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1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
3.The History of Constitution of India.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution of India is
/o)ated at %ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi0 India.
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
3.The History of Constitution of India.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution /o)ated at
%ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0 New De'hi

1.What Is Constitution Anyway?

A'"ost e1erythin# we do is #o1erned &y so"e set of rules. There are ru'es for
#a"es 2'i.e3 so))er40 for so)ia' )'u&s and for adu'ts in the wor.5'a)e. There are
a'so ru'es i"5osed &y "ora'ity and )usto" that 5'ay an i"5ortant ro'e in te''in#
us what we shou'd and shou'd not do.
For examle! In the #a"e of so))er0 a referee has 6fu'' authority to enfor)e the "ules
or #aw of the $ame on the %'ayers70 when a 5'ayer do so"ethin# a#ainst the 8u'es
referee ta.es a)tion 'i.e send3off a 5'ayer0 as shown in i"a#es &e'ow.
shou'd Shou'd not
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
So"e ru'es that are "ade &y the le%islatures 2a'so .nown as /o. sa&ha98a:ya
Sa&ha in India40 for there own )ountry0 are )a''ed &#aw'.
We need #aws in So(iety so our so)iety )an re#u'ate and wor. 5ro5er'y. They
are desi#ned to 5rote)t us and our 5ro5erty and to ensure that e1eryone in
so)iety &eha1es the way that the )o""unity e;5e)ts the" too.
/aws te'' us what to e;5e)t as a (onse)uen(e of our a)tions. /aws ha1e &een
the #'ue that has .e5t so)iety to#ether. Without 'aws there wou'd &e )o"5'ete
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
I* In $eneral!
The Constitution is the sureme law of the lan+. A'' other 'aws ha1e to
)onfor" to the Constitution. The )onstitution )ontains 'aws )on)ernin# the
#o1ern"ent and its re'ations with the 5eo5'e.
A )onstitution is )on)erned with 2 "ain as5e)ts<3
a4 The re'ation &etween the different 'e1e's of #o1ern"ent and
&4 -etween the #o1ern"ent and the )iti=ens.
The %eo5'e
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
+a.es /aws
Inter5rets /aws
Enfor)es /aws
Fig.- Role of Constitution in relationship between Government and its people
8o'e of Constitution in re'ationshi5 &etween ?o1ern"ent and its 5eo5'e<3
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
II4 Te(hni(al Definitions!
A )onstitution is a set of funda"enta' 5rin)i5'es or esta&'ished 5re)edents
a))ordin# to whi)h a state or other or#ani=ation is #o1erned. These ru'es
to#ether "a.e u50 i.e. constitute0 what the entity is. When these 5rin)i5'es are
written down into a sin#'e )o''e)tion or set of 'e#a' do)u"ents0 those
do)u"ents "ay &e said to )o"5rise a written (onstitution.
The do)u"ent )ontainin# 'aws and ru'es whi)h deter"ine and des)ri&e the
for" of the #o1ern"ent0 the re'ationshi5 &etween the )iti=ens and the
#o1ern"ent0 is )a''ed a Constitution.
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
III4 An o,ser-ation!
FThe Constitution is not an instru"ent for the #o1ern"ent to restrain the
5eo5'e0 it is an instru"ent for the 5eo5'e to restrain the #o1ern"ent.7 33%atri).
%atri). Henry 21*3(31*EE4
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
..Why Do We Nee+ Constitution?
3.The History of Constitution of India.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution of India is
/o)ated at %ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi0 India.
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
In $eneral3
I. We need a )onstitution to #o1ern a )ountry 5ro5er'y.
II. The )onstitution defines the nature of 5o'iti)a' syste" of a )ountry.
III. so"eti"es we fee' stron#'y a&out an issue that "i#ht #o a#ainst our 'ar#er
interests and the )onstitution he'5s us #uard a#ainst this.
I@. A'' the 3 or#ans of #o1ern"ent 2e;e)uti1e0 'e#is'ature and :udi)iary4
fun)tions within the )onstitution. A'' the 3 or#ans of #o1ern"ent0 in)'udin#
ordinary )iti=ens0 deri1e their 5ower and authority 2i.e. !unda"enta' 8i#ht4
fro" the )onstitution. If they a)t a#ainst it0 it is un)onstitutiona' and
So (onstitution is re)uire+ to ha-e authoritati-e allo(ation of ower an+
fun(tion/ an+ also to restri(t them within its limit.
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
To erform followin% Fun(tions we nee+ Constitution!
I. The first fun(tion of a )onstitution is to 5ro1ide a set of &asi) ru'es that
a''ow for "ini"a' )oordination a"on#st "e"&ers of a so)iety.
II. The se(on+ fun(tion of a )onstitution is to s5e)ify who has the 5ower to
"a.e de)isions in a so)iety. It de)ides how the #o1ern"ent wi'' &e
III. The thir+ fun(tion of a )onstitution is to set so"e 'i"its on what a
#o1ern"ent )an i"5ose on its )iti=ens. These 'i"its are funda"enta' in
the sense that #o1ern"ent "ay e1er tres5ass the".
I0. The fourth fun(tion of a )onstitution is to ena&'e the #o1ern"ent to fu'fi''
the se5arations of a so)iety and )reate )onditions for a :ust so)iety.
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
1.The 2istory of Constitution of In+ia.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution of India is
/o)ated at %ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi0 India.
3.The History of Constitution of India.
A #oo3 at An(ient In+ia!
India is a ho"e of an)ient FIndus 1a''ey )i1i'i=ation7 whi)h #oes &a). to 33GGH
13GG -C 2"ature 5eriod 2(GGH1EGG -C4. India is a wor'd fa"ous for its an)ient
history and )u'ture.
The ti"e -efore $GG AD is wide'y a))e5ted as era of An)ient India. The ear'iest
anato"i)a''y "odern hu"an re"ains found in South Asia date fro"
a55ro;i"ate'y 3G0GGG years a#o.
-ut re#ardin# to Constitutional History0 India #oes &a). to on'y 3
-C22(E -C to 231 -C4 in the ti"e of the 4meror &Asho3a The $reat.'
Shi1a %ashu5ati I Swasti.a Sea's fro" the Indus @a''ey
3.The History of Constitution of India.
1.1.5 6C ! 178 6C
4meror Asho3a 9aurya esta&'ished )onstitutiona' 5rin)i5'es0
En#ra1ed the" in "a:or ro).s0 5i''ar and on "inor ro).s for 5u&'i)
to ta.e referen)e. A'so .nown as 4+i(ts of Asho3a.
4ast In+ia Comany ta.es total a+ministrati-e (ontrol &y
#ainin# ri#ht of ta;ation in -en#a' after -att'e of %'assey 21*$*4.
4ast In+ia Comany ta.es total unifie+ (ontrol o1er the who'e of
India fro" a sin#'e )enter in Ca')utta. -ut its ru'e ended with the
8e1o't of 1,$*.
This 5eriod of the 6ritish "a= was the ti"e when the Constitution
of In+ia too3 shae.
!ina''y Constitution of In+ia0 )reated in in+een+ent In+ia &y its
own free 5eo5'e0 was ado5ted on 2( No1e"&er 1EE and )a"e
into effe)t on 2( Canuary 1E$G. As we .now it and use it today.
Indian Constitutiona' History
3.The History of Constitution of India.
1* The 4+i(ts of Asho3a ?1.5 6C ! 178 6C* esta&'ished )onstitutiona'
5rin)i5'es for the 3rd )entury -C +aurya .in#Js ru'e in An)ient India.
The Edi)ts of Asho.a are a )o''e)tion of 33 ins)ri5tions on the %i''ars of Asho.a0
as we'' as &ou'ders and )a1e wa''s0 "ade &y the E"5eror Asho.a of the
+auryan dynasty.
!ra#"ent of the (th %i''ar0 in -rah"i0
sandstones. -ritish +useu".
@iew of the Asho.an %i''ar at @aisha'i.
3.The History of Constitution of India.
.* 4ast In+ia Comany ?18::AD!1;<8AD*! In 1(GG0 the East India Co"5any
)a"e to India as a tradin# )o"5any fro" -ritain. In 1*($0 it &e)a"e an
ad"inistrati1e 5ower after #ainin# the "i%ht of Taxation in -en#a' after
defeatin# the Nawa& of -en#a' at the -att'e of %'assey 21*$*4.
Esta&'ished in 1(GG &y Kueen E'i=a&eth
@iew of East India House
3.The History of Constitution of India.
1* 4ast In+ia Comany ?1;<8AD!1787AD*! Durin# this 5eriod0 the )o"5any
esta&'ished a unifie+ (ontrol o-er the whole of In+ia fro" a sin#'e )enter in
Ca')utta. Different A)ts and /aws were for)ed &y )o"5any durin# this 5eriod
:ust so )o"5any )ou'd re"ain in 5ower and authority. -ut the )o"5any )a"e
under in)reasin# )ontro' &y 5ar'ia"ent of -ritain and its ru'e ended with the
8e1o't of 1,$*.
Different &att'es a'' o1er the India.
3.The History of Constitution of India.
5* 6ritish "a=?1787AD!1:5;AD*! This 5eriod of the -ritish 8a: was the ti"e
when the Constitution of India too. sha5e. The "ain sta#es of its e1o'ution
I. The A(t for the 6etter $o-ernment of In+ia ?1787*! This 5ut India dire)t'y under the )ontro'
of the -ritish #o1ern"ent. It set u5 the offi)e of the Se)retary of State0 "e"&er of the -ritish
5ar'ia"ent0 who wou'd &e in )har#e of Indian #o1ern"ent. In India0 the ?o1ernor3?enera'0
wor.in# under the Se)retary of State0 'ed the ad"inistration.
!'a# of -ritish India 2Lnown as star of India4 /eft Huntin# of Indian Ti#ers0 8i#ht !a"ines and e5ide"i)s in the -ritish 8a:
3.The History of Constitution of India.
II. In+ian Coun(ils A(t ?17<1*! A se5arate 'e#is'ati1e )oun)i' was set u5 to assist the ?o1ernor3
?enera' in "a.in# 'aws. Indians )ou'd &e a55ointed to the )oun)i'0 &ut on'y on the dis)retion of
the ?o1ernor3?enera'.
III. In+ian Coun(ils A(t ?17:.*! As a resu't of Indian de"ands0 the si=es of the e;e)uti1e and
'e#is'ati1e )oun)i's were in)reased. +ore Indians were a55ointed to these Coun)i's0 and the
5rin)i5'e of e'e)tion was introdu)ed.
I0. In+ian Coun(ils A(t ?1:>:*! This a)t in)reased the si=es of the )oun)i's a#ain0 and a'so #a1e
the 'e#is'ati1e )oun)i' the 5ower to dis)uss )ertain "atters and to as. Muestions. +ore 5eo5'e
were e'e)ted to the )oun)i's.
0. $o-ernment of In+ia A(t ?1:1:*! This introduced 'diarchy' (partial responsible government) at
the provincial level. Elected Indians were given charge of some areas of government (e.g.
industry education) at the provincial level.
3.The History of Constitution of India.
0I. $o-ernment of In+ia A(t ?1:18*! This introdu)ed J5ro1in)ia' autono"yJ< res5onsi&'e
#o1ern"ent at the 5ro1in)es with e'e)ted Indians in )har#e of the ad"inistration0 and
res5onsi&'e to the e'e)ted 'e#is'atures. A federa' #o1ern"ent was 5ro5osed0 thou#h it did not
)o"e into effe)t. At the )entre0 Jdiar)hyJ was introdu)ed.
0II. In+ian In+een+en(e A(t ?1:5;*! The -ritish #a1e u5 )ontro' of the ?o1ern"ent of India to
two do"inions 3 India and %a.istan. !or the ti"e &ein# ti'' the )onstitution was "ade0 &oth of
the" wou'd &e #o1erned in a))ordan)e with the ?o1ern"ent of India a)t 1E3$.
The %artition of -ritish India was &ased on the 5re1ai'in# re'i#ions0
&road'y as shown in this "a5 of 1EGE.
%hoto of 8efu#ees at rai'way station in %un:a&
3.The History of Constitution of India.
8* Constitution of In+ia?1:8>AD*! The Constitution was ena)ted &y the
Constituent Asse"&'y on 2( No1e"&er 1EE0 and )a"e into effe)t on 2(
Canuary 1E$G.
The date 2( Canuary was )hosen to )o""e"orate the @urna Swara=
+e(laration of in+een+en(e of 1:1>. With its ado5tion0 the Bnion of
India offi)ia''y &e)a"e the "odern and )onte"5orary 8e5u&'i) of India and
it re5'a)ed the ?o1ern"ent of India A)t 1E3$ as the )ountryJs funda"enta'
#o1ernin# do)u"ent.
Cons)ious efforts were "ade to ha1e )onsensus on different issues and
5rin)i5'es and there&y a1oid disa#ree"ent. The )onsensus )a"e in the
for" of the NO&:e)ti1es 8eso'utionO "o1ed &y Cawahar /a' Nehru in the
Constituent Asse"&'y on De)e"&er 1*0 1E( whi)h was a'"ost
unani"ous'y ado5ted on Canuary 220 1E*.
3.The History of Constitution of India.
In the 'i#ht of these NO&:e)ti1esO the Asse"&'y )o"5'eted its tas. &y No1e"&er
2(0 1EE. The )onstitution was enfor)ed with effe)t fro" Canuary 2(0 1E$G.
!ro" that day India &e)a"e 8e5u&'i) of India.
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
3.The History of Constitution of India.
5.The Framin% of Constitution of In+ia.
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution of India is
/o)ated at %ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi0 India.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
The Constituent Assem,ly of India was e'e)ted to write the Constitution of
India. !o''owin# IndiaJs inde5enden)e fro" ?reat -ritain0 its "e"&ers
ser1ed as the nationJs first %ar'ia"ent.
This &ody was forme+ in 1:5< for the 5ur5ose of "a.in# inde5endent IndiaJs
)onstitution. The asse"&'y 5assed a reso'ution in 1E* Canuary definin# the
o,=e(ti-es of the (onstitution<3
14 To set u5 a Bnion of India )o"5risin# -ritish India and the 5rin)e'y states.
24 To set u5 a federa' for" of #o1ern"ent with se5arate state and )entra' #o1ern"ents.
34 To set u5 a de"o)ra)y in whi)h a'' 5ower is deri1ed fro" the 5eo5'e<
I4 where a'' 5eo5'e are #uaranteed :usti)e0 eMua'ity and freedo"P
II4 where "inorities0 de5ressed )'asses and the tri&a'Js ri#hts are 5rote)tedP
4 To 5rote)t the inte#rity of India and her so1erei#n ri#hts o1er 'and0 sea and air.
$4 To he'5 India attain its ri#htfu' 5'a)e in the wor'd 3 and wor. for 5ea)e and we'fare of a''
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
Dr. Sa)h)hidananda Sinha was the first 5resident 2te"5orary4 of the
Constituent Asse"&'y when it "et on De)e"&er E0 1E(. /ater0 Dr. 8a:endra
%rasad &e)a"e the %resident of the Constituent Asse"&'y and Dr. -hi"rao
A"&ed.ar &e)a"e the Chair"an of its draftin# )o""ittee on De)e"&er
1101E( .
!irst 5resident 2te"5orary4 Dr. Sa)h)hidananda Sinha 2/eft4 on De)e"&er E0 1E(. Dr. 8a:endra %rasad 2+idd'e4 the %resident
of the Constituent Asse"&'y and Dr. -hi"rao A"&ed.ar 28i#ht4 the Chair"an of its draftin# )o""ittee as on De)e"&er
1101E( .
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
First +ay ?De(em,er :/ 1:5<* of the Constituent Assem,ly. !ro" ri#ht< -. ?. Lher and Sardar @a''a&hai %ate'P
L. +. +unshi is seated &ehind %ate'.
The Constituent Asse"&'y )onsisted of 3,$ "e"&ers0 of whi)h 2E2 were e'e)ted &y the e'e)ted
"e"&ers of the %ro1in)ia' /e#is'ati1e Asse"&'ies whi'e E3 "e"&ers were no"inated &y the
%rin)e'y States. To these were to &e added a re5resentati1e ea)h fro" the four Chief
Co""issioners %ro1in)es of De'hi0 A:"er3 +arwar0 Coor# and -ritish -a'u)histan.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
1.From U.A. ! No"ina' Head H %resident0 Ca&inet Syste" of +inisters0 %ost of %+0 %ar'ia"entary Ty5e of ?o1t.0
-i)a"era' %ar'ia"ent0 /ower House "ore 5owerfu'0 Coun)i' of +inisters res5onsi&'e to /ower House0 %ro1ision
of S5ea.er in /o. Sa&ha.
6orrowe+ features of (onstitution of In+ia
..From U.S.A! Written )onstitution0 A55oint"ent of @i)e %resident0 !unda"enta' 8i#hts0 Su5re"e )ourt0
Head of the state .nown as 5resident0 %ro1ision of states0 Cudi)ia' re1iew
;.From Cana+a! !edera' Syste" and 8esiduary 5owers
5.From USS"! !unda"enta' Duties0 !i1e year 5'an
1.From Australia! Con)urrent /ist0 Centre3State re'ationshi50 /an#ua#e of the %rea"&'e
8.From $ermany! E"er#en)y 5ro1isions
<.From Baan! /aw on whi)h the Su5re"e Court fun)tions
7.From South Afri(a! %ro)edure of )onstitutiona' a"end"ent
:.From Irelan+! Con)e5t of Dire)ti1e %rin)i5'es of state 5o'i)y.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
For the time ,ein% till the (onstitution was ma+e/ In+ia woul+ ,e
%o-erne+ in a((or+an(e with the $o-ernment of In+ia a(t 1:18.
The Asse"&'y "et in sessions o5en to the 5u&'i)0 for 1(( days0 s5read o1er a
5eriod of 2 years0 11 "onths and 1, days &efore ado5tin# the Constitution.
It was fina''y 5assed and a))e5ted on No1 2(0 1EE. In a'' the 2, "e"&ers of
the Asse"&'y si#ned the offi)ia' )o5ies 2Ori#ina'4 of the Indian Constitution.
After "any de'i&erations and so"e "odifi)ations o1er 111 5'enary sessions in
11 days0 the 3G, "e"&ers of the Asse"&'y si#ned two )o5ies 2!ina'4 of the
do)u"ent 2one ea)h in Hindi and En#'ish4 on 2 Canuary 1E$G
Sa"e day the Asse"&'y unani"ous'y e'e)ted Dr0 8a:endra %rasad as the
%resident of India. whi)h )a"e into effe)t on Can 2(0 1E$G0 .nown and
)e'e&rated as the "eu,li( Day of In+ia.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India.
The (3rd 8e5u&'i) Day Ce'e&rations on 2(th Canuary
2G12 at New De'hi0 India
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
3.The History of Constitution of India.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India
8.The @ream,le to Constitution of In+ia.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution of India is
/o)ated at %ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi0 India.
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
The @ream,le to the Constitution of In+ia is a ,rief intro+u(tory statement that sets out the
%ui+in% urose an+ rin(iles of the +o(ument.
W4/ T24 @4O@#4 OF INDIA/ ha1in# so'e"n'y reso'1ed to )onstitute India
into a SO04"4I$N SOCIA#IST S4CU#A" D49OC"ATIC "4@U6#IC and
to se)ure to a'' its )iti=ens<
BUSTIC40 so)ia'0 e)ono"i) and 5o'iti)a'P
#I64"TC of thou#ht0 e;5ression0 &e'ief0 faith and worshi5P
4DUA#ITC of status and of o55ortunityP
and to 5ro"ote a"on# the" a''
F"AT4"NITC assurin# the di#nity of the indi1idua' and the unity and inte#rity
of the NationP
IN OU" CONSTITU4NT ASS496#C this twenty3si;th day of No1e"&er0
1EE0 do 24"46C ADO@T/ 4NACT AND $I04 TO OU"S4#04S T2IS
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
The first words of the %rea"&'e 3 EWe/ the eoleE 3 si#nifies that 5ower is
u'ti"ate'y 1ested in the hands of the %eo5'e of India. So far the %rea"&'e
has &een a"ended on'y on)e in 1E*( &y 2
a"end"ent 2)han#e4 whi)h
inserted the words So)ia'is"0 Se)u'aris" and Inte#rity. A ,rief +es(rition
of these (on(ets are as follows 2in the order they )o"e in %rea"&'e43
1. So-erei%n! It "eans free to fo''ow interna' and e;terna' %o'i)ies.
.. Se(ular! It "eans no 5arti)u'ar 8e'i#ion is 5referred.
1. So(ialist! It "eans no )on)entration of %ower and +oney.
5. Demo(rati(! It "eans ru'e &y e'e)ted re5resentati1e of the %eo5'e of India.
8. "eu,li(! It "eans no roo" for hereditary ru'er or "onar)h.
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
The 5rea"&'e35a#e0 a'on# with other 5a#es of the !irst and ori#ina' 6oo3 of Constitution of In+ia0
was desi#ned 2Art4 and de)orated 2!ra"es4 so'e'y &y renowned 5ainter -eohar sha.ha.
Hindi 2/eft4 and En#'ish 2+idd'e4 1ersions of %rea"&'e as a1ai'a&'e in the !irst &oo. of Constitution of India 28i#ht4.
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
@urose of 2a-in% a @ream,le<
The %rea"&'e to our Constitution ser1es two 5ur5oses< 3
A4 It indi)ates the sour)e fro" whi)h the Constitution deri1es its authorityP
-4 It a'so states the o&:e)ts0 whi)h the Constitution see.s to esta&'ish and
The %rea"&'e see.s to esta&'ish what +ahat"a ?andhi des)ri&ed as The India
of "y Drea"s0 6>an India in whi)h the 5oorest sha'' fee' that it is their )ountry
in whose "a.in# they ha1e an effe)ti1e 1oi)eP >an India in whi)h a''
)o""unities sha'' 'ea1e I 5erfe)t har"ony. There )an &e no roo" in su)h an
India for the )urse of unso)ia&i'ity or the )urse of Into;i)atin# drin.s and dru#s.
Wo"an wi'' en:oy as the sa"e ri#hts as "an.6
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
3.The History of Constitution of India.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
<.What Is The (onstitution of In+ia?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution of India is
/o)ated at %ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi0 India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
Constitution of India is )onsidered to &e the su5re"e 'aw of the )ountry0 as it
5uts forth the fra"ewor. of funda"enta' 5o'iti)a' 5rin)i5'es. It esta&'ishes the
stru)ture0 5ro)edures0 5owers and duties of the #o1ern"ent and "entions the
funda"enta' ri#hts0 dire)ti1e 5rin)i5'es and duties of )iti=ens.
The Constitution de)'ares India as a So1erei#n0 So)ia'ist De"o)rati)0 and
8e5u&'i) with a 5ar'ia"entary for" of #o1ern"ent.
The Indian Constitution shows !edera' as we'' as Bnitary Syste".
1. Fe+eral System! 5owers are di1ided and9or shared &etween state and
)entra' #o1ern"ents
2. Union System! 5ower )on)entration in )entra' #o1ern"ent with wea. state
2i4 Constitution of India In ?enera'<3
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
-oth features are 'isted &e'ow<3
Fe+eral Features!
1. Su5re"a)y of the Constitution0
2. Di1ision of 5ower &etween the Bnion 2)entra' ?o1ern"ents4 and State0 and
3. The e;isten)e of an inde5endent :udi)iary in the Indian Constitution.
Unitary Features!
1. Sin#'e Citi=enshi5
2. Sin#'e Constitution
3. %ower of union to o1erride on the state "atters
. Durin# e"er#en)y the syste" &e)a"e 1irtua''y unitary
$. Chan#es in the na"es and &oundaries of the states &y the %ar'ia"ent
(. Inte#rated Cudi)iary Syste"
*. Centre a55oints the ?o1ernors
,. De5enden)e of states on the )entre for e)ono"i) assistan)e and #rants.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
-oth features are 'isted &e'ow<3 2ii4 Stru)ture of Constitution of India<3
)onsists of 1 5rea"&'e0 2$ 5arts )ontainin# $G arti)'es0 12 s)hedu'es0 2 a55endi)es and E*
a"end"ents to date. A'thou#h it is federa' in nature it a'so has a stron# unitary &ias.
The Constitution0 in its )urrent for" 2+ar)h 2G1140
Constitution of India
%rea"&'e 1 %arts 2$
Arti)'es $G
A"end"ents E* A55endi)es 2 S)hedu'es 12
!unda"enta' 8i#hts
Dire)ti1e %rin)i5'es
!unda"enta' Duties
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
Different e'e"ents of )onstitution are des)ri&ed as fo''ows<3
1. @ream,le ?1* 3 The %rea"&'e to the Constitution of India is a &rief
introdu)tory state"ent that sets out the #uidin# 5ur5ose and 5rin)i5'es of
the do)u"ent.
2. @arts ?.8* H The indi1idua' Arti)'es of the Constitution are #rou5ed to#ether
into the fo''owin# %arts<
1. %art I H Bnion and its Territory
2. %art II H Citi=enshi5.
3. %art III H !unda"enta' 8i#hts.
. %art I@ H Dire)ti1e %rin)i5'es of State %o'i)y.
$. %art I@A H !unda"enta' Duties.
(. %art @ H The Bnion.
*. %art @I H The States.
,. %art @II H States in the - 5art of the !irst s)hedu'e 28e5ea'ed4.
E. %art @III H The Bnion Territories
1G. %art IA H The %an)hayats.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
11. %art IAA H The +uni)i5a'ities. 2%art IA- H The Coo5erati1e So)ieties 3not effe)ti1e yet4
12. %art A H The s)hedu'ed and Tri&a' Areas
13. %art AI H 8e'ations &etween the Bnion and the States.
1. %art AII H !inan)e0 %ro5erty0 Contra)ts and Suits
1$. %art AIII H Trade and Co""er)e within the territory of India
1(. %art AI@ H Ser1i)es Bnder the Bnion0 the States.
1*. %art AI@A H Tri&una's.
1,. %art A@ H E'e)tions
1E. %art A@I H S5e)ia' %ro1isions 8e'atin# to )ertain C'asses.
2G. %art A@II H /an#ua#es
21. %art A@III H E"er#en)y %ro1isions
22. %art AIA H +is)e''aneous
23. %art AA H A"end"ent of the Constitution
2. %art AAI H Te"5orary0 Transitiona' and S5e)ia' %ro1isions
2$. %art AAII H Short tit'e0 date of )o""en)e"ent0 Authoritati1e te;t in Hindi and 8e5ea's
3. Arti(le ?1!58>4 3 It is su&)ate#ory of different %arts in the )onstitution whi)h
)ontains detai' infor"ation of the su&:e)t or the Tit'e whi)h an Arti)'e
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
. Amen+ments ?:;4 3 A"end"ent of the Constitution of India is the 5ro)ess of
"a.in# )han#es to the nationJs funda"enta' 'aw. Chan#es to the Indian
)onstitution are "ade &y the federa' 5ar'ia"ent. The 5ro)edure is 'aid out in
%art AA0 Arti)'e 3(,0 of the Constitution.
$. S(he+ules ?1.4 3 S)hedu'es are 'ists in the Constitution that )ate#ori=e and
ta&u'ate &ureau)rati) a)ti1ity and 5o'i)y of the ?o1ern"ent.
(. Aen+i(es ?.4 3 They are e;tension to the )onstitution.
*. Fun+amentals "i%hts ?@art III! Arti(le1.!184 3 The word funda"enta'
su##ests that these ri#hts are so i"5ortant that the Constitution has se5arate'y
'isted the" and "ade s5e)ia' 5ro1isions for their 5rote)tion. The !unda"enta'
8i#hts are so i"5ortant that the Constitution itse'f ensures that they are not
1io'ated &y the #o1ern"ent.

(.What Is The )onstitution of India?

!unda"enta' 8i#hts are different fro" other ri#hts a1ai'a&'e to us. Whi'e
ordinary 'e#a' ri#hts are 5rote)ted and enfor)ed &y ordinary 'aw0
!unda"enta' 8i#hts are 5rote)ted and #uaranteed &y the )onstitution of the
The Constitution of India re)o#ni=es )ertain &asi) funda"enta' ri#hts for e1ery
)iti=en of India0 su)h as<3
2a4 8i#ht to EMua'ity
2&4 8i#ht to !reedo"
2)4 8i#ht to !reedo" of 8e'i#ion
2d4 8i#ht a#ainst E;5'oitation
2e4 Cu'tura' I Edu)ationa' 8i#hts
2f4 8i#ht to Constitutiona' 8e"edies
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
Ordinary ri#hts "ay &e )han#ed &y the 'e#is'ature &y ordinary 5ro)ess of 'aw
"a.in#0 &ut a funda"enta' ri#ht "ay on'y &e )han#ed &y a"endin# the
Constitution itse'f. -esides this0 no or#an of the #o1ern"ent )an a)t in a
"anner that 1io'ates the".
Any infrin#e"ent of funda"enta' ri#hts )an &e )ha''en#ed &y any )iti=en of
India in the )ourt of 'aw. The Constitution of India a'so 5res)ri&es so"e
funda"enta' duties on e1ery )iti=en in India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
,. Fun+amental Duties ?@art I0 Arti(le 81A *! These !unda"enta' ri#hts ha1e
&een 5ro1ided at the )ost of so"e funda"enta' duties. These are
)onsidered as the duties that "ust &e and shou'd &e 5erfor"ed &y e1ery
)iti=en of India. These funda"enta' duties are defined as<
It sha'' &e the duty of e1ery )iti=ens of India< 3
a. To a&ide &y the Constitution.
&. To u5ho'd I 5rote)t the so1erei#nty0 unity and inte#rity of India.
). To Cherish I fo''ow the no&'e ideas whi)h ins5ired our nationa' stru##'e for freedo"
d. To defend the )ountry I render nationa' ser1i)e when )a''ed u5on to do so.
e. To 5ro"ote har"ony I the s5irit of )o""on &rotherhood.
f. To 1a'ue I 5reser1e the ri)h herita#e of our )o"5osite )u'ture.
#. To 5rote)t I i"5ro1e the nationa' en1iron"ent.
h. To de1e'o5 the s)ientifi) te"5er0 hu"anis" and the s5irit of inMuiry and refor".
i. To safe#uard 5u&'i) 5ro5erty I to a&:ure 1io'en)e.
:. To stri1e towards e;)e''en)e in a'' s5heres of indi1idua' I )o''e)ti1e a)ti1ity0 so that the nations
)onstant'y rises to hi#her 'e1e's of endea1or I a)hie1e"ent.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
E. Dire(ti-e @rin(iles ?@art I0! Arti(le1<!8143 It 5ro1ides the so)ia' and
e)ono"i) &ase of a #enuine de"o)ra)y. The )'assifi)ation of these are as
1. So)io3e)ono"i) %rin)i5'es
2. /i&era' %rin)i5'es
3. ?andhian %rin)i5'es
. Internationa' 5rin)i5'es
1. So)io3e)ono"i) %rin)i5'es
1. Arti)'e 3, of the Constitution of India sha'' endea1or to for"u'ate su)h so)ia' syste" whi)h wi''
se)ure so)ia'0 e)ono"i) and 5o'iti)a' :usti)e to a'' in a'' the s5heres of 'ife.
2. Arti)'e 3E2a4 the state sha'' try to for"u'ate its 5o'i)y in su)h a "anner so as to se)ure adeMuate
"eans of 'i1e'ihood for a'' its )iti=ens.
3. Arti)'e 3E2&4 the ownershi5 of "ateria' resour)es wou'd &e )ontro''ed in su)h a "anner so as to
su& ser1e the )o""on #ood.
. Arti)'e 3E2)4 the e)ono"y of the state wi'' &e ad"inistered in su)h a "anner so that wea'th "ay
not yet &e )on)entrated in a few hands and the "eans of 5rodu)tion "ay not &e used a#ainst
the 5u&'i) interest.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
$. Arti)'e 1 of the Indian Constitution0 the State wi'' wor. within the 'i"its of its e)ono"i) 1ia&i'ity
and 5ro#ress0 5ro1ide to the )iti=ens the ri#ht to wor.0 the ri#ht to edu)ation and #enera'
assistan)e in the e1ent of une"5'oy"ent0 o'd a#e0 disease and other disa&i'ities.
(. Arti)'e 2 of the Indian Constitution0 the state wi'' "a.e 5ro1isions for the )reation of :ust and
hu"ane )onditions of wor.. It wi'' a'so ensure "aternity re'ief.
*. Arti)'e 3 of the Indian Constitution0 the state wi'' ensure adeMuate wa#es0 #ood 'ife and rest to
the 'a&orers. The state wi'' a'so endea1or to "a.e a1ai'a&'e to the 'a&orers 1arious so)io)u'tura'
2. /i&era' %rin)i5'es
1. Arti)'e of the Indian Constitution0 the State sha'' endea1or to for"u'ate and i"5'e"ent a
Bnifor" )i1i'3)ode for a'' the 5eo5'e 'i1in# throu#hout the territory of India.
2. Arti)'e $ of the Indian Constitution0 the State sha'' endea1or to 5ro1ide ear'y )hi'dhood )are
and edu)ation for a'' the )hi'dren unti' they )o"5'ete the a#e of si; years.
3. Arti)'e * of the Indian Constitution0 the State sha'' stri1e to raise the 'e1e' of nutrition and the
standard of 'i1in#. Thus0 it wi'' endea1or to i"5ro1e u5on the hea'th of the 5eo5'e.
. Arti)'e , of the Indian Constitution0 the State sha'' stri1e to or#ani=e a#ri)u'ture and hus&andry
on "odern and s)ientifi) 'ines. It wi'' a'so try to "aintain and i"5ro1e u5on the &reed of the
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
$. Arti)'e $G of the Indian Constitution the state wi'' try to se5arate the :udi)iary fro" the e;e)uti1e
in the )ase of 5u&'i) ser1i)e.
3. ?andhian %rin)i5'es
1. Arti)'e G0 State wi'' stri1e to or#ani=e %an)hayats in 1i''a#es and wi'' endow the" with su)h
5owers whi)h ena&'e the" to a)t as units of se'f #o1ern"ent.
2. Arti)'e 30 the state sha'' stri1e to de1e'o5 the )otta#e industry in the rura' areas &oth0 on
indi1idua' or )oo5erati1e &asis.
3. Arti)'e *0the state wi'' stri1e to &an the )onsu"5tion of wine0 other into;i)atin# drin.s and a''
su)h )o""odities whi)h are )onsidered in:urious to hea'th.
. Arti)'e , re1ea's that State wi'' &an s'au#hterin# of )ows0 )a'1es and other "i'. )att'e.
. Internationa' 5rin)i5'es
1. Arti)'e $12a43 The State wi'' stri1e to 5ro"ote internationa' 5ea)e and se)urity.
2. Arti)'e $12&43 The State wi'' stri1e to "aintain :ust and honora&'e re'ations a"on# 1arious states
in the wor'd.
3. Arti)'e $12)43 The State wi'' endea1or to 5ro"ote res5e)t for Internationa' treaties0 a#ree"ents0
and 'aw.
. Arti)'e $12f 43 The State wi'' stri1e to sett'e internationa' dis5utes &y ar&itration.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
2iii4 Constitution of India and ?o1ern"ent<3
Into three distin)t &ut interre'ated &ran)hes< #e%islati-e0 4xe(uti-e and
Bu+i(iary H ha1e to fun)tion within their own s5heres de"ar)ated under the
Constitution. In other words0 the do)trine of Se5aration of %owers has &een
i"5'i)it'y re)o#ni=ed &y the Indian Constitution.
The Indian #o1ern"ent is di1ided
?o1ern"ent of India
The @arliament of In+ia Qthe
%resident of India R the two Houses
/o. Sa&ha 2House of the %eo5'e4
and 8a:ya Sa&ha 2Coun)i' of
The Sureme Court of In+ia
)onsists of a Chief Custi)e and 3G
asso)iate :usti)es
The @resi+ent of In+ia0 @i)e
%resident0 Ca&inet0 e;e)uti1e
de5art"ents and a#en)ies.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
A )arefu' study of the Constitution wi'' show that there are at 'east ei#ht &asi)
5rin)i5'es whi)h are e"&odied in it and whi)h for" the foundation of the
5o'iti)a' syste" in India. These are<
214 %o5u'ar so1erei#nty0
224 So)ia'is"0
234 Se)u'aris"0
24 !unda"enta' ri#hts0
2$4 Dire)ti1e %rin)i5'es of State %o'i)y0
2(4 Cudi)ia' inde5enden)e0
2*4 !edera'is" and
2,4 Ca&inet #o1ern"ent.
2i14 The -asi) %rin)i5'es of the Constitution of India<3
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
214 %ro)edure of A"end"ents of the Constitution of India<3
The &asi) stru)ture of the Constitution is un)han#ea&'e and on'y su)h
a"end"ents to the Constitution are a''owed whi)h do not affe)t its &asi)
stru)ture or ro& it of its essentia' )hara)ter.
1. 6y simle ma=ority of the @arliamentF A"end"ents in this )ate#ory )an
&e "ade &y a si"5'e "a:ority of "e"&ers 5resent and 1otin#0 &efore sendin#
the" for the %residentJs assent.
2. 6y se(ial ma=ority of the @arliamentF A"end"ents )an &e "ade in this
)ate#ory &y a two 3 third "a:ority of the tota' nu"&er of "e"&ers 5resent and
1otin#0 whi)h shou'd not &e 'ess than ha'f of the tota' "e"&ershi5 of the
3. 6y se(ial ma=ority of the @arliament an+ ratifi(ation of at 'east ha'f of
the state 'e#is'atures &y s5e)ia' "a:ority. After this0 it is sent to the %resident
for his assent.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
An a"end"ent to the FConstitution of India7 is an e;tre"e'y diffi)u't affair0 and
nor"a''y needs at 'east Ftwo!thir+s?.G1*' of the /o. Sa&ha and 8a:ya Sa&ha
to 5ass it.
Howe1er0 the Constitution of India is one of the "ost freMuent'y a"ended
)onstitutions in the wor'd. +any "atters that wou'd &e dea't with &y ordinary
statutes in "ost de"o)ra)ies "ust &e dea't with &y )onstitutiona' a"end"ent
in India due to the do)u"entJs e;traordinary detai'.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
The Indian Supreme Court and Election Commission are recognized as
the bedrock of Indian democracyP these two &odies stand u5 to the
enor"ous 5owers that the )onstitution in1ests in the )entra' #o1ern"ent in
#enera' and to the un&rid'ed 5owers of the Indian 5ri"e "inister in 5arti)u'ar.
21i4 Che).s and -a'an)es<3
The )he).s and &a'an)es that are 5ro1ided &y
the )onstitution a'so s"ooth out the strained
re'ations &etween the )entra' #o1ern"ent and
the states &y 'i"itin# the )entra' #o1ern"entJs
a&i'ity to interfere in the statesJ affairs. Bsua''y0
either the state #o1ern"ent or a 5o'iti)a' 5arty
"ay fi'e an a55ea' or a writ 5etition in the
Su5re"e Court a#ainst a 5o'i)y or 5ra)ti)e of
the union or a state.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
A'thou#h IndiaJs )onstitution fo''ows the -ritish 5ar'ia"entary syste"0 it is the
)onstitution and not the 5ar'ia"ent of India that rei#ns su5re"e. As in the
Bnited States0 the Indian )ourts inter5ret the )onstitution and ad:udi)ate the
'aws 5assed &y the 5ar'ia"ent.
A'thou#h the 5ar'ia"ent has the authority to a"end
the )onstitution0 IndiaJs )ourts ha1e "ade sure that
the 5ar'ia"ent does not )han#e its funda"enta'
stru)ture0 whi)h #uarantees e)ono"i) o55ortunities0
so)ia' :usti)e0 and re'i#ious and 5o'iti)a' freedo" to
a'' its )iti=ens. A'thou#h 5o'iti)a' )orru5tion and
)oer)ion are ra"5ant in IndiaSas they are in other
de1e'o5in# )ountriesSthe )ourts are :udi)iary
#uarantors of IndiaJs freedo" fro" o55ression.
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
3.The History of Constitution of India.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution of India is
/o)ated at %ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi0 India.
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of India.
The Constitution of India has so"e distin)t and uniMue features as )o"5ared
to other )onstitutions to the wor'd. As Dr. -.8. A"&ed.ar0 the Chair"an of
the Draftin# Co""ittee 5uts it0 the fra"ers had tried to a))u"u'ate and
a))o""odate the &est features of other )onstitutions0 .ee5in# in 1iew the
5e)u'iar 5ro&'e"s and needs of our )ountry. +ain Chara)teristi)s of
Constitution of India are<3
1. /on#est written )onstitution.
2. %art'y 8i#id and %art'y !'e;i&'e
3. A De"o)rati) 8e5u&'i)
. %ar'ia"entary Syste" of ?o1ern"ent
$. A !ederation
(. !unda"enta' 8i#hts
*. Dire)ti1e %rin)i5'es of State %o'i)y
,. !unda"enta' Duties
E. Se)u'ar State
1G. An Inde5endent Cudi)iary
11. Sin#'e Citi=enshi5

1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
3.The History of Constitution of India.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution of India is
/o)ated at %ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi0 India.
A Constitution sy"&o'i=es inde5enden)e of a )ountry. !ra"ewor. and stru)ture
for the #o1ernan)e of a free )ountry are 5ro1ided in the Constitution. The
Constituent Asse"&'y 5re5ared the draft of the Constitution &y .ee5in# the
NO&:e)ti1es 8eso'utionO as the &a).dro5 whi)h ref'e)ted the as5irations of the
5eo5'e of India.
The fra"in# of the Constitution was )o"5'eted on No1e"&er 2(0 1EE when the
Constituent Asse"&'y for"a''y ado5ted the new Constitution. The Constitution
)a"e into for)e with effe)t fro" Canuary 2(0 1E$G.
The Constitution &e#ins with a %rea"&'e whi)h de)'ares India to &e a So1erei#n0
So)ia'ist0 Se)u'ar0 De"o)rati)0 8e5u&'i). The %rea"&'e a'so "entions the #oa's
of se)urin# :usti)e0 'i&erty and eMua'ity for a'' its )iti=ens and 5ro"otion of natio3
na' unity and inte#rity on the &asis of fraternity a"on# the 5eo5'e assurin# di#nity
of the indi1idua'.
%i)ture shows the 5a#es fro"
the Constitution of India0 at
the @A"#IA94NT 9US4U90
%ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi.
9US4U9 < A hi#h3
te)h story3te''in#
+useu" de5i)tin# the
)ontinuu" of the
de"o)rati) herita#e in
India has &een
dedi)ated to the
Nation &y
Dr. A @ B A,+ul
Aalam0 @resi+ent of
In+ia on 1th Au#ust
The Constitution of India has se1era' distin)ti1e features. It is the 'en#thiest
Constitution in the wor'd and it is a )o"&ination of ri#idity and f'e;i&i'ity. The
Constitution 5ro1ides for a Muasi3federa' 2It "eans a federa' set u5 where
des5ite ha1in# two )'ear sets of #o1ern"ent H )entra' and the states0 "ore
5owers are #i1en to the Centra' ?o1ern"ent.4 set u5 with a stron# )entre.
There is a )'ear di1ision of 5owers &etween the Centre and the States. The
Su5re"e Court of India0 is the a5e; )ourt of India whi)h wi'' reso'1e the
dis5utes &etween the )entre and state or &etween the states.
India has a 5ar'ia"entary de"o)ra)y. The Coun)i' of +inisters headed &y the
%ri"e +inister en:oys the rea' 5owers and is res5onsi&'e to the %ar'ia"ent. The
Indian Constitution 5ro1ides for !unda"enta' 8i#hts whi)h are :ustifia&'e. Ten
!unda"enta' Duties ha1e a'so &een added to the Constitution. The Dire)ti1e
%rin)i5'es of State %o'i)y #i1e a )on)rete sha5e to the we'fare )on)e5t.
It is ti"e to underta.e a study of Indian !edera'is" with a 1iew to 1a'uate the
trends0 fri)tions and diffi)u'ties whi)h ha1e de1e'o5ed in the area of inter3
#o1ern"enta' re'ations and to see. to e1o'1e ways and "eans to "eet the
)ha''en#in# tas. of "a.in# the Indian federation a "ore ro&ust0 stron# and
wor.a&'e syste" so that the )ountry "ay "eet the tas.s of se'f3i"5ro1e"ent
and de1e'o5"ent.
The res5onsi&i'ity 'ies on not on'y the :urists and 5o'i)y fra"ers0 &ut a'so the
)iti=ens of the )ountry to wor. in a har"onious "anner for the de1e'o5"ent of
the )ountry.
1.What Is Constitution Anyway?
2.Why Do We Need Constitution?
3.The History of Constitution of India.
.The !ra"in# of Constitution of India
$.The %rea"&'e to Constitution of India.
(.What Is The )onstitution of India?
*.+ain Chara)teristi)s of Constitution of
The !irst -oo. of Constitution of India is
/o)ated at %ar'ia"ent /i&rary -ui'din#0
New De'hi0 India.

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