M (2 * B2) 4.5 N 3.3 (11.3 * B2)

Where; B2 represent the Band 2 of the MODIS image. If the value of M and N for a pixel is > 0.5 then this pixel is classified as water; else non-water pixel Further misclassified are segmented using region-based segmentation technique.

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012


Results and Discussions

For image segmenting, we have used two indices - Shape Index (SI) and Density Index (DI) These indices are used to differentiate the water image pixels from nonwater pixels For March 2009 image, we have used a SI threshold value of 2.7 and a DI threshold value of 0.8 For September 2009 image, we have used SI threshold value of 2.7 and a DI threshold value of 1.2

After segmenting by ANN and GEP, we have verified it with ground truth data
The performance of GEP is better than ANN in water extraction of both before and during flood images
Ashoka Vanjare SocPros 2012 14

Results and Discussions

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) parameters is used for segmentation evaluation
Image Before flood (March 2009) RMSE of ANN 0.1260 RMSE of GEP 0.1205

Table 1. RMSE for before flood image obtained by the two classification techniques Based on the RMSE values for before flood image, GEP classification results in less error in extraction than ANN classification Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) parameter is used for extraction evaluation
Features True positive rate True negative rate ANN 0.83 0.94 GEP 1 0.94

False positive rate




Table 2. Evaluating features based on ROC for during flood image GEP produces less error than ANN
Ashoka Vanjare SocPros 2012 15

Results and Discussions

Figure 2. (a) MODIS during flood image with ground truth information flooded and unflooded cities. (b) Segmented Image using ANN (White pts. are flooded cities). (c) Segmented Image using GEP (White pts. are flooded cities).

Not recognized place by ANN

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012


Conclusions and future works

The tasks of river mapping and flood extraction are accomplished successfully by the procedure of pixel-based spectral information for classification, and shape information for segmentation. In the classification stage of extracting water and non-water groups, the gene expression programming classifier proved better than the artificial neural network classifier. The results of classification using spectral information are improved through region-growing image segmentation (based on spatial feature) using similarity criteria emphasizing shape information. In future, research work is carried out using high resolution image and radar images
Ashoka Vanjare SocPros 2012 17

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Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012


This work is supported by the Space Technology Cell, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

We also acknowledge the MODIS mission scientists and associated NASA personnel for the production of the remote sensing data which is used in this paper.

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012


Recognitions-Related works

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012


Thank you

Ashoka Vanjare

SocPros 2012


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