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Performance Assessment

authentic assessment = PBL

Performance assessment is one which requires
students to demonstrate that they have mastered
specific skills and competencies by performing or
producing something.

Performance assessment has two parts:
1. the task to be complete by the respondent
2. the criteria for judging quality of the response
Why performance assessment?
Relying on test items that are proxies for genuine and worthy
performance challenges that try to measure performance
indirectly.well, insteadwe should routinely assess students
ability to perform on complex tasks at the heart of each
subject, scaffolding the task.
Wiggins, Educative Assessment

Ada kekurangan penilaian tradisional,

The teacher taught how to setup, focus,
identify and draw pictures of objects on glass
As the end of the unit
assessment, students
labeled parts of a
diagrammed microscope
and answered multiple
choice questions about
the history of the
Oral reading skills are
strongly emphasized in
this classroom, and a
great deal of energy is
spent helping students
use proper phrasing,
vocal expression, and
clear pronunciation when
they read aloud.
The teacher uses
tests that assess
pupils' reading
and word
How about this health class?
The CPR were
introduced to the
concept and shown
a movie. An EMT
came to class with
a practice dummy
and instructed
each student on
the technique.
The end of the
unit test had 25
questions over all
the information
they had learned.
Taken from the book, A Teachers Guide to Performance-Based Learning and Assessment
Performance Tasks . . .
. . . generally occur over time
. . . result in tangible products or observable performances
. . . involve meaning-making
. . . encourage self-evaluation and revision
. . . require judgment to score
. . . reveal degrees of proficiency based on criteria established and
made public prior to the performance
. . . sometimes involve students working with others

-Marzano, Pickering, & McTighe
To define valued outcomes for students
To capture students' time and attention
To generate appropriate student learning
To help students internalize the disciplines
To identify opportunities for improvement

Lets look at more examplesyou keep
tabs on commonalities between all
the following tasks
Primary example
(In view of the class, place 10 caterpillars in a box.
Place a flashlight at one end, while darkening the
other by folding over the box top.) Do caterpillars
move more to the light or more to the dark? Make
a graph that shows how many caterpillars move to
the light and how many move to the dark part of
the box. Your graphs will be displayed at our class
Elementary school
(At several specified times during the school
day, students observe and count, for a set
length of time, the number of cars and other
vehicles going through an intersection near
the school.) The police department is
considering a traffic light or a crossing guard
at the intersection near your school. Your
help is needed to make graphs that show how
many vehicles go through that intersection at
certain times of the day. Excellent graphs
will be sent to the Chief of Police.
Middle or High School
(Provide the students with a copy of a speeding
ticket that shows how the fine is determined.)
How is the fine for speeding in our state
determined? Make a graph that shows teenagers
in our town how much it will cost them if they are
caught speeding. Excellent graphs will be
displayed in the Driver's Education classroom.
5 Common Domains for
Performance Assessment
Affective Skills
Students will communicate
information and ideas
Learning Objective
Students will demonstrate
the ability to write clear,
concise explanation of
concepts, using correct
grammar, syntax, spelling
and word usage.
Write a summary report on
an article.
Task Description
This assignment will
require you to
demonstrate your ability
to write clear, concise
explanation of concepts,
using correct grammar,
syntax, spelling and
word usage.
You will select an article
related to our current
class topic. After
reading the article, you
will write a report that
summarizes the major
concepts of the article.
This summary should be
at least 3 pages long and
should be submitted to
Blackboard by Friday.
Using the rubric, it will
be scored based on your
explanation of the
concepts and the quality
of your written work.
Assessment cycle for performance assessment
Determine who will use the assessment result and how they will
use them
Identified the learning target to be assessed
Select the appropriate assessment methods
Determine sample size (sejauh mana kita nak cover dlm obj)

Select or develop the task
Evaluate the task for quality
Select or develop the rubric
Evaluate the rubric for quality

Conduct and score the assessment
Revise as needed for future use

What is a Rubric?
In the context of performance assessment, rubric
represent the criteria for evaluating the quality of
reasoning process, a performance or a product.

A set of explicit expectations or criteria
Description of varying levels of performance

Systematic method of scoring student work
Increases reliability and validity of course assessments
Five Reasons to Use Rubrics
1. Rubrics tell students they must do a careful job. Information on
the expected quality of the task performed is given to students.

2. Rubrics set standards. Students know in advance what they have to
do to achieve a certain level.

3. Rubrics clarify expectations. When levels are described in clear
language, everyone knows what is required. The quality of student
work will improve.

4. Rubrics help students take responsibility for their own learning.
Students use rubrics to help study information the teacher values.

5. Rubrics have value to other stakeholders. Anyone (including
colleagues, parents and community members) seeing a rubric and a
student score based on that rubric knows what content was mastered
by that student.

Holistic or Analytical
Trait Rubrics
Holistic rubric gives a single score or
rating for an entire product or
performance based on an overall
impression of a students work
Analytical trait rubric divides a product
or performance into essential traits or
dimensions so that they can be judged
separatelyone analyzes a product or
performance for essential traits
The structure of rubric takes the form of:
Criteria represent key, independently varying dimension of
quality. Each criterion has its own rubric. Criteria are also
sometimes called traits.

Criteria for complex performance or product can be broken
down into subcategories called indicators. Indicators are the
bulleted list of features assess in each criterion.

Levels on rubrics are the point on scale defining degree of
quality. They can be level with numbers.

Refer to the sentences or phrases representing each
indicators at each level.
Provide the details use to flesh out the indicators and
differentiate the levels

Characteristics of a good rubric
A Content of the rubric
Target alignment
Focus on essential elements

B Structure of the rubric
Number of criteria
Independence of criteria
Grouping of descriptors
Numbers of levels

C Descriptors in the rubric
Kind of detail
Content of performance levels
Formative usefulness

A Content of the rubric
Defines the elements of quality essential to achieve the intended
learning targets
A good rubric defines the intended learning target by describing
what is required to do well.
What students see on the rubric is how they define quality
To make sure a rubrics content is in good shape, pay attention to
two factors: target alignment and match to essential elements

Target Alignment
The task should align to learning target
The rubric also should be align to learning target
The rubric criteria and descriptors should focus on
features that contribute to doing well on the learning
For ex, if the intended learning target is the reasoning
than the criteria and descriptors should related to the
reasoning target.
Features unrelated to the learning targets should be left
out or assessed separately for another purpose
Match to essential elements
The rubrics criteria and descriptors should represent
best thinking about what it means to perform well on
intended learning target
Everything of importance for your student at your level
should be included
Three unfortunate thing happen when important things
are omitted:
1. we send the massage that what is left out is
2. We generate incomplete information on which to
plan future instruction
3.we provide no feedback to students on the quality
of valued elements
B Structure of rubric

Structure refer to how rubric is organized:
Good rubric organize the criteria and its associated
descriptors in ways that it possible for the user to create
an accurate picture of strength and weakness.
Clear structure contribute to ease of use
To maximize a rubric structure , pay attention to four
1.number of criteria
2. independence of criteria
3. grouping descriptors and
4. numbers of levels

Numbers of criteria
The number of criteria should be sufficient to reflect
the complexity of the learning target and its intended
Independence of criteria
If there are multiple of criteria, they should be
independence of one another
Grouping descriptors
If there are multiple criteria, all descriptors should fit
under the criterion they are assign to.
Categories defined by the criteria should suit the
descriptors contained within them.
Number of levels
The number of levels of proficiency defined within eacg
criterion should fit the complexity of the target and
intended use of the data
The level should be useful to diagnose student strength
Enough to reflect typical stage on student understanding,
capabilities or progress
They should not be so many levels that is i difficult or
impossible to define or distinguish among them

Descriptors of rubric
The descriptors are the goes unders the details that
fleshes out each level
The high quality rubric include descriptors that
accurately represent the criteria, are complete and clear
enough so that teachers and students are likely to
interpret them the same way
To evaluate the descriptors , pay attention to three
1. Kinds of details
2. content of levels
3. Formative usefulness
Kind of details
The wording should be descriptive of the work
To be used for formatively, a rubric descriptors should be
helpful in defining levels in ways tnat diagnose student
strengths and weakness.
Evaluative and quantitative language should not be used in

Content of levels
The level of the rubric should be parallel in their
references to key quality
If an indicator of quality is referred to in one level, it
should be mention in all levels
Ex: focus is describe in strong level, it should be
describe at all of the other levels.

Formative usefulness
If the rubric is intended for formative use, its levels
and descriptors should function as effective feedback to
the student and the teacher, leading to clear conclusions
about strengths and areas needing work that provide
sufficient details to guide further learning
Students should be able to use the ingredients of the
rubric to self-assess, to revise their own work, and to
plan their own next steps in learning.
Teachers should be able to use the rubric to determine
what to teach next, to identify needs for differentiated
instruction or to identify topic for whole group teaching.
The language that ca be understand- a student friendly
Process for developing rubric
1. Establish a knowledge base
2. Gather samples of students performance or product
3. Sort students work by level of quality
4. Cluster the descriptors into traits
5. Identify samples that illustrate each level
6. Test the rubrics and revise as needed
1. Establish a knowledge base
Work in group/ experience/ expertise
List what you believe to be the characteristic of high quality
performance or product, as called for by the learning target
that the rubric is intended to assess.
Collect as many existing rubric as you can- these documents
may provide you with inspiration and rubric language
Review the rubric and add to your list any charateristis that
you believe should be added.

2. Gather samples of students performance or product
Gather a range of student performance or products that
illustrate different levels of quality on intended learning
Good sources include your own students work, your
colleagues students work, books on teaching your subjects,
internet sites
Try to gather at least 20 samples representing more than
one topic or task.
A variety of samples help ensure that all important
criteria are included on the final rubric

3.Sort students work by level of quality
Begin by examining the samples of students work and
sorting them into three stack representing your evaluation
of them as strong, medium and week
Write down your reasons for placing each sample in each
Have each members of the team do this independently
The goal is to develop a complete list of the reasons why
a sample should placed in a particular stack
Focus on being descriptive in your reasons
The descriptive phrases that you create will form the
core of your rubric descriptors
Compile all your descriptions of the samples in each stack
Use examples to create list of discriptors of quality at
each level

4. Cluster the descriptors into traits
Your sorting and describing will result in hodgepodge of
descriptors at each level of performance.
some descriptors will be closely linked and can be
assigned to a category:
Ex: Lot of statements refer to fluency - put in one
Some will overlap
Ex: speaks in paragraph is the same as combines
several sentences delete one
Other may need to be separated into two categories
Ex: Trouble placing a students performance in single
category because it was strong in fluency but week in
pronunciation score this tow dimension separately

5. Identify samples that illustrate each level
Select examples that illustrate well what is mean by
each trait at each level of achievement
These samples help teachers attain consistency
with each other and within their own scoring across
time, students and assignment
Sample will help student understand what each level
look like in concrete term

Rules of thumb for selecting samples to illustrate criteria
and levels
1. Start with the extremes (strong and weak)
Identify samples that match a good number of descriptors
in the highest and lowest category
2. Find examples for middle levels
Represent the approximate midpoint in the progression to
excellence for each criteria
3.Find several different examples across assignments that
illustrate each level
The purpose is to help with training rates to apply the
criteria consistently.
4. Keep your eye out for examples illustrating typical problem
Select examples that illustrate common errors students
make, misconception they are likely to have and flaws in
meaning teaching tools
6. Test the rubrics and revise as needed
Score your student samples with your draft rubric and ask
student to score anonymous samples as well
problem identified might be:
a.Some student performance/product include feature not
mentioned in the rubric
b.Features of student work seems to be rated in more than
one criterion.
c.Criteria seems too broad
d.The content of some levels is not parallel

Holistic Rubric
Exemplary = 24 Proficient = 22 Acceptable= 20 Weak= 18 Unacceptable = 16
The presentation
addresses the assigned
genre. The genre is
introduced with a clear
definition. All
characteristics of the
genre and any
subcategories are
identified and explained.
Multiple examples are
used to illustrate the
genre. A variety of
suggestions are provided
regarding use of the
genre in the classroom.
A bibliography 10 books
from the genre is
provided in correct APA
format. The
presentation is well-
organized, well-written
and visually attractive.
The presentation
addresses the assigned
genre. The genre is
defined. Characteristics
and subcategories are
identified and explained.
At least 2 examples of
the genre are presented.
At least 2 suggestions
for classroom use
included. A bibliography
of 10 books is provided.
The presentation
addresses the assigned
genre. The genre is
defined. Characteristics
and subcategories are
identified. An example
of the genre is
presented. A suggestion
for classroom use is
included. A bibliography
of less than10 books is
The presentation
addresses the assigned
genre. Characteristics or
subcategories are
identified. The
presentation lacks
examples or
suggestions. A partial
bibliography is
The presentation does
not address the assigned
genre. Characteristics or
subcategories of the
genre are not clearly
identified. Examples
and instructional
suggestions are not
included. A genre
bibliography is missing.
Analytic Rubric
Category (Exemplary ) 4 (Good) 3 (Marginal) 2 (Unacceptable) 1
Quality of Information Information clearly relates to
the main topic and adds new
concepts, information. It
includes several supporting
details and/or examples.
Consistently establishes
source documentation for
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. It provides at
least 1 supporting
detail or example.
Occasionally provides
Information clearly relates
to the main topic. No
details and/or examples
are given. Provides
documentation when
Information has little or
nothing to do with the
main topic or simply
restates the main concept.
It does not advance the
discussion. Does not
provide documentation for
Critical Thinking Enhances the critical thinking
process consistently through
reflection and questioning of
self and others; is a quality
response that advances
thoughts forward; adds to the
discussion/ is a critical
Some critical thinking
and reflection is
demonstrated in
discussion by the
Responds to questions
but does not engage in
premise reflection
Does not respond to
questions pose by the
Collaboration Encourages and facilitates
interaction among members of
the online community.
Reflects and evaluates own
practices. Encourages
colleagues to evaluate their
Responds to other
members of the online
community. Reflects
on own practices.
Limited interactions or
responses to other
members of the online
Responds to the
discussion facilitator only.
No interaction with peers
Professional Language Professional vocabulary and
writing style are used
consistently throughout the
vocabulary and writing
style are used
frequently throughout
the discussion.
Professional vocabulary
and writing style are used
occasionally throughout
the discussion.
Professional vocabulary
and writing style are not
Timeliness One thread and two
responses posted within time
One thread and one
response on time.
One response late
Thread or two responses
Thread and responses
Now you design a task..
To ensure clarity, task descriptions for students should
Learning target to be measured
Clear instructions
Resource materials
Format of response (e.g., oral report, written report)

And yet to come in the last part of performance
Scoring criteria
Generic or Task-Specific
Generic-Can be used across similar
performances. Youd use the same rubric
for judging all open-ended mathematics
problems, all writing, all oral
presentations, all critical thinking, or all
group interaction.
Task-specific rubrics: each one can only
be used for a single task.
Andrade, H., & Du, Y. (2005). Student perspectives on rubric-
referenced assessment. Practical Assessment, Research and
Evaluation, 10, 3.
Andrade, H. (2000). Using rubrics to promote thinking and learning.
Educational Leadership, 57,5. 13-18.
Arter, J., & McTighe, J. (2001). Scoring rubrics in the classroom.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Montgomery, K. (2001). Authentic tasks and rubrics: Going beyond
traditional assessments in college teaching. College Teaching, 50, 1.
Stevens, D. & Levi, A. (2005). Introduction to rubrics. Sterling, VA:
Stylus Publishing.

Web Resources
Kathy Schrocks Guide for
Works Cited/Consulted--
Airaisian, Peter W. Classroom
Assessment: Concepts and
Applications. McGraw Hill, 2001.
Hibbard, Michael K, et al. A Teacher's
Guide to Performance-Based Learning
and Assessment. ASCD, 1996.
Wiggins, Grant and Jay McTighe. Tips
for Developing Effective Rubrics.
Understanding by Design. ASCD,1998.
Wiggins, Grant. Educative Assessment:
Designing Assessments to Inform and
Improve Student Performance. Jossey-
Bass Publishers, 1998.

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