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Raising Children with Discipline & Love

Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba called Mrs. Rita Bruce and her husband for two interviews to guide them with the publishing of a
new manuscript. When the manuscript was complete, Bhagavan said, "Call it Sathya Sai Parenting; it is for all my
- Taken from an article written by Rita Bruce
'Teaching self-discipline to children' is a chapter from the book 'Sathya Sai Parenting'. It is about the importance of
inculcating discipline in children. In this interview Bhagavan stresses on the need for morality-based education and
discipline-based parenting.
Character Through Example
Have you ever thought that if we don't tell our children, "No," how will they ever learn to tell
themselves No? Stop and think about this, it is very important. Swami says, "Parents have
the primary responsibility to mould the character of their children." The character is moulded
through our example, instruction, love and discipline.

The subject of discipline has been continuously emphasized by our Beloved Baba. He says,
"Ninety percent of the blame for spoiling the behaviour and character of children, go
to the parents. They show too much unintelligent affection and give too indiscriminate
a freedom to them."
Apply the Break of Self Discipline
Why is discipline so important? Because we would not even get out of bed in the morning
without discipline. It is the function of the conscience that tells us to Stop. To stop sleeping
too long, eating too much, crying too long, etc. It is the conscience mechanism that controls
our behaviour. Would you put your child in a car without a brake?
The Joy of Giving (Pt. 1)
Can you imagine yourself driving a car without a brake? It is the same with our behaviour; discipline is the brake. The car
is our body, our action, our personality. As of now, the children are driving their bodies without using the brake of discipline.
They are out of control. Their behaviour is not in accordance with Swami's teachings.
Now, what we are seeing in the Western culture is children who control their parents. In a way, the children are ruling the
parents, instead of the parents governing the children. This is not a correct situation. Sai says, "The parents are to blame
for three-fourths of their children's behaviour. When parents allow the children to go astray, sometime or other
they will suffer the consequences. It has become fashionable in the Kali Age (present times of value
degeneration) to let the children have their own way. The parents give a free rein to the children instead of
controlling them."
Materialism vs. Morality

In my opinion, our generation has seen the greatest "annihilation of morality." We have experienced the great revolution of
immorality. Many of the values that existed for our parents are non-existent today. We have had to emotionally and
psychologically accept what is, while longing for our memory of family values that once existed.
Divorce was the rare exception and only for extreme cases. Swami says,
"When materialism goes up; morality goes down. When morality goes up;
materialism goes down."

This is our dilemma. Our society has lost its moral fibre because of its focus
on enhancing our physical life with more and better products, as well as
pleasing ourselves, fulfilling desires, regardless of spiritual expense.

What has happened to the moral strength gained by the struggle to
overcome difficulties which sustained the pioneering spirit of the older
generation? We live in such physical comfort that our children are pampered
into indolence.

It has cheated and impaired their spiritual character. Spoiling them has
made them weak. They do not know how to fight for survival. We have
certainly failed them.
Because of the industrial and technological age, we became consumers of comfort and pleasure. We wanted our children
to have everything. We watch the commercials on television, followed their advice, and bought and purchased and
consumed ad nauseam. We discovered that happiness couldn't be purchased for ourselves or our children.

You can't buy happiness, period. The children only want more......why? Because we did not teach them or ourselves how
to apply the brake of self-discipline. We are programmed to be consumers. We have bought into the marketing strategy,
hook, line and sinker.
We work, work, and work. Why? To have a higher standard of living? Do we really need as much as we have? When we
keep purchasing goods, we are teaching our children by our example to continue the same behaviour. The manufacturing
companies love it.

Swami says, "Waste of money is evil, teach children not to receive anything for nothing. Let them earn by hard
work the things they seek.

Love and discipline have been replaced by purchasing power. We buy items to tell our children how much we love them. We
reward our children with gifts if they study, do a chore, or correct a negative behaviour.
The 'Me' Generation: A Subconscious Conditioning
We are controlling them with rewards, physical rewards, not teaching them
the self - discipline that rewards the child by building their self esteem.

It is the inner reward that counts. People need character to sustain
themselves. Just think about yourself. Don't we all want to earn our own
way? We seek independence, not dependence.

Often, people find receiving more difficult than giving. But we are not
teaching our children to give, thus we have a "me" generation, with very low

One night, Swami gave me an insightful dream. I was struggling to
understand the cause of the "me" generation. In the dream Swami told me
that my generation, the first to raise children with television, was
unknowingly, subconsciously programmed by the commercials on television.
All of the commercials were targeted for parents who had the money to buy items for their children and family. For example,
only the best detergent for diapers, the best baby food, the best products for cooking, etc. Every household had been subtly
programmed to create parent peer pressure, in addition to the peer pressure created for our children.

If the neighbour's child gets a Barbie Doll that was advertised on television, the other parents in the neighbourhood feel
obligated to do the same for their child. The same peer pressure is extended in countless ways. For example: birthday
parties, dancing lessons, sports events, etc. Rarely on television are the children programmed to give to the parents.
In previous generations, children were trained to help. The parents taught the children
to support them and to be grateful for their parents. They learned to help them grow
crops, take care of the small children, do chores, assist in the family business, etc.
The emphasis was on the children helping the parents.

In this modern age of material comfort, the emphasis is on parents doing everything
for the child. Very rarely do you see anything on television, in the commercials, films
or sit-coms that addresses the issue of children helping and respecting their parents?
How are they to learn? How do we stop this avalanche of self-centeredness instead of

Swami says, "Apart from educational programs, do not look at television at all,
especially while taking food. Concentrate on the work at hand, whether it be
eating or anything else."

Since parents are responsible for developing the character of their children, it is our
duty to teach them the joy of giving to others.
Few are going to teach them in our western society. We parents must take the reins. How can we do this? When the
children are very young, we talk to them about the joy of giving to others. The small child can bring the newspaper for dad to
read, the diaper for the new born member in the family, the napkin for grandma's lap, the cookie for a friend. This is
character development.
Parents Must Take Back Responsibility
The emphasis is on the child helping first its parents, then its
family members and friends which eventually extends outwardly
into society ending in service to God, and service to man is
service to God. The husband and wife set the example by giving
to each other. The child will observe and learn.

But example is never enough. Teaching must also be there; speak
Swami's truths and use discipline to influence the behaviour that is
desired. If the child will not bring a napkin to the grandparents,
then you tell them why they need to help others.

"We can only give love through serving others," says Swami.
It is the joy and love that we extend to others that brings true
happiness or union with God.

Few are going to teach them in our western society. We parents must take the reins. How can we do this? When the
children are very young, we talk to them about the joy of giving to others. The small child can bring the newspaper for dad to
read, the diaper for the new born member in the family, the napkin for grandma's lap, the cookie for a friend. This is
character development.

Now a small child may not understand what you are teaching, but you are planting seeds to programme his sub-conscience
with Swami's wisdom; you are creating and developing his future behaviour.
If your emotions express joy while you are explaining, the child will respond to the emotion. If the child does not
comply, you will need to correct the behaviour with some form of discipline. Swami says, "Discipline means the
observance of certain well-designed rules. Without such regulation it is not possible to maintain humanness."
Raising Children with Discipline & Love
- Taken from an article written by Rita Bruce
This is our second article on the theme of Value Parenting and is taken from the book Sathya Sai Parenting by
Mrs. Rita Bruce. This is in response to requests by many readers to have more such articles after we carried the
first article Teach Children the Joy of Giving in the May 2007 issue of H2H. The current excerpt is from the chapter
Balancing Discipline and Love and we hope to bring you more extracts from this book in the coming issues.

Let's investigate this subject of controlling or disciplining our children. From the time they are born, until they
mature, you are their conscience. When they are infants you rush to fulfill their survival needs. They become
habituated to your constant response and the behaviour begins. You are giving them what they want. It will not hurt
them to cry themselves to sleep, within reason, if a child is not wet, or hungry, or in pain. You are only interested in
their well-being, and are protecting them from getting harmed or overly tired. The sooner they learn to trust your
judgment and feel secure in your decisions the more cooperation you may have.

As they begin to toddle, their words and actions become challenging , testing you even more to see if you will allow them to
do what they want as opposed to what you want them to do. The battle between your conscience and their desires starts very
early. The sooner you let them know who is the boss, the less trouble you will have when they are in their teens.

You say

They say

Eat Your Dinner

I Don`t Like It

Take A Bath

Im Not Dirty

Clean Your Room

Whats Wrong With It?

Time for Bed

Not Tired

Time To Get Up

Too Tired

Youre Late

No Clock

Whos Fighting?

He/She Is

Who Did This?

Not Me

Share Your...

Its Mine

Do Your Homework

Dont Have Any

You Cannot Go

All My Friends Can

Change Your Cloths

Whats Wrong With These?

Get Off The Phone

I Just Got On

What Did You Do

Nothing Today.

Where is The Money?

I dont Know

Stop That Arguing

You Do!

Do these answers sound familiar to you? It is really very simple. Look down the centre of the two columns, called You
say....they say. This division is the line of separation that creates our child management problems. God has the same
"child management" issues with us. He wants us to give up our ego desires and body identification. We hear the voice of
the conscience but we, too, would rather follow our impulses. Our children present us with a similar condition; there is little
difference. Always, always look to your relationship with God, to determine what your role is as a parent. You are fighting
the battle with their ego and it is powerful.

Sai says, "To earn the goodwill of the Master, there is one recipe; obey His orders without murmur....Grace is
showered on all who obey instructions and follow orders." SSS 2 pg. 184
I could give you many examples of what they want versus what you want: hours on the
phone, not wanting to go to bed, fighting with brothers/sisters, insulting parents, returning
home late, watching television, going to movies, not cleaning their room, etc. But let us
realize that whatever the circumstances, the underlying cause is always the same, "Your
will against their will."
A toddler only knows a few words, but one of the first he catches is "No!" That's plain
enough. When they get older they embellish it a little, with phrases as in "you say - they
say" or worse. Its your will versus their will. You don't need many examples on how to
discipline, all you need is to know how to say sweetly, but firmly with love, No. Practise
it. If they don't respond then you must enforce it with discipline.

Being Consistent

The sooner they learn that your word will not be changed, the easier your job will be, now
and in the future. Inconsistency allows them to think they can have their own way. The
more you give in...the more they test you. Inconsistency gives them greater control; you
loose ground. Your job will become harder each time you give in to them. They will
continue to beg, plead, scream, throw temper fits, anything to try and persuade you to
give into their wish.
If they know that you mean "No" when you say it, they will finally get the message and relinquish the struggle to
manipulate you. Be consistent! Repetition habituates the behaviour.

Swami does the same with us. If we have a harmful desire or habit He makes our life uncomfortable with this desire, until
we let go and surrender it. When we are new to the spiritual path, we often prolong the struggle, wanting the desire
fulfilled. The longer you are on the spiritual path, the quicker you let go! You simply learn that "what you want versus what
He wants" is a lost battle before it even begins. The same process will work with your child.

Sai says, "When students do not behave, Swami tells them softly, Bangaru, you don't do that. If they still do not
behave, Swami raises His voice. His voice changes but Swami's heart does not change. That you demonstrate.
Inculcating Self Control

Most of us want our children to love us. It is painful when we have
to enforce a rule. We don't like to see them hurt or angry. We want
to play with them and enjoy their company. The problem is that
when they become adults and do not have the ability to control
themselves, their suffering increases because the risks are larger.
And I might add we also suffer when they, for example, leave a job,
get a divorce, drink too much alcohol, drive recklessly, or ignore
their familial duties. In general, we suffer when they suffer.
A group of devotees from Madras came to Bhagavan and said,
"Swami please visit our Centre in Madras ?" Swami replied, "What
is the use? You are not regular in your appointment with God.
One day, you commence Bhajan at 5 PM another day at 5:30
PM . When you say that you commence Bhajan at 5 PM God
will always be ready at your doorstep. But you want to give
importance to a guest politician who was to come to attend
the Bhajan. Discipline is my Second Name. Remember this."

Our children wandering away from God would be our ultimate failure. This is
the main task set before us....to bring our children to God. If we take our
duty seriously, make every effort, and our children fail to realize the God
within, then we sigh and ponder their karma. You are not responsible for the
results, the good or not so good. You can only execute your duty in the best
way that you know. When you have done this, and the results are not what
you sought, it is up to God to change what you cannot.

Swami said, "He alone is the father who tells his son "Child, realize
God". He is the true Guru, who leads the disciple to God. Such
teachers and parents have become rare these days. All that had
brought fame and glory to the country in the past has become a waste,
because of the decline of the moral values and behaviour. The
educational system is utterly vilified."

Suffering is a part of life; we must learn to accept it and go on living, and
even loving our living. By placing emphasis on pleasure, we are sending the
message that pain is so unbearable that it must be avoided at all cost, and
we must find an escape.
As Sai says, "Pleasure is a brief interval between two pains. Our job is to teach them that life holds both joy and grief.
The more we stress the importance of one over the other, the lesson of treating them equally is not learned. Yes, I know this
is certainly a task for the self-realized, but it is important for us to strive for the ideal.

Don't place so much importance on seeking pleasure by continuously entertaining the child. They are so highly stimulated
today that they cannot seek the simplicity of enjoying their own imagination. They must even be entertained in the school
classroom. Is it too difficult for the child to realize that learning is often hard work, and not always entertaining? Is it not the
time for entertainment? We are pampering the children too much. We assume they cannot face the reality of life unless we
sugar-coat each event.
Allow the child to struggle with its own life issues. Our purpose for being in
the body is to overcome it, transcend it. If we do not teach them how to face
each situation fearlessly, to confront problems and challenges, fighting with
a strong will and all their might to overcome the evil forces that are here on
earth, then they will succumb. Our conscience is training their conscience,
teaching them what is right and what is wrong. This will develop a pattern of
behaviour that will sustain them throughout their lives.

Sai teaches us, "Do good and have good in return; do bad and accept
the bad that comes back; that is the law."

If our child makes a mistake, we can teach them how to correct it. This
builds their self-esteem and self-confidence, which are essential aspects of
self-love. Can we continue to deny our children the art of self-discipline, the
core of character building, by spoiling them?

Swami says, "Parents, have the primary responsibility to mould the
character of children. Too much freedom should not be given out of
excessive affection. Children should be taught to exercise self-
restraint and observe discipline in their daily life. If parents are
negligent in bringing up the children in their most tender years, it will
not be easy to correct them later on."

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