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To find the relationship between two

lines, the measure and the type of angles 2. To understand the properties of angles as the result of the intersection of two lines or two parallel lines with a transversal line 3. To drawing angles 4. To divide angles


3. 4.

6. 7.


Line = garis Ray = sinar Angle = sudut Area of angle = daerah sudut Vertex = titik sudut Sides (Arm) = kaki sudut Protractor = busur derajat Compass = jangka

A line segment has a beginning point and an ending


A ray has a beginning point but no end point

Look at the picture !

The segments AB and CD are two parallel segments. Why? Find other pairs of parallel segments ! The segments AB and AD are two intersecting segments. Why ? Explain your reason. Find other pairs of intersecting segments ! The segments AB and FG are two skew segments (neither parallel nor intersecting). Why ? Explain your reason. Find other pairs of skew segments!

In mathematics an angle is made up from two rays that have the same beginning point.

So, an angle is the figure formed by two rays sharing a common beginning point.

Vertex Area of angle

Sides (ray)

How many angles do you see?

The following are the subdivisions of the unit of angular measurement .

1 = 60

1 1 = 60

1 = 60

1' 1 = 60

1 = 60 x 60 = 3.600

1 1 = 3600

7.2 Adding and Subtracting in Sexagesimal Unit

To perform addition and subtraction,the numbers expresses in degrees, minutes, or seconds must be put in the same column.

Example : Find the result of the following addition in degrees ! 21 15 + 43 27 Answer:

21 15
43 27

64 42 or


42 42= 60

= 0,7

Find the resut of the following subtraction !

42 17 52 - 25 34 44


42 17 52

41 77 52

25 34 44

25 34 44
16 43 8

The unit measurement of

angles is degree , is

denoted by (0) one full circle is 360 one degree is 60 minute, denoted by 10 = 60 one minute = 60 second, denoten by 1 = 60 Example : Solve the following problems : a. 50 = . b. 45 = 0 c. 120 = 0

a. We have 10 = 60, so that 50 = 5 x 60 = 300 b. We have 1 = (1/60)0, so that 45 = 45 x (1/60)0 = (3/4)0 = 0,750 c. We have 1 = (1/3600)0, so that 120 = 120 x (1/3600)0 = 0,030

Positive and Negative Angles

The angles are given a positive sign if measured anticlockwise, and negative angles if measured clockwise, from a given line. If no line is specified, it can be assumed to be the x-axis in the Cartesian plane Anticlockwise Clockwise : berlawanan arah jarum jam : searah jarum jam

Determine :
1. 12 + 18 = 300
2. 24 13 = 110

3. 1525 + 1311 = 280 36

4. 3223 2019 = 120 4 5. 534713 + 21916 = 560 6 29 6. 134429 92317 = 40 21 12

( 130 14` ) = (120 74 `) : 2 = 60 37` 3( 120 25` ) = ( 360 75`) = 370 15` x 110 = ( 10 0 1 0 ) = (50 60 `): 2 = 50 30 ` x 90 + x 80 = 9/2 + 8/4 = 18/4+ 8/4 = 26/4 = 6 0 catatan : untuk sisa pecahan dalam bentuk menit dan detik penyelesaianya di kali 60 Contoh : 5 0 2/30 = 50 + (2/3 x 60`) = 50 40 `
7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

87 + 13 = . 216 175 = . 754 + 1813 = . 33716 27533 = . 754237 + 142337 = . 621718 175514 = . 154914 + 7717 + 253248 = . 421633 + 121745 235712 = . 433932 + 124745 265149 = . 320623 - 122748 + 130732 = .

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