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Cubism was invented around 1907 in Paris by Pablo Picasso

and Georges Braque.

Cubism was the first abstract style of modern art.

A Cubist painting mostly ignores the traditions of perspective

drawing and shows you many views of a subject at one time.

The Cubists introduced collage into painting.

Cubism influenced many other styles of modern art including

Orphism, Futurism, Vorticism, Suprematism, Constructivism
and Expressionism.
Analytic Cubism
Analytic cubists analyzed natural
forms and reduced the forms into
basic geometric parts on the
two-dimensional picture plane.
Colour was almost non-existent
except for the use of a
monochromatic scheme.
Instead of an emphasis on colour,
Analytic cubists focused on forms
like the cylinder, sphere and the
cone to represent the natural
Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, 1910
Synthetic Cubism
Synthetic cubism is characterized
by the introduction of different
textures, surfaces, collage
elements, and a large variety of
merged subject matter. It was the
beginning of collage materials
being introduced as an important
ingredient of fine art work.

Still Life with Fruit Dish and Mandolin, 1919

Pablo Ruiz y Picasso (1881-1973 )

“I paint objects as I think them, not as I see

- Pablo Picasso
 Guernica (1937), Oil on Canvas, 349 cm × 776 cm (137.4 in × 305.5 in),
Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid
 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
(The Young Ladies of Avignon)
1907, Oil on Canvas,
243.9 cm × 233.7 cm (96 in × 92 in)
Museum of Modern Art,
New York City
Georges Braque (1882-1963 )

“Art is meant to disturb.”

- Georges Braque
 Violin and Candlestick
San Francisco Museum
of Modern Art
 The Portuguese
1911, Oil on Canvas
45½” x 31½”.
Oeffentliche Kunstsammlung
House of the Black Madonna

A cubist building in the "Old

Town" area of Prague, Czech
republic. It was designed by
Josef Gočár. It is currently in
use as a small museum of
Cubism and is open to the
Kavarovic Villa

The Kovarovic Villa by

Josef Chochol is a must
see for lovers of
architecture, following
of course, The villa is a
wonderful expression of
Cubism, inspired by the
works of Braque and
Lamp Post

The only Cubist lamp post in

the world is found in the city
of Prague amid a
combination of architectural
styles. The lamp post by Emil
Kralicek is worth seeing if
only to say to your friends
that you have seen the one
and only Cubist lamp post in
the world.
Creators of the Bulgarian
State Monument
A large monument built on a
plateau above the city of
Shumen, Bulgaria. It was
built in 1981 to
commemorate the 1300th
anniversary of the First
Bulgarian Empire.
The monument is built in
concrete in a Cubist style.

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