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Anatomy of Reproductive System

Zainuri Sabta N Departemen Anatomi FK UII

Why study human sexuality?



Learn about our bodies--reprodu ti!e " sexual anatomy " physiolo#y Impro!e interpersonal ommuni ation $emember% the &inal expert on your sexuality is YOU!

'iopsy hoso ial orientation

(uman sexuality is #o!erned mostly by)

1) Psychological factors*
- emotions% attitudes% moti!ations

1) Social conditioning.
- the pro ess by +hi h +e learn so iety,s expe tations and norms

1) Biological factors
- hormones% experien es -that +hi h +e ha!e learnt.

How Important is Sex in Your Life? G o!a "erspectives


Sex &or pro reation

sex* /Sex0 be omes synonymous +ith penile-!a#inal inter ourse*

I& you heard someone say /I had sex last ni#ht%0 +hat specific beha!iors +ould you thin1 happened?

tion is the only /le#itimate0 and /moral0 reason &or

are the onse2uen es o& this thin1in#?

3enile-!a#inal inter ourse is primary sour e o& satis&a tion Sexual response and or#anism are supposed to o 3la es tremendous and unrealisti
ur durin# penetration

expe tations on oitus itsel&

De!alues noninter ourse sexual intima y -e#* 4What do they do durin# sex?,.

(omolo#ous Sex 5r#ans


embryoni de!elopment% the male " &emale sex or#ans are initially the SA67
7asy +ay to thin1 about this on ept)
6ales 8 sex or#an pro#enitors des end out o& the pel!i a!ity Female 8 sex or#an pro#enitors remain +ithin the pel!i a!ity Undifferentiated Male Female Gonad Genital swelling Urogenital folds Genital tubercle Prepuce Testis/testes Scrotum Spongy urethra Penis Foreskin Glans Ovary/ovaries Labia majora Labia minora Clitoris Clitoral hood Clitoral glans

5r#an reprodu1si 6AS9ULINA

-or#ana #enitalia mas ulina:!irilia.

or#ana #enita ia externa$ penis et scrotum Or#ana #enita ia interna$ testis% epididimis% ductus deferens& ductus e'acu atorius G andu a $ # d( vesica is% prostata& !u !ouretra is
Organa reproduksi: produksi sel gamet (spermatosoan et semen); organ genital : untuk berkelamin/kopulasi



at )opu asi *!ersetu!u+, -i!eda)an$ # ans penis& corpus penis dan radix penis .u it penis$ preputium pada # ans *frenu um,% p+imosis / u!an# preputium sempit 0ircumsitio1dorsumsitio$)o toran sme#ma



; 9opulatory or#an
; 3roximal re#ion 8 root ; 6iddle sha&t 8 body ; Distal re#ion 8 #lans penis 'ody 8 three lar#e tubes o& tissue ; 9orpora a!ernosa penis) paired dorsal tubes +ith lar#e arterial blood&lo+ ; Normally /#ated0 by the sympatheti ner!ous system ; 9orpus spon#iosum penis) sin#le tube that en ases the spon#y urethra <lans penis 8 expanded distal end o& the orpora spon#iosum penis ; 3repu e is !ery loosely atta hed to orpora spon#iosum penis


7re tile tissues)
2 corpora cavernosa; 1 corpus spongiosum surrounding urethra encased in tunica albugenia NO ke! pla!er in arterial rela"ation during erection


Nervous system control o& erection and ejaculation # 'rain ommuni ates sexual stimulus to ere tion reflex center in sacral part o& spinal ord # Spinal ord ner!es send si#nals to ere tile tissue in penis arteries dilate blood pools in ere tile tissues leadin# to ere tion # Spinal ord ner!es send si#nals that result in ontra tion o& inner stru tures -epididymis% !as de&erens% seminal !esi les% prostate. # Semes +ashes past bulbourethral #land into urethra -emission.= sensation o& urethral &illin# is returned to ere tion omplex # Spinal ord ner!es send si#nals that result in ontra tion o& mus les at base o& penis% leadin# to rhythmi ontra tions -e>a ulation.


head o& the penis -#lans. has a o!erin#% alled the &ores1in -prepu e:praeputium.* ?here is some natural !ariation in the len#th o& the &ores1in * ?his o!erin# &olds in on itsel&% &ormin# a double layer* ?he &ores1in is not a @&lapA o& s1in on the end o& the penis% and it is not @useless4 s1in*

"enis) 2+e fores)in +as twe ve )nown functions

B* to o!er and bond +ith the syne hia so as to permit the de!elopment o& the mu osal sur&a e o& the #lans and inner &ores1in* C* to prote t the in&antAs #lans &rom &e es and ammonia in diapers* D* to prote t the #lans penis &rom &ri tion and abrasion throu#hout li&e* E* to 1eep the #lans moisturiFed and so&t +ith emollient oils* G* to lubri ate the #lans* H* to oat the #lans +ith a +axy prote ti!e substan e* I* to pro!ide su&&i ient s1in to o!er an ere tion by un&oldin#* J* to pro!ide an aid to masturbation and &oreplay* K* to ser!e as an aid to penetration* BL* to redu e &ri tion and ha&in# durin# inter ourse* BB* to ser!e as ero#enous tissue be ause o& its ri h supply o& ero#enous re eptors* BC* to onta t and stimulate the <-spot o& the &emale partner

$he %oreskin
$he %oreskin contains sensor! receptors called Meissner corpuscles (similar to ner&e endings in the %ingertips) are there to pro&ide pleasure' as (ell as %ine sensor! perception) $his seems to help a man to en*o! se" longer (ithout e*aculating prematurel!' because he can more easil! tell (hen he is approaching the threshold o% orgasm)

The circumcised penis

+ollo(ing circumcision' the %oreskin o% the penis has been cut a(a!) $he main indications %or this include:
1),himosis resistant to treatment (ith steroid cream) 2)-ecurrent %oreskin in%ections (balanitis)) .)-eligion issues

$he sur%ace o% the glans has de&eloped a thick' dr! la!er o% keratin (toughened skin)' (hich makes it less sensiti&e to un(anted stimulation' but also less sensiti&e to the more subtle /ualities o% lo&emaking)

The circumcised penis

0ll circumcised men ha&e an annular scar on the sha%t o% the penis) $he location o% the scar &aries' %rom near the head to %ar do(n the sha%t) +or some men' so much skin has been remo&ed that erection becomes di%%icult and e&en pain%ul)

$he ridged bands

$he ridged bands' (hich are like horseshoes onl! in that the! cur&e %or(ard underneath to(ard the point (here the %renulum attaches) $here are some 20 concentric ridged bands (hich rub o&er the corona) 1ach ridge has Meissner's corpuscles' (hich respond to pressure' and the! produce the se"ual pleasure (hich no indi&idual has a right to take a(a! %rom another indi&idual Stimulation of the frenulum and ridged band results in intense pleasurable feelings during arousal. 2ensations %rom these structures during intercourse or masturbation are thought to be the primar! trigger o% orgasm in the intact male)

2timulation o% the glans

3e belie&e that stimulation o% the glans is most signi%icant in the later stages o% se"ual intercourse' (hen penetration is deepest and emotions are running at their highest) 2ensations %rom the glans contribute to the /ualit! o% the sensual e"perience) $he! are also apparentl! capable o% triggering orgasm on their o(n' as (ould be the case in a circumcised man)

Effects of penile reduction surgery (circumcision on se!ual intercourse

0lthough still pleasurable %or the man' intercourse (ithout the participation o% the prepuce lacks the gliding mechanism) $he onl! source o% stimulation is the glans rubbing against the (all o% the &agina) The sensations from the specialised receptors of the frenar band" frenulum and inner fores#in layer are missing. 4% the surger! (as per%ormed on an in%ant' b! adulthood a relati&el! thick keratin la!er (ill ha&e %ormed on the normall! skinless mucosal sur%ace o% the glans' (hich %urther reduces the stimulation. $f the circumcision %as performed as an adult" the #eratin layer %ill form" and the sensitivity of the glans %ill gradually be reduced over time.

Erection process
$he most important components o% the ph!sical erogenous stimulation o% the penis during %orepla! and intercourse are the sensations %rom the %oreskin' %renulum/%renar band' and glans $he foreskin has an inner and outer la!er) $he outer %oreskin la!er contains ner&e endings (hich respond to gentle touching during the earl! stages o% se"ual arousal) $his helps to trigger an erection) $he ner&es o% the inner and outer %oreskin contribute to the e"perience o% penile stimulation' up to and including orgasm) $hese receptors are stimulated b! stretching' or (hen the %oreskin rolls o&er the sur%ace o% the glans during intercourse or masturbation)

The gliding mechanism

$he prepuce is a highl! inner&ated and &asculari5ed genital structure) 6uring intercourse the loose skin o% the intact penis slides up and do(n the sha%t o% the penis' stimulating the glans and the sensiti&e erogenous receptors o% the %oreskin itsel%) $his is kno(n as the 7gliding mechanism that contributes greatl! to se"ual pleasure) 0lso' since more o% the loose skin o% the penis remains inside the &agina' the (oman8s natural lubrication is not dra(n out

S rotum) 1anton# 1ulit% ter1andun# testis 1anan et 1iri di audal ossis pubis

$aphe s roti) #aris di linea mediana -berlan>ut 1e raphe penis. $ambut terminal pubis) pubes Kulit s rotum) pi#men ?ela sub utanea) serabut otot polos) tuni a dartos Kontra1si otot polos M 1erutan 1ulit% men#e il Septum s roti- memba#i 1anan et 1iri



a sa lo ated outside o& the abdominal a!ity% made up o& a thin layer o& smooth and s1eletal mus le and s1in* It is di!ided into le&t and ri#ht by a septum to &orm di&&erent ompartments &or the testi les* ?he s rotum 1eeps the testi les outside the body so they an be D de#rees ooler than normal ore temperature* ?he mus les o& the s rotum ontra t to brin# the testi les loser to the body in ooler onditions* In +arm onditions they relax to allo+ the s1in to stret h and maximiFe oolin#*

Fun#si s rotum) tempat testis% memelihara suhu) spermato#enesis


scrotum$ )edua testis& epididimis et ductus deferens Leta) testis )anan e!i+ tin##i dari yan# )iri Su+u uar din#in / !er)erut& testis nai)% su+u uar panas $ scrotum me ema+ / testis men'au+ !adan 3ase)tomi% memoton# vas deferens



'( 2estes)
5!al shape or#ans made up o& thousands o& semini&erous tubules +here the sperm is produ ed* It responds to &olli le stimulatin# hormone that si#nals sperm produ tion* When the sperm is in its last sta#es o& maturation it mo!es to the epididymus* B* <ross anatomy) about B x E in hes% omplete surrounded by a &ibrous apsule and partially en losed by a serous membrane that de!elop +hen the testes tra!eled outside the body into the s rotum* ?he &ibrous apsule di!ides the testi les into +ed#e-li1e ompartments alled lobules that are &illed +ith semini&erous tubules* ?hey are inner!ated by an abundant about o& !is eral sensory ner!es that ma1e them !ery sensiti!e to pain* ?he hi#h sensiti!ity ser!es &or prote tion and in sexual arousal*

Reproductive duct system is ma es)

7pididymis) or#an that ar hes o!er the posterior lateral side o& the testis* I& you un oil the epididymis is an be as lon# as Hmeters or CL &eetN Durin# the t+enty days the sperm spend here they omplete maturation and #ain the ability to s+im and &ertiliFe* Durin# e>a ulation smooth mus le ontra ts to send mature sperm to the du tus de&erns* Du tus de&erens) also 1no+n as the !as de&eren e% it runs superior to the testi les% enters the abdominopel!i a!ity% runs posterior to the bladder% passes by the seminal !esi le% &orm the ampulla and e>a ulatory du t% and &inally leads into the prostati urethra* Spermati ords) a tube o& &as ia holdin# blood !essels% ner!es% and the du tus de&eren e* Urethra) Durin# e>a ulation the sphin ter mus les lose o&& the bladder so urine is not released into the semen* ?he urethra is di!ided into the prostati urethra -se tion passin# throu#h prostrate #land.% the membranous urethra -uro#enital diaphra#m. and the spon#y urethra -penile.* Urethral #lands alon# the spon#y urethra se rete a lubri atin# solution be&ore e>a ulation*

Accessory # ands) ?hese #lands produ e substan es that in reases the han es o& sperm sur!i!al on e it is outside the body* ?hese se retions in addition to sperm &orm semen* Seminal !esi les) paired #lands lo ated posterior to the bladder* Durin# e>a ulation smooth mus le ontra t to help se rete a &luid that ontains &ru tose -su#ar.% nutrients% prosta#ladins to stimulate the urethra to ontra t% substan es that suppress the immune system a#ainst sperm in &emales% enFymes the enhan e sperm mobility% and enFymes that thi 1en the e>a ulate*

#land) the siFe o& a hestnut% also has smooth mus le that ontra ts to assist in the release o& prostati se retion* ?his is a mil1y +hite &luid that has substan es to enhan e sperm mobility and thi 1en e>a ulate* It is sus eptible to tumors and sexually transmitted diseases -S?Ds.*

#lands) se rete a mu us substan es that lubri ates and neutraliFes the a id &rom urine in the male urethra*

5r#an reprodu1si +anita

5r#an #enitalia &eminima:muliebria.
4un#si$ 5(men#+asi )an se #amet *ovum,& 6(tempat ferti isasi& 7(pertum!u+an em!rio dan fetus& 8(persa inan& et menyusui

!er)em!an# !ia)1men#+asi )an )eturunan





System reprodu1si et #enitalia &eminina

Or#an #enita ia di!eda)an$ Or#an #enita ia externa vu va *vesti!u um va#ina$ mons pu!is& a!ia mayora& a!ia minora& c itoris, Or#an #enita ia interna$ va#ina& uterus& tu!a et ovarium


2+e fema e reproductive system)

?hese or#ans produ e the o!a -e##s.% sex hormones% and pro!ide an en!ironment &or internal &ertiliFation and de!elopment o& the &etus* ?hey under#o han#es a ordin# to the menstrual y le* 6ammary #lands are onsidered part o& this system be ause they nourish the in&ant*

3el!is et tulan# pel!is +anita

2u an# pe vis$ coxae )anan et )iri dan sacrum 0iri9ciri tu an# pe vis wanita$
an#u us su!pu!icum e!ar& fossa i iaca mendatar& crista i iaca tipis& spina isc+iadica pende)

"ersendian$ sacroi iaca *fi!rosa,& symp+ysis pu!is



9a!um dou#lass) ex a!atio re touterina


1) <litoris 2) =abia ma*ora .) >!men ;) ,erineum 9) >ood o% the clitoris (also called prepuce) :) =abia minora 7) ?rethral ori%ice @ or urethral opening ((here !ou pee out o%) 8) Opening o% the &agina

# # # # 7mbryoni :&etal analo# o& penis-- ontains ere tile tissues Oery sensiti!e to stimulation---many ner!e endin#s 6ay retra t and be ome less e!ident +hen ere t Lo ated in &ront o& urethral openin#

# # Labia ma>ora -outer lips.-s+ell durin# sexual stimulation Labia minora -minor lips.-s+ell and han#e olor durin# sexual stimulation

5r#an #enitalia externa) Alat 1elamin +anita ba#ian luar)pudendum &emininum

3u va$ :ons pu!is *!anta an ema) di depan& crania simp+ysis pu!is, La!ium ma'us pudendi * ipatan )utaneus& di uar ditutup ram!ut& se!e a+ da am una)& tanpa ram!ut, 0ommisura a!iorum anterior et posterior *pertemuan a!ium ma'us dexter et sinister, 4issura pudenda is1rima pudendi La!ium minus pudendi * ipatan )utaneus tipis& tanpa ram!ut& )aya )e en'ar ema),



um a!iorum pudendi *pertemuan a!ia minora& di depan commisura posterior, 3esti!u um va#inae *ruan# ditutupi a!ia minora, 4ossa vesti!u i va#inae *!a#ian vesti!u um di antara frenu um et introitus va#inae, ;u !us vesti!u i *'arin#an ere)ti pada pan#)a a!ia ma'ora, Orificium1introitus va#inae * u!an# masu) va#ina, G d( 3esti!u aris minor *)e en'ar tu!u er mu)osa simp e)s di de)at uretra,


Stru1tur pada pudendum &emininum

G d( 3esti!u aris ma'or *;art+o inni,& )e en'ar mu)osa se!esar )acan# po on#& di se!e a+ posterior diafra#ma uro#enita e& !ermuara pada vesti!u um di antara a!ium minus et +ymen1caruncu ae +ymena is Uretra feminina$ ostium uret+rae externum& ter eta) 69 7cm di !awa+ ) itoris% di en#)api # d( Uret+ra is *)e umen uret+ra,et parauret+ra is *de)at ostium,



penis rudimenter& pada pan#)a a!ia minora& tanpa uretra& dan corpus spon#iosum% di!eda)an crus& corpus et # ans% corpus terdiri dari 6 corpus cavernosum% # ans / tutup c itoris seperti 'a#un#% frenu um / ipatan #anta mende)at)an )e a!ia minora% preputium / pertemuan )edua a!ia minora di atas ) itoris

3erineum% dia&ra#ma uro#enitalis et dia&ra#ma pel!is

"erineum / se#men di antara anus et #enita ia 2ri#onum uro#enita e et ana is Rap+e perinea is / sutura )u it di inea mediana -iafra#ma pe vis9 !asis mus)u aris pe vis yan# se!a#ian !esar disusun o e+ m( evatoris ani -iafra#ma uro#eneta is9 dindin# fi!romus)u er yan# menye!ar antara rami os pu!is inferior )anan et )iri




7pisiotomi M pemoton#an ba#ian perineum untu1 memperlebar >alan lahir pada persalinan

:( isc+iocavernosus$ dari ramus os isc+ium ter eta) pada crus c itoris1penis me e)at pada tunica a !u#inea corpus c itoris1penis :( !u !ospon#iosus 1!u !ocavernosus / dari corpus perinea is dan rap+e medianum )e dorsum penis *pria,& me en#)un# di se)itar !u !us vesti!u i *wanita,


5r#an #enitalia interna) !a#ina


sa uran datar& pan'an# 5<cm& ostium sampai masu) sampai uterus 4ornix va#inae$ recessus di antara portio va#ina is cervicis dan dindin# va#ina& di!eda)an$ anterior *dan#)a ,& posterior *tempat e'a)u at& erat den#an cavum peritonea ,& atera


va#ina $ paries anterior et posterior Lapisan$ tunica mucosa& tunica muscu aris& et tunica spon#iosa *dari da am )e uar, Lapisan mu)osa$ epite s=uamosa )omp e)s non )eratinisasi )aya # i)o#en& ru#ae va#inae Lapisan mus)u er /otot po os tipis Lapisan spon#iosa $ p e)sus spon#iosus vas)u er / pada mu)osa s!# co umna ru#arum anterior et posterior


Introitus !a#ina et hymen


$ ipatan )utaneus& terutama dari posterior va#ina se!a#ian menutup pintu masu) va#ina ;entu)$ semi unaris& anu aris& cri!riformis& unperforantus / dara+ mensis tertampun# / incisi 0aruncu ae +ymena is$ sisa9sisa +ymen / coitus et persa inan Hymenop asti


Gonad& intraperitonea & !entu) amande "an'an# 6&> / 8&>cm& te!a <&> / 5cm ;a#ian9!a#ian$ Hi um ovarii$ tempat )e uar masu) vasa st me e)at mesovarium 4acies media is et atera is :ar#o i!er / tepi !e!as *!er awanan d# +i um, ?xtremitas tu!aria9 )utu! superior / )e ara+ tu!a uterina ?xtremitas uetrina / )utu! inferior / )e uterus


.apsu a or#an$ tunica a !u#inea ?pite ium #eminativum / apisan epite ia 0ortex$ )u it / pematan#an fo i)e Stroma$ isi 'arin#an i)at :edu a$ area sentra )aya den#an vas)u arisasi 4ixator ovarium$ Li#amentum ovarii proprium mesovarium

Stru1tur o!arium


<landula mammae





Leta1% bentu1 et stru1tur mammae


tersusun$ 'arin#an # andu aris *# andu a mamma,& 'arin#an i)at *ere)ti , et ema) ;entu) $ ras& sesuai pertum!u+an *mu ai pu!ertas,dan fun#si$ menyusui$ )o ustrum% tua$ atrofi Leta)$ fascia superficia is di pectora antara axi a dan sternum setin##i costa II9III s1d 3I / 3II(


Stru1tur mama

papi a mammae& areo a mammae dan corpus mammae "api a mammae$ u!an#9 u!an# ductu i actiferi den#an otot po os Areo a mammae$ area me in#)ar !erpi#men pada papi a mammae&d# satu cincin )eci / !erisi 5< / 5> # andu ae areo a *mont#omery, / sudorifera tipe apo)rin9 se)ret sedi)it !au )+as

6ammae dan perubahan hormonal +anita


mammae9 corpus # andu ae mammae d# ema) % 5> / 6< o!i conica es d# ductus actiferi*ductus excretorius, diameter 5&69 6mm mem!u)a )e papi a *mirip se)at !ua+ 'eru), -i de)at papi a$ sinus actiferi G d mamma dipen#aru+i +ormona $ *$estro#en et pro#esteron, saat si) us mensis& )e+ami an dan menyusui,% si) us peran#san#an sexua


$espon se1sual +anita


$ #aira+& p ateau& or#asmus et reso usi 2a+ap #aira+$ puttin# te#an#& mamma mem!esar& ) itoris mem!esar et pan'an#& a!ia ma'ora mem!u)a et mendatar& a!ia minora men#em!an# et me uas )e uar& tonus otot s)e et & denyut nadi& te)anan dara+ nai)% va#ina mense)resi # d( :u)osa *!asa+,& uterus et cervix men'au+i va#ina& 617 va#ina da am men#em!an#1meman'an#


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