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What can you do to help yourself
combat the negative effects of
stress ?
Stress Management Techniques
Change your thining
Change your behaviour
Change your lifestyle
Change your Thinking
"ositive thining
#t is a $ay of vie$ing and
e%periencing events& ideas& concepts
and emotions to find more positive
We recogni(e the impact of negative
thoughts& and help in shifting our
mindset to thin more positively)
eventually lessening or even getting
rid of one*s stress'
Positive Thinking
+orget po$erlessness& de,ection& despair&
failure' -tress leaves us vulnerable to
negative suggestion'
-o focus on !
+ocus on your strengths
Learn from the stress you are under
Loo for opportunities
-ee out the positive ! mae a change'
. fe$ minutes of practice per day can help ease
an%iety' Research suggests that daily meditation
may alter the brain*s neural path$ays& maing you
more resilient to stress'
-it up straight $ith both feet on the floor' Close
your eyes' +ocus your attention on reciting !! out
loud or silently !! a positive mantra such as /# feel
at peace0 or /# love myself'0 "lace one hand on your
belly to sync the mantra $ith your breaths' Let any
distracting thoughts float by lie clouds'
Tae a 1!minute brea during $or and focus
on your breathing' -it up straight& eyes
closed& $ith a hand on your belly' -lo$ly
inhale through your nose& feeling the breath
start in your abdomen and $or its $ay to
the top of your head' Reverse the process as
you e%hale through your mouth'
2eep breathing counters the effects of
stress by slo$ing the heart rate and lo$ering
blood pressure'
-lo$ do$n' Tae 1 minutes and focus on only
one behavior $ith a$areness' Notice ho$ the
air feels on your face $hen you*re $aling
and ho$ your feet feel hitting the ground'
3n,oy the te%ture and taste of each bite of
When you spend time in the moment and
focus on your senses& you should feel less
)" REAC% O*T
4our social net$or is one of your best tools
for handling stress' Tal to others !!
preferably face to face& or at least on the
phone' -hare $hat5s going on' 4ou can get a
fresh perspective $hile eeping your
connection strong'
+" T*(E I( TO YO*R BO#Y
6entally scan your body to get a sense of
ho$ stress affects it each day' Lie on your
bac& or sit $ith your feet on the floor'
-tart at your toes and $or your $ay up to
your scalp& noticing ho$ your body feels.
-imply be a$are of places you feel tight or
loose $ithout trying to change anything& +or
7 to 8 minutes& imagine each deep breath
flo$ing to that body part' Repeat this
process as you move your focus up your
body& paying close attention to sensations
you feel in each body part'

9' 23CO6"R3--
"lace a $arm heat $rap around your
nec and shoulders for 7: minutes'
Close your eyes and rela% your face&
nec& upper chest& and bac muscles'
Remove the $rap& and use a tennis
ball or foam roller to massage a$ay

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