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Sense organ: gustatory organ

(clinical oriented)
dr. Santosa Budiharjo, MKes., PA(K)
Lingua berpangkal pada
dasar mulut bagian
Terdiri otot, dilapisi
tunica mucosa
Dibedakan: apex,
dorsum, radix
Sulcus terminalis,
foramen cecum, 1/3
posterior, 2/3 anterior
Mukosa: papilla
lingualis: circumvalata,
fungiformis, foliata,
filliformis, lenticularis
Otot extrinsik
(longitudinal sup-or &
inf-or, transversus,
verticalis)& ekstrinsik
genioglossus, innervasi:
n. hypoglossus, kecuali
m. palatoglossus))

Papilla linguales
Papillae foliate berbentuk lembaran daun terdapat
di bagian posterior mendekati margo lingualis.
Papillae Conicae atau papillae filiformis berbentuk
conus bila lebih besar dan
Papilla filiform : papilla kecil, menyerupai jari
dijumpai pada dataran anterior dorsum linguae.
Papilla fungiformes berbentuk cendawan terdapat
pada apex dan sisi lateral lingua.
Papilla lenticularis terdapat di dorsal sulcus
Distribution and Innervation of Taste Buds Taste buds are located on different types of taste
papillae found on the tongue, palate, pharynx, and larynx.
Types of taste papillae include fungiform and foliate papillae on the anterior and lateral
aspects of the tongue and circumvallate papillae on the base of the tongue
The latter may contain several hundred taste buds.
The tongue in humans may have several thousand taste buds.
The sensitivity of different regions of the tongue for different taste qualities varies only
slightly because taste buds responding to each type of flavor are widely distributed.
The taste buds are innervated by three cranial nerves.
The chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve (CN VII) supplies taste buds on the anterior
two thirds of the tongue, and the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) supplies taste buds on the
posterior third of the tongue . The vagus nerve (CN X) supplies a few taste buds in the larynx
and upper esophagus.
n. facialis
Paralysis of the facial nerve causes face drop.
This is more marked with a lower motor neurone
(LMN) lesion than an upper motor neurone (UMN)
The best way to differentiate between the two is to
test the muscles of the forehead.
They have bilateral innervation at the upper motor
neurone level and so, in a UMN lesion such as a
pseudobulbar palsy, they are spared.
An LMN lesion such as Bell's palsy will involve the
Homunculus sensoric
Innervasi motorik
photos of Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy affecting the left side of the
finer control is demonstrated by
the ability to say "la" and "ta"

tongue movements to command -
from side to side etc the side of
the tongue
that is palsied deviates towards
the side of the lesion

The Hypoglossal Nerve supplies
motor fibres to all of the muscles of
the tongue (ie
there is no sensory function) except
the Palatoglossus muscle, which is
by the Vagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve 10
/ CN X) or according to some
classifications, by fibres from the
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (Cranial
Nerve 9 / CN
IX) that "hitchhike" within the Vagus.
Weakness of the tongue manifests
itself as a slurring of speech & by
wasting of
the side of the tongue which has the

The patient complains that their
tongue feels "thick", "heavy" or
"clumsy. Lingual
sounds (i.e., l's, t's, d's, n's, r's etc) are
slurred and this is obvious in
even before direct examination.
If the tongue deviates to
one side when protruded,
this suggests a hypoglossal
nerve lesion.
If it is an LMN lesion, the
protruded tongue will
deviate towards the side of
the lesion.
With an upper motor
neurone (UMN) lesion, the
tongue will deviate away
from the side of the lesion.
Tractus corticobulbar
menyilang di linea
Nukleus N. XII khusus
m. genioglossus
mendapat dari UMN
(hemisferium lain
pihak), dan n XII kiri
menginervasi otot kiri
Dysgeusia is the medical term for an altered,
distorted or reduced ability to taste.
Egeusia = can not able to taste
Specific types of taste disorders include
Glositis: geographic, migratory, median rhomboid,

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