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Data movement instructions

•Data movement instructions

– movement instructions: MOV, MOVSX, MOVZX,
– string instructions: MOVS, LODS, STOS, INS,
and OUTS
– CMOV (conditional move) instruction on Pentium
Pro – P4
More commonly used in programs
•Assembler program: generate machine language
– many variants: syntax and directives
• Microsoft MACRO assembler (MASM)
• Intel Assembler (ASM)
• Borland Turbo assembler (TASM)
– generate native binary code
Instruction Formats

Mode selection is a function of OS

Override prefixes: first 2 bytes of 32-bit format
– address-size prefix (67H): modify size of operand address
– register-size prefix (66H): modify register size
Not always present
Register-size Prefixes
•Default size
– 16-bit instruction mode (either real or protected mode) uses
8- and 16-bit register and addressing modes by default
– 32-bit instruction mode (protected mode only) uses
8- and 32-bit register and addressing modes by default
•Toggle register size
– operate in 16-bit instruction mode and
• a 16-bit register is used ⇒ register-size prefix is absent
• a 32-bit register is used ⇒ register-size prefix (66H) is appended
– operate in 32-bit instruction mode and
• a 32-bit register is used ⇒ register-size prefix is absent
• a 16-bit register is used ⇒ register-size prefix (66H) is appended
Byte 1 : The Opcode
•Opcode: selects the operation performed by the μP
– 1 or 2 bytes long for most (not all) machine instructions
– addition, subtraction, move, and so on
•Direction (D) of data flow
– D=0: REG field → R/M field
– D=1: REG field ← R/M field
•Word (W) flag: whether the data are a byte or Word or Doubleword
–W=0: byte
• below 80386 (16-bit instruction mode): word
• In 80386 and above (32-bit instruction or protected mode) :
– word (if with register-size prefix, 66H)
– double word (if no register-size prefix)
Byte 2 : MOD + REG + R/M

MOD (mode), REG (register) and R/M (register/memory)

•MOD: specify the addressing mode of the selected instruction
11 – Register addressing mode – R/M specifies a reg.
00,01,10 – Data memory addressing mode – R/M specifies a memory
• Examples
00 – MOV AL,[DI]
01 - MOV al,[DI+2]
10 – MOV AL,[DI+1000H]
• When μP executes the instruction,
All 8-bit displacements are sign-extended into 16-bit
displacements (length=2 bytes) in mode 16.
eg. 00H-7FH (positive) → 0000H-007FH
eg. 80H-FFH (negative) → FF80H-FFFFH
To sign extend a number its sign bit is copied to the next higher
order bytes
All 8-bit displacements are sign-extended into 32-bit
displacements (length=4 bytes) in mode 32.

16 bit mode - If the MOD field is 10 and address size override prefix is
present then this cause 16 bit displacement to become a 32 bit
32 bit mode - If the MOD field is 10 and address size override prefix is
present then this cause 32 bit displacement to become a 16 bit
Register assignments
• When MOD=11 then the REG and R/M
represents the following registers
Example register addressing mode

Suppose 668BE8H – in 16 bit mode

66-register size override prefix- represents 32 bit registers
1000 1011 1110 1000 - > 100010 1 1 11 101 000
Then the instruction is MOV EBP, EAX

• .386 is placed before .MODEL – 32 bit mode is selected

• .386 is placed after .MODEL - 16 bit mode is slected
16-bit R/M Memory-Addressing
R/M represent memory addressing mode when MOD ≠ 11
– MOD=00, and R/M=101 => [DI]
– MOD=01 or 10, and R/M=101 => • [DI + displacement]
EG. MOV DL, [DI] (=8A15)

Special addressing mode

When memory data is referenced by only the displacement
The mode field is 00 and R/M field is 110 (uses addressing mode [BP]).
The assembler convert is as [BP+0]
MOV [1000H], DL (=88160010H)
MOV [BP], DL (=885600H)
32-bit Addressing Mode
• 32-bit instruction mode, or 16-bit instruction mode by
using address-size prefix 67H
• Example: 80386 and above operated in the 16-bit
= 67 66 8B 04 8B H
67H: address size
66H: register size
8BH: opcode=100010, D=1, W=1
04H: MOD=00, REG=000, R/M=100
8BH: ss=10, index=001, Base=011
Immediate instruction
Segment MOV Instructions
• store and retrieve data from the LIFO stack
• 6 forms of PUSH/POP: register, memory,
immediate, segment register, flags, and all
– PUSH/POP immediate and PUSHA/POPA
(all registers) are available to 80286 –
Pentium 4
– PUSHAD/POPAD 32-bit register set are
available to 80386 – Pentium 4
• Always transfer 2 bytes
of data(386 onwards 2
or 4 bytes).
• Source of data can be
any 16 or 32 bit register,
immediate data, any
segment register, and
memory data.
• When pushed –high
order 8 bits placed in sp-
1and low order 8 bits
placed in sp-2 location,
sp is then decremented
by 2.
The push instructions
• Inverse of PUSH
• Removes data from the stack
• When poped the low order bits are removed form sp and
high order from sp+1 then sp is incremented by 2
POP instructions
• POP CS is not a valid instruction
Initializing the stack
Load both SS and SP
• If stack is to reside in memory 10000H – 1FFFFH
– load SS with 1000H
– load SP with 0000H
Load-Effective Address
• LEA (Load-Effective Address): loads a 16- or 32-bit register with the
offset address of the data
– LEA BX, [DI] load the offset address specified by [DI] = MOV BX, DI
– MOV BX, [DI] load the data stored at [DI]
Offset instruction executes faster, but it cannot be used with LIST[SI]
and [DI]..
MOV BX,OFFSET LIST - assembler calculates the offset address of
LEA BX,LIST - Microprocessor calculates the address.
Example : Exchange the
content of two memory location
• Load any 16 or 32 bit register with a offset address and the DS, ES,
FS, GS and SS segment register with a segment address.

• Can access a 32 bit or 48 bit section of memory that contain both

the segment and offset address.
32 bit - 16 bit offset and 16 bit segment address
48 bit – 32 bit offset and 16 bit segment address
• May not use register addressing mode (mod=11)
• Eg . LDS BX,[DI]

EBX 6F2A 30 11003

00 11002
EDI 1000 12 11001
1000 7A 11000
1000 +
10000 11000
String Data Transfer
• Five string data transfer instructions
• The Direction flag – Used with string instructions
D=0 – auto increment & D=1 – auto decrement operation for the DI
and SI registers
CLD – instruction clear the d flag bit
STD – instruction set the d flag bit
For a byte – DI and SI inc/dec by 1
For a word – DI and SI inc/dec by 2
For a double word – DI and SI inc/dec by 4
• DI and SI registers
DI - offset address access data in extra segment
SI – offset address access data by default in data segment
The default segment can be changed by segment override prefix. DI
default cannot be changed
• Loads AL, AX or EAX with data stored at the data segment offset
addressed by SI
• After loading SI is incremented or decremented.
• LOADSB – load a byte
• LOADSW – load a word
• LOADSD – load a double word
• Can use operands defined using DB,DW,DD
LODS LIST AL=DS:[SI]; SI=SI+/-1 (LIST is a byte)
LODS DATA1 AX=DS:[SI]; SI=SI+/-2 (DATA1 is a word)
LODS FROG EAX=DS:[SI]; SI=SI+/-4(FROG is a double word)
LODSW – DS=1000H , D=0
• Stores AL,AX or EAX at the extra segment memory location
addressed by DI register.
• STOS with REP – the repeat prefix is added to any string data
transfer instruction except LODS
• It causes CX to decrement by 1 each time the instruction executes
• If CX reaches 0 the instruction terminates and continue with next
• This instruction stores the content of AX in a block of memory
• The arithmetic and logical operators that can be used with operands
are +, -, *, /, MOD, AND, OR & NOT

STOSB ES:[DI] = AL; DI = DI +/- 1

STOSW ES:[DI] = AX; DI = DI +/- 2
STOSD ES:[DI] = EAX; DI = DI +/- 4
STOS LIST ES:[DI] = AL; DI = DI +/- 1(LIST is a byte)
STOS DATA1 ES:[DI] = AX; DI = DI +/- 2(DATA1 is a word)
STOS FROG ES:[DI] = EAX; DI = DI +/- 4(FROG is a double word)
Example pgm – clear the video text display
• Moves data from one memory location to another.
• This is the only mem- mem transfer instruction.
• Transfer byte, word or double word, from data segment addressed
by SI to Extra segment addressed by DI
• Forms of MOVS instruction
Example : Clear the video text
• Input String – transfer a byte , word or double word of data from an
IO device into the extra segment addressed by DI.
• The IO address is contained in DX
• This instruction can be repeated using REP prefix
• Output String – transfer a byte , word or double word of data from
the data segment addressed by SI to an IO device
• The device is addressed by DX register.
Other Data transfer Instructions
• XCHG – exchange – exchanges the content of a register
with content of other register or memory location
- Can not exchange segment reg. or mem to mem data.
- Can be byte word or double word
-exchange between AX and any other register is the
most efficient instruction it takes just one byte
• LAHF and SAHF – allows 8085 s/w to be translated into 8086s/w by
a translation program
LAHF – transfer the right most 8 bits of flag register in to AH
SAHF – transfer the AH into right most 8 bits of flag register

• XLAT –Translate – converts the content of the AL into a number

stored in a memory table
- First adds the content of AL with BX to from a memory address with
in data segment .
-then copies the content of this address in to AL.
• IN and OUT
- IN– transfers the data from external IO device to AL, AX or EAX
- OUT – transfers the data from AL, AX or EAX to external IO device
- Two forms of IO device addressing – fixed port and variable port
- fixed port – 8 bit port address, and it follows the instructions opcode
- variable port - 16 bit port address, stored in DX register,it can be
changed during the execution.
Operation of XLAT
IN and OUT instructions
move and sign extend - sign bit is copied into the most significant
move and zero extend - zero is copied into the most significant part
- found in 386-pentium4 instruction set
• BSWAP –byte swap
- takes a 32 bit register and swap 1 & 4 bytes and 2 & 3 bytes
eg. BSWAP EAX (EAX= 00112233H)
- used to convert from big endian form to little endian or vice
- available only in 486 and all pentium processors
• CMOV – Conditional move - moves the data only if the condition is
• Destination is 16 or 32 bit register
• Source can be register or memory location
• New to pentium pro and pentium II instruction set
Segment override prefix
• Allows the programmer to deviate from
default segment
• For JMP and CALL it can not be prefixed

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