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FTPHelper Page

Vivek Nester M.S
Review 2: 20-12-2013
To create an aspx page FTPHelper which should fetch data
from the table dbo.FTPHelper of Ecommcore database.

To load the data in Grid view.

The page should contain functionalities such as Sorting,
Editing, Updating , Deleting the Record and Paging.

To pop-up Validation Messages for Mandatory fields and
Success Message for Update done.

To update the changes in Ecommcore Database.

FTPHelper Page:
The Page has columns namely ID, FTP Location, Fileshare
Location, Frequency, Frequency Measure, Frequency Constant
and FTP Mode.
The last two columns has Edit and Delete icons.

The Edit column will display Update and Cancel icons when
the record is in Editable State.

All columns are contained in Grid view.

Other than "ID" column, all the values are displayed in label in
the Grid.

In Editable State the Columns FTP Location, Fileshared
Location, Frequency and Frequency Constant will be displayed
in Textboxes, Frequency Measure and FTP Mode will be
displayed as Drop down list boxes.
Field Validations are done for mandatory Fields FTP Location,
Fileshared Location and Frequency using JavaScript
In ""Frequency" column only integer Values can be entered to
the Maximum length of 2.
The screen has paging options and the screen will hold 25
records per page.

When "Delete" icon for a particular record is clicked, a
confirmation Message box will prompt with "Are you sure
want to delete?. If "Ok", the record will be deleted from the
Database. If "Cancel" the record will not be deleted.

When Column Heading is clicked; the records will be sorted in
ascending and descending order vice-versa.
Learnings (Design):
Usage of JavaScripts for Mandatory field validations and
Delete Confirmation Message.

Using Labels, Textboxes and Drop-down List controls Inside the

Setting Properties such as height, width, align, SortExpression,
Paging, Maxlength etc. for different controls used in the

Hidden Fields used in Edit Template:

Usage of Hidden Field controls when the records are in
Editable state.

Learnings (Code Behind):
References used that are needed for this Application.

Declaration of Variables and its Data types.

Conversion of values from one data type to another data type
when passing it. (Ex: Using cInt).

Creating "Methods" that can be called into "Events".
Created a Method "LoadFTPHelperGrid()" which loads the
data from the database to the grid.

Handling Exception using "Catch" function.

Events such as PageIndexChanging, Sorting, RowDeleting,
RowUpdating, RowCancelingEdit and RowEditing.

Created Data Access Logic (DAL) "FTPHelper_DAL" which
contains the SQl query to select, update, and delete different
field values from the table dbo.FTPHelper of Ecommcore

DeleteData Method:

References Used:
TableMaintenance page from DataDictionary Application.

Contacts page from DistributorProfile Application.

AddeCommerceTool Page from Admin Application.

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