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1) X is an electric, self-balancing human transporter with a
complex, computer controlled gyroscopic stabilization and
control system. The device balances on two parallel wheels and is
controlled by moving body weight. The machine's development
was the object of much speculation and hype after segments of a
book quoting Steve Jobs and other notable IT visionaries
espousing its society-revolutionizing potential were leaked in
December 2001. X was also named as the coolest invention of
2003 by TIME magazine.
The inventor of X was Y. He was born in Rockville Centre, New
York, he attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute, but dropped
out before graduating. His father was Jack ________, an illustrator
of Mad Magazine, Weird Science and other EC Comics.
ID X and Y.
2) It registers itself in Europe as “Heavy Quadricycle” and
has a running cost of just 0.4 rupees/km considering Indian
petrol price to be 1.3$/litre. It’s Company claims that “In
over 40 million km of X usage, there has not been a single
fatality or serious injury”. Sold in India from 2001 and
England from 2003 now in many countries. The manufacture
itself is a joint venture between the Maini group of India and
AEV LLC of California and venture backed by leading US
investors Global environment fund and Draper Fisher
Jurvetson. It’s also got a town in Mozambique named after it
and Swedish sports car named after it. It’s our very own??
 IF temperature IS very cold THEN stop fan
 IF temperature IS cold THEN turn down fan
 IF temperature IS normal THEN maintain level
 IF temperature IS hot THEN speed up fan.

Notice there is no "ELSE". All of the rules are evaluated,

because the temperature might be "cold" and "normal" at the
same time to differing degrees. What is this an example of?
4) X were known to Chinese mathematicians, as early as 650
BC and Arab mathematicians, possibly as early as the 7th
century, when the Arabs conquered northwestern parts of
the Indian subcontinent and learned Indian
mathematics and astronomy, including other aspects
of combinatorial mathematics. The first X of order 5 and 6
appear in an encyclopedia from Baghdad circa 983 AD,
the Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity (Rasa'il Ihkwan al-
Safa); simpler X were known to several earlier Arab
mathematicians. Some of these were later used in conjunction
with magic letters as in (Shams Al-ma'arif) to assist
Arab illusionists and magicians.
5) The 1) ___________________________ is essentially a restatement of
the second law of thermodynamics. It states that for a closed system, with
constant external parameters and entropy, the internal energy will
decrease and approach a minimum value at equilibrium. External
parameters generally means the volume, but may include other
parameters which are specified externally, such as a constant magnetic
In contrast, the second law states that for isolated systems, (and fixed
external parameters) the entropy will increase to a maximum value at
equilibrium. An isolated system has a fixed total energy and mass. A closed
system, on the other hand, is a system which is connected to another
system, and may exchange energy, but not mass, with the other system. If,
rather than an isolated system, we have a closed system, in which the
entropy rather than the energy remains constant, then it follows from the
first and second laws of thermodynamics that the energy of that system
will drop to a minimum value at equilibrium, transferring its energy to the
other system. To restate:
2)____________________: For a closed system with fixed internal energy (i.e.
an isolated system), the entropy is maximized at equilibrium.
1)____________________: For a closed system with fixed entropy, the
total energy is minimized at equilibrium.
Fill up the blanks. . .
6) Eugene Merle Shoemaker (or Gene Shoemaker)
(April 28, 1928 – July 18, 1997) was one of the founders of
the fields of planetary science. Born in Los Angeles,
California, he is best known for co-discovering the Comet
Shoemaker-Levy 9 with his wife Carolyn Shoemaker and
David Levy.

The brass foil wrapping of Shoemaker's memorial capsule

is inscribed with images of Comet Hale-Bopp, the Barringer
Crater, and a quotation from Romeo and Juliet reading
"And, when he shall die
Take him and cut him out in little stars
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.“

Where is he buried?
Connect . . . .
Stakes: 40 / -20
Stakes: 40 / -20
Stakes: 30 / -15
Stakes: 30 / -15
Stakes: 20 / -10
Stakes: 20 / -10
Stakes: 10 /0
Stakes: 10 /0
Stakes: 40 / -20
Stakes: 40 / -20
Stakes: 30 / -15
Stakes: 30 / -15
Stakes: 20 / -10
Stakes: 20 / -10
Stakes: 10 /0
Stakes: 10 /0
1) This is the phenomenon where one happens upon some
obscure piece of information– often an unfamiliar word or name–
and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, often
The phenomenon bears some similarity to synchronicity, which is
the experience of having a highly meaningful coincidence… such
as having someone telephone you while you are thinking about
them. Both phenomena invoke a feeling of mild surprise, and
cause one to ponder the odds of such an intersection. Both
smack of destiny, as though the events were supposed to occur
in just that arrangement… as though we’re witnessing yet
another domino tip over in a chain of dominoes beyond our
reckoning. What's the name?
2) As described in the July 9, 1947, edition of the ______ Daily Record,
“The balloon which held it up, if that was how it worked, must have been
12 feet long, [Brazel] felt, measuring the distance by the size of the room in
which he sat. The rubber was smoky gray in color and scattered over an
area about 200 yards in diameter. When the debris was gathered up, the
tinfoil, paper, tape, and sticks made a bundle about three feet long and 7 or
8 inches thick, while the rubber made a bundle about 18 or 20 inches long
and about 8 inches thick. In all, he estimated, the entire lot would have
weighed maybe five pounds. There was no sign of any metal in the area
which might have been used for an engine, and no sign of any propellers of
any kind, although at least one paper fin had been glued onto some of the
tinfoil. There were no words to be found anywhere on the instrument,
although there were letters on some of the parts. Considerable Scotch tape
and some tape with flowers printed upon it had been used in the
construction. No strings or wires were to be found but there were some
eyelets in the paper to indicate that some sort of attachment may have been
Name the incident.
3) How was it controversial?
4) This is a message on
website. . . Put funda. . .
5)This is the 1st page of
a biography. The
author is also known as
the “Father of Indian
6) The were designed as framed tube structures, which provided
tenants with open floor plans, uninterrupted by columns or walls. This
was accomplished using numerous closely spaced perimeter columns
to provide much of the strength to the structure, along with gravity
load shared with the core columns. The elevator system, which made
use of sky lobbies and a system of express and local elevators,
allowed substantial floor space to be freed up for use as office space
by making the structural core smaller. The design and construction
involved many other innovative techniques, such as the slurry
wall for digging the foundation, and wind tunnel experiments.
Construction of North Tower began in August 1968, and the South
Tower in 1969. Extensive use of prefabricated components helped to
speed up the construction process. The first tenants moved into the
North Tower in December 1970 and into the South Tower in January
1972. Four other low-level buildings were constructed in the 1970s,
and a seventh building was constructed in the mid-1980s. Which
7) Baba theory (from Greek νοητικός "mental" from νοεῖν "to think" from νοῦς -
noûs) is a branch of metaphysical philosophy concerned with the study of mind and
intuition,and its relationship with the divine intellect. Among its principal purposes
one can mention the study of non-rational ways of knowing and how they relate to
reason; it also refers to the study of relationships between human and divine
intuition. That is why Baba theory often had very close links with metaphysics. In
the Western tradition and Arab philosophy baba theory was strongly influenced by
the theories of philosophers such as Anaxagoras, Plato and Aristotle. It tests the
power of the Human Consciousness & what powers the human mind has in direct
relation to the physical world (a.k.a. Can the Human Mind change the physical
environment around it?)…. What is Baba??
8) ________ ______________ was discovered by Erasmus Jacobs, the
15 year old son of Daniel Jacobs, who owned a farm on the
river. Erasmus used the stone as a toy, although his mother
noticed its shine and mentioned it to a neighbour, Schalk van
Niekerk. Intrigued by the stone, Van Niekerk offered to buy it from
Mrs. Jacobs, who instead gave it to him saying, "You can keep the
stone, if you want it".
Van Niekerk entrusted the stone to John O'Reilly, who took it
to Colesberg to inquire as to its nature and value. The stone came
under the view of the acting Civil Commissioner Lourenzo Boyes,
who on seeing that the stone cut glass declared: "I believe it to be
a __________.“  The stone was then sent by mail in an ordinary
paper envelope to Dr. William Guybon Atherstone, the colony's
foremost mineralogist, in Grahamstown. Atherstone confirmed
that it was a 21.25 carat (4.25 g) __________.

 The ________ ___________ was placed in the Kimberley Mine

Museum, where it is currently on display.

Give the name and speciality

Clue: Archimedes

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