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Malcolm Baldridge Quality Award

TATA Business Excellence Model

TBEM Awareness Program

Business Excellence Model

Organizational Profile Environment, Relationships, and Challenges

Cat. 2
Strategic Planning

Cat. 5
Human Resources Focus

Cat. 1

Cat. 7
Business Results

Cat. 3
Customer & Market Focus

Cat. 6
Process Management

Measurement , Analysis and Knowledge Management
TBEM Awareness Program

1.0 Leadership
1.1 Senior Leadership

1.2 Governance & Social Responsibilities

TBEM Awareness Program

1.1 Senior Leadership

Set and Deploy
VISION and VALUES Employees Key Suppliers & Partners Customers Create a Sustainable Organization Performance Improvement Strategic Objectives Innovation Agility Organizational & Employee Learning Succession Planning Personal Actions Reflect a Commitment to the Organizations Values

Promote an Environment that Fosters Legal and Ethical Behaviour

TBEM Awareness Program

1.1 Senior Leadership

Communication and Organizational Performance Focus on action to accomplish the Objectives Improve Performance, & attain Vision

Empower, and Motivate all Employees

Encourage Frank, Two-Way Communication Employee Reward & Recognition to reinforce High Performance and a Customer & Business Focus

Create and Balance Value for Customers and Other Stakeholders in Performance

TBEM Awareness Program

1.2 Governance and Social Responsibilities

Organizational Governance System Evaluate Performance
Senior Leaders & Chief Executive Members of the Governance board

Key Factors
Management Accountability Fiscal Accountability Transparency in Operations Selection & Disclosure Policies for Governance Board Members Independent Internal & External Audits Protection of Stakeholder & Stockholder Interests

Performance Review to Improve Effectiveness

Personal leadership Board & Leadership System

TBEM Awareness Program

1.2 Governance and Social Responsibilities

Legal & Ethical Behaviour
Key Processes, Measures, and Goals to address risks associated with products, services, & operations Ethical Behaviour in all interactions

Impacts on society of products, services, & operations Anticipate public concerns with current and future products, services, and operations


Prepare for concerns in a proactive manner, including using resourcesustaining Processes Key compliance Processes, Measures, & Goals Achieve & surpass regulatory and legal requirements
TBEM Awareness Program

Processes and Measures or Indicators for enabling and monitoring Ethical Behaviour in Governance structure, throughout organization, & in interactions with Customers and Partners Monitor and respond to breaches of Ethical Behaviour

1.2 Governance and Social Responsibilities

Support of Key Communities

Actively support & strengthen Identify Key communities Determine areas of emphasis Involvement of Senior Leaders & Employees

TBEM Awareness Program

Key Excellence Indicators: Leadership

Emphasizes a strong customer focus Sets and communicates direction throughout

Translates organizational review findings into

priorities for improvement

Clear, easy-to-comprehend values that can be

internalized and practiced

Focus on organizational and personal (employee)


Champion for public responsibility and citizenship

TBEM Awareness Program

Leadership Measurement / Accountability

Business Excellence Assessment 360 Performance review Associate opinion survey Leadership effectiveness survey Leadership scorecards

Balanced Business Plan results

TBEM Awareness Program


2.0 Strategic Planning

2.1 Strategy Development

2.2 Strategy Deployment

TBEM Awareness Program


2.1 Strategy Development

Strategic Planning Process

Key Process steps,

Key participants Potential process blind spots

Collect & Analyse SWOT Technology

Short- and longer-term planning time horizons

Markets & Competition Regulatory Environment Long-term organizational Sustainability Business continuity in emergencies Ability to execute strategic plan

Strategic Objectives
Key strategic objectives, Goals & timetable Evaluating strategic options Balancing short & long term challenges & opportunities. Balancing the needs of all key stakeholders
TBEM Awareness Program

2.2 Strategy Deployment

Strategic Objectives Resource Allocation Key Changes to Sustain HR Plan

Short- & Long Term Action Plans Key Changes Rapid Execution

Performance Measures, Organizational Alignment, Deployment to Key Areas & Stakeholders

Performance projections for short & Long-Term planning horizon, Appropriate Comparisons (competitors/benchmark/goals/past performance) Address Current or Projected Performance Gap
TBEM Awareness Program

Key Excellence Indicators: Strategic Planning

Long-term horizon appropriate to the industry Aggressive goal setting and strong work- process

Products, services, processes, and people


Critical targets derived from customer

requirements and market directions
current and future deployed to all units

Suppliers and partners involved

TBEM Awareness Program

3.0 Customer and Market Focus

3.1 Customer and Market Knowledge

3.2 Customer Relationships and Satisfaction

TBEM Awareness Program


3.1 Customer and Market Knowledge

Identify / Determine /Target Customers Market segments
Directions & Market Place.

Listening and learning methods in line with changing business needs ,

Include Competitors Customers Potential Customers Potential Markets

Listen and Learn to determine: Key requirements & Changing Expectations including Key product/service features Relative importance/value to Customers purchase decisions Product/service planning, marketing Improvements & other business developments Become more customer focused & better satisfy needs Current/former Customers Marketing/sales information Customer loyalty retention data, Win/lost analysis Complaints

Key differences in methods for different customers and/or customer groups

TBEM Awareness Program

3.2 Customer Relationship Building

Relationship Building
To Acquire customers To meet & exceed their expectations To Increase Loyalty & Repeat Purchase To gain Positive referral

building relationships & providing Customer access current with business needs & directions

Key Contact Requirements

Determination for each modes of customer access Deployment to all people & process involved in the response chain

Customer Relationships

Key Access Mechanisms

To seek Information To Conduct business To Make Complaints

Complaint Management
Resolution effectively & promptly Minimize customer dissatisfaction & loss of repeat business Aggregation and analysis to Improve within the organization & by Partners
TBEM Awareness Program

3.2 Customer Satisfaction Determination

Methods differ among Customer groups Measurements capture actionable information for use in exceeding Customers expectations, securing their future business, & gaining positive referrals Use Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction information for improvement

Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Determination

Follow-up on Products / services & Transaction quality for Prompt & Actionable Feedback Obtain & Use of information on Satisfaction relative to Competitors and or industry Benchmarks

Keeping approaches current with changing business needs & directions

TBEM Awareness Program

Key Excellence Indicators: Customer & Market Focus

In-depth market knowledge Proactive customer systems Multiple listening posts to identify customer requirements Focus on enhancing customer relationships and loyalty Requirements of market segments include both current and
potential customers

Resolution of complaints is effective and prompt

High levels of satisfaction and indicators of satisfaction (e.g.,
customer awards)
TBEM Awareness Program

4.0 Measurement, Analysis & Knowledge Management 4.1 Measurement, Analysis & Review of Organizational Performance

4.2 Information & Knowledge Management

TBEM Awareness Program


4.1 Measurement, Analysis & Review of Organizational Performance

4.1 a Performance measurement
Select, collect, align, and integrate data & information from all sources for tracking daily operations and overall organizational Performance, including progress relative to Strategic Objectives and Action Plans & organizational decision making & Innovation Select & Ensure the Effective use of Key comparative data and information

Selection and Alignment of measures /indicators for tracking Daily Operations and Overall Organizational Performance

Kept current with changing business needs & directions & sensitive to rapid/unexpected changes
TBEM Awareness Program

4.1 b. Performance Analysis & Review

Analysis to Support Senior Leaders Reviews for Organizational Performance, Capabilities & Strategic Planning for Valid Conclusion Review to assess Success, Competitive Performance Progress relative to Strategic Objectives & Action Plans Ability to rapidly respond to changing needs & challenges in operating environment

Deploy Priorities & Opportunities across organisation & to suppliers & Partners Support for decision making Organizational Alignment

Translate Performance Review Findings Priorities for continuous & breakthrough improvement Opportunities for Innovation

TBEM Awareness Program


4.2 Information & Knowledge Management

Needed data & information availability & accessibility to Employees, Suppliers / Partners and Customers

a. Data &
Information Availability

Continued availability of Data & Information, and Hardware & Software Systems, in the event of an emergency Keeping data & information availability mechanisms current with Business needs & Directions & Technology Hardware & Software Quality Reliable, Secure & User friendly Keeping systems current with Business needs & Directions & Technology

TBEM Awareness Program


4.2 Information & Knowledge Management

Collection & transfer of employee knowledge

Management of


Transfer of relevant knowledge from and to suppliers, partners, and customers Rapid Identification, sharing & implementation of best practices

Data, Information & Knowledge Quality

Accuracy Integrity & reliability Timeliness Security, and Confidentiality

TBEM Awareness Program


Measurement, Analysis & KM

Quantitative orientation Focus on actionable data Aligned and interlinking measures (internal and external) Wide deployment and accessibility Strong analysis capability Benchmark best-in-class

Hardware and software systems are current, reliable, and user-friendly

Knowledge Management System

TBEM Awareness Program

5.0 Human Resources Focus

5.1 Work Systems

5.2 Employee Learning & Motivation

5.3 Employee Well-Being & Satisfaction

TBEM Awareness Program


5.1 Work Systems

Achievement of High Performance
Organize & Manage Work , Jobs & Skill Promote Cooperation, Initiative, Empowerment, Innovation, Effective Communication Knowledge/skill sharing Recruitment Characteristics / skills required Recruit, Hire & Retain Diverse ideas, culture & thinking of hiring community Agility-currency with business needs to achieve action plan. Capitalize on diverse ideas, culture & thinking Performance Management, Compensation, Reward & recognition Effective Succession planning for key position & Career Progression for all employees

TBEM Awareness Program


5.2 Employee Learning & Motivation

Overall Objectives supported by Employee education , training and career development, High Performance, build employee knowledge , skills & capabilities. Identify Need Design Deliver Reinforce Evaluate
Short / Long term Organizational needs Balance Short & Longer term objectives Employee development, on going learning, career planning, Diversity, leadership development, ethical business practices, orientation, safety, technology changes New Knowledge, Skills, & transfer Knowledge from departing or retiring employees Performance Excellence Performance Measurements
Performance Standards

Performance Improvement

Motivation & Career Development

TBEM Awareness Program

5.3 Employee Well-being & Satisfaction

Well-being, Satisfaction, Motivation
Work Environment Health Safety - employee involvement Security Environment Key measures/targets

Work Environment Employee Groups Work Units. Workplace preparedness

Employee Support Climate Tailored - Services,benefits,policies

for emergencies & disasters- business continuity

Employee Satisfaction Assessment methods/measures Linkage to business results

TBEM Awareness Program


Key Excellence Indicators: Human Resource Focus

Commitment to employee satisfaction, motivation,
and well-being Integration with overall business planning Recognition of internal customers Comprehensive learning Links between individual and organizational learning Empowerment Links between employee development and organizational performance Focus on employee well-being and morale

TBEM Awareness Program

6.0 Process Management

6.1 Value Creation Processes

6.2 Support Processes & Operational Planning

TBEM Awareness Program


6.1 Value Creation Processes

Value Creation Processes
Determine Creating & Adding Value Key Products & Services Business Processes Contribute to profitability & Business Success Key performance measures or indicators for Control & Improve Day-to Day Operations & In-process measures for Process Management. Customer, Supplier & Partners inputs for Process Management. Minimizing costs of inspections, test, audits, Warranty & rework
TBEM Awareness Program

Customer / Market requirements Supplier/partner inputs New Technology Organisational Knowledge Potential need for Agility Design Quality
Cycle time Learning Cost control Design technology Productivity Efficiency Effectiveness

Implement & Verify

E & I for better performance, reduce variation, Product & Service, Current with Business needs & Directions, sharing across other units & processes to drive learning & innovation


6.2 Support Processes & Operational Planning

Support Processes
Determine Key Processes to Supporting Value Creation Processes. Internal/External Customer requirements Supplier/partner inputs New Technology Organisational Knowledge Potential need for Agility Design Quality Key performance measures or indicators for Control & Improve Day-to Day Operations & In-process measures for Process Management. Customer, Supplier & Partners inputs for Process Management. Minimizing costs of inspections, test, audits, Defects & Rework
TBEM Awareness Program

Implement & Verify

Cycle time Learning Cost control Design technology Productivity Efficiency Effectiveness

E & I for better performance, reduce variation, Product & Service, Current with Business needs & Directions, sharing across other units & processes to drive learning & innovation


6.2 Support Processes & Operational Planning

Ensure Adequate Resource Availability Financial resources to support operations The resources to meet current financial obligations To support major new business investments

Operational Planning

Assess the financial risks associated with Current business operations Major new business investments

Ensure continuity of operations in the event

of an emergency

TBEM Awareness Program


Key Excellence Indicators: Process Management

Well-defined product / service (value

creation), and support processes

Quality in design of products, services,

and processes

Focus on cycle time and productivity Integration of prevention, correction, and

improvement with daily operations

Supplier and partnering processes

TBEM Awareness Program

7.1 Product and Service Outcomes

a. Product And Service Results

Current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of product and service performance that are important to customers

Compare with your competitors performance

Segment results by product and service types and groups, customer groups, and market segments with appropriate comparative data

TBEM Awareness Program


7.2 Customer-Focused Results

Key customer-focused results, including customer satisfaction and customer-perceived value.

a. Customer-focused results

Current levels and trends in Key measures or indicators of

Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction Customer-perceived value including Customer loyalty and retention, positive referral and other aspects of building relationships with customers, as appropriate

Compare with competitors levels of customer satisfaction

Segment results by product and service types and groups, customer groups, and market segments with appropriate comparative data

TBEM Awareness Program


7.3 Financial and Market Results

a. Financial And Market Results
Current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of Financial performance, including aggregate measures of financial return and economic value.

performance, including market share or position, business growth, and new markets entered

Segment results by customer or market segments with appropriate comparative data

TBEM Awareness Program


7.4 Human Resource Results

a. Human Resource Results
Current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of

system performance and effectiveness learning and development

employee employee

well-being, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction

Segment results to address the diversity of workforce and the different types and categories of employees, with appropriate comparative data.

TBEM Awareness Program


7.5 Organizational Effectiveness Results

a. Organizational Effectiveness Results
Current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of Operational performance of

Key value creation processes. Include productivity, cycle time, supplier and partner performance, and other appropriate measures of effectiveness and efficiency. Other Key processes. include productivity, cycle time, supplier and partner performance, and other appropriate measures of effectiveness and efficiency.
Segment results by product and service types and groups and by market segments, with appropriate comparative data.

TBEM Awareness Program


7.6 Leadership and Social Responsibility Results

a. Leadership And Social Responsibility Results Results for Key measures or indicators of

Accomplishment of organizational strategy and action plans

Ethical behaviour and of stakeholder trust in the senior leaders and governance of organization Breaches of ethical behaviour Fiscal accountability, both internal and external, as appropriate (Key current findings and trends) Regulatory and legal compliance Organizational citizenship in support of key communities Segment results by business units, with appropriate comparative data.

TBEM Awareness Program


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