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Histology of the internal organs Lesson 1


Internal organs (viscera-)these are the organs of the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems.

The systems of the organs may be represented like tubes with branches- that are differentiated for specific functions.

The digestive track is a tube with two openings the mouth and the anus. This tube called alimentary canal .This tube is specialized for degradation and absorption of nutrients. The biggest digestive
glands are branches of this tube: salivary glands, the liver and the pancreas.

The respiratory system is a tube that is opened (starts) with the openings of the nose (nares) and finishes with the lungs. Its function is gas exchange.

The urinary and reproductive systems are tubes that finish with the kidneys and the sex glands. Kidneys produce urine and sex glands produce spermatozoa and oogonia.

Internal organs can be divided into two groups: hollow organs (like stomach, gall bladder etc.) and solid organs (like liver, kidneys) The main tissue is the epithelial tissue that is associated with the
specific functions in the organs. Additional tissues: smooth muscle, loose and dense CT, cartilage etc.

Hollow organs structure

Their wall is composed of 3 layers: tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis and external tunica adventitia or tunica serosa.

Hollow organs structure

Hollow organs structure

Small intestine

Tunica mucosa
It is composed of 2 constant layers lamina epithelialis and lamina propria.

Lamina epithelialis this is the epithelium that covers the internal surface of the organs. Epithelial type may vary because of the functions of the certain organs. Lamina propria loose connective tissue that contains blood and lymphatic vessels, lymph
nodules and glands in many organs.

The wall of many organs contain submucosa (tela submucosa). It is also

composed of loose connective tissue with blood and lymphatic vessels, lymph nodules and glands (in some of
the organs). The border between lamina propria and tela submucosa is a thin layer of smooth muscle cells lamina muscularis mucosae which may change the relief- of the mucosa.

The submucosa ensures loose connection between mucosa and the muscles bellow and allows mucosa movements.

Tunica muscularis
It is composed of smooth muscles.
In most of the organs it consists of two layers internal (circular) and external (longitudinal). There are some exceptions (ureters, ductus defference etc.).

Tunica adventitia (serosa) This is a layer of fibrous connective tissue that connects the organs with adjacent- organs or thoracic and abdominal walls. In tunica serosa the organs surface is separated from adjacent structures by a simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium) which is wet and decrease the friction.

Solid organs
They consist of basic structural units composed of epithelial tissue. Additional structures-connective tissue, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings. These organs produce secrets, urine, sex cells, ensure gas exchange etc.

The solid organs are divided into lobules, segments, lobes. The segments receives one artery branch and one branch of the trabecular system (segmentary bronch). That allow the segments to be removed If there is a pathology process without affect the other segments of the certain organs.

As the hollow organs the solid ones are covered with tunica advetitia or tunica serosa.

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