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What follows the decisions of the

Spring European Council

The Commission Roadmap for action
Informal Competitiveness Council Athens 11 May !1"
#ur o$%ective
"Europe needs a strong and competitive industrial
base, in terms of both production and investment,
as the key driver for economic growth and jobs".
#ur priority at present&
Implementation of actions announced and
preparation of the 2020 trategy !eview
Three main lines of action

"usiness #riendly !egulation $ %olicy

pecific &easures for Enterprise 'rowth

(n Integrated Industrial "ase #it for Innovation

&anufacturing to be 20) of E* gross value added
'usiness (riendly Regulation ) *olicy
Internal Mar+et
Enforce Internal &arket legislation and
&easures to implement an internal market for
business services
%romote an efficient system of standardisation
including a calendar to facilitate the integration of
markets for digital services and smart networks.
'usiness (riendly Regulation ) *olicy
Smart Regulation ) *u$lic Administration
*pdate of the mall "usiness (ct to further
simplify regulatory environment and reduce costs
of start+up and operations
Ensure the implementation and enforcement of
the ,ate %ayments -irective
-evelop best practices for modern public
administration with possible objectives for
'usiness (riendly Regulation ) *olicy
Access to raw materials and energy
.rade and investment negotiations with third
country to ensure affordable access to key inputs
&onitor energy prices across Europe
upport work to identify and eliminate
unnecessary prices distortions created by ta/es
and levies on energy, rationali0e funding of
renewable energy sources.
Support Measures for Enterprise ,rowth
SME support and advice
1 !einforcement of the Entrepreneurship (ction
%lan to advise and promote entrepreneurship skills
among start up managers
1 !einforcement of the European Enterprise
2etwork and I%! 3elpdesks to support &Es
operations across the internal market
Support Measures for Enterprise ,rowth
Access to finance
1 -evelop the financial instrument for &E lending
supported but EI" and EI# funding
Ensure efficient lending of 45&E, 3ori0on 2020
and EI# funding for &Es
1 -evelop framework for alternative sources of &E
funding as foreseen in the 'reen %aper on ,ong .erm
Support Measures for Enterprise ,rowth
-evelopment of Erasmus 6 for trainees and young
*se financing instruments to finance partnerships
with firms for vocational training
(nticipate the conse7uences of industrial
restructuring with reskilling projects
Support Measures for Enterprise ,rowth
1 -evelop the &issions for 'rowth
1 -evelop the EE2 and I%! 3elpdesk in non E*
countries as more effective support instruments for
1 -evelop instruments with the EI" to support E*
firms8 internationalisation
Integrated innovative industrial $ase
Support for innovative pro%ects
1 Implement recommendation of the task forces in the
si/ priority knowledge areas
1 Establish %ublic+private partnership in key
technological domains to leverage 3ori0on 2020
1 Invest in %rojects of 4ommon European Interest for
1 -evelop market based financial instruments such as
project bonds .
Integrated innovative industrial $ase
Clusters and regional smart specialisation
1 .ake steps to involve industry in mart
pecialisation strategies by facilitating collaboration
between industry and regions
1 %rovide a platform in the form of an information
e/change tool on collaboration opportunities
between regions and firms across the E*
1 #urther support cluster policy with an emphasis
on inter regional linkages
Integrated innovative industrial $ase
-issemination of technology
1 upport investment and dissemination of green
technology :cleantech;
1 upport the dissemination of I4. adoption in
industry and business services with an action plan
Integrated innovative industrial $ase
Industrial strategy for specific sectors
1 Ensure implementation of e/isting sector specific
plans such as 4ars 2020 and the teel (ction %lan.
1 .ake measure to support service sectors with a
significant potential to develop and &E base in the
E* such as .ourism or the design industry
Improved policy ma+ing .1/
Mainstreaming of competitiveness
In practice, already underway inside the
4ommission. E/<

Tools& -evelopment of suita$le instruments&

Competitiveness proofing0 fitness chec+s

*olicies& State aid modernisation 1 Cohesion policy

&ore work remains to be done<

Structured coorperation .competitiveness


(urthering cooperation underway in areas such as

climate0 energy digital agenda
Improved policy ma+ing ./& 'uilding a
partnership with Mem$er States and
-efine a role for the Competitiveness Council in
the promotion of a coordinated industrial
European policy
Improve the mechanisms for the coordination of
decision ma+ing on industrial policy at regional0
national and E2 level

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