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Sewage and Efuent

2-4 November 2002
Sen Moran
-The frst few slides

a! "ne# 2 November
"verview# $astewater Engineering
$astewater %hara&teristi&s
$astewater Treatment %onsiderations
"verview# $astewater Treatment
'lant esign
'h!si&al( %hemi&al and )iologi&al

"verview# $astewater
$astewater Treatment

Wastewater is the water used b! a


%olle&ted and treated *rior to dis&harge

Standards of treatment var! but are

generall! be&oming more stringent

Treatment is a *ro&ess of removal of

smaller and smaller *arti&les

"verview# $astewater
Sludge Treatment

Sludges are the *rodu&t of biologi&al

treatment of wastewater

Sludges &om*rise solids found in

wastewater *lus organisms used in the
treatment *ro&ess

is*osal is a ma+or issue

,arious dis*osal te&hni-ues are used but

ea&h has advantages and disadvantages

"verview# $astewater
$ater is*osal and .e-/se

$astewater treatment generates a

Cleaned Water Stream

%leaned water is often dis&harged to

a larger bod! of water for dilution

0lternativel!( &leaned water m! be re-

used for irrigation or rarel! drin1ing
water *rodu&tion

%hara&teristi&s are normall! estimated
b! em*iri&al methods
$astewater 2lows

2lows arise from households( industr!(

infltration and storm 3ows

2lows are &onsidered in both

h!drauli& and *ro&ess design

4evels of treatment ma! var! for

di5erent 3owrates

$astewater 2lows

There is a variet! of methods for

estimating 3owrates

6owever there ma! be great variabilit!

in the fa&tors whi&h a5e&t 3owrates
from region to region

i5erent multi*les of the r! $eather

2low will re&eive ea&h level of

$astewater %om*osition

7e! design issues#

Solids# densit!( *arti&le si8e( level of

,olatile Sus*ended Solids

)io&hemi&al "9!gen emand



Nutrient levels

$astewater Treatment

"b+e&tive# to maintain or im*rove the

-ualit! of the re&eiving bod! of water

Treatment stages#





%lassif&ation of Methods

0**li&abilit! and Sele&tion of

i5erent *ro&esses are used to treat

wastewater de*ending on the
&ontaminants *resent

Similarl!( di5erent *ro&esses are used

to treat sludges( de*ending on the
ob+e&tive of treatment

"verview# $astewater
Treatment 'lant esign
2lowrate and Mass 4oading

$astewater feed is not s*e&ifed( therefore

the *lant must be able to treat whatever the
wastewater &ontains

'lant design will ta1e a&&ount of histori&al

3ows and loadings( but must also be able to
deal with e9*ansion

'lant must also be able to deal with a range

of 3ow and load &onditions( *lus *ea1
u*stream 3ow &onditions :eg storms;

"verview# $astewater
Treatment 'lant esign
Sele&tion of esign 2lowrates

omesti&# based on a 3ow *er head<

,aries between &ountries

=ndustrial# )ased on re&ords of dis&harge

&onsents and of metered su**lies

=nfltration>E9fltration# based on a ? of
the domesti& 3ow

'ea1ing 2a&tors# e*ends on si8e of


"verview# $astewater
Treatment 'lant esign
Sele&tion of esign 2lowrates

/*stream 2low E-ualisation

'lants are not normall! designed to treat

total *ea1 arisings

=nstead( h!drauli& &ontrols will dire&t

3ows above *lant &a*abilities to storm
s!stem on larger wor1s

"verview# $astewater
Treatment 'lant esign
Sele&tion of esign 2lowrates

/*stream 2low E-ualisation

/7 ma9imum 3ow to treatment *lant is

determined b! 2ormula 0#

2ormula 0 @ 'ABEB=BCDE0'B2E l>d

A@average dail! &onsum*tion *er head l>h>d
E@=ndustrial F &ommer&ial dis&harges to sewer l>d
=@infltration l>d

"verview# $astewater
Treatment 'lant esign
Sele&tion of esign 2lowrates

/*stream 2low E-ualisation

2or larger wor1s with storm tan1s( onl!

G2ull Treatment 2lowH :2T2; will re&eive
full treatment<

2ormula 0-2T2 will *ass to storm tan1s

"verview# $astewater
Treatment 'lant esign
Sele&tion of esign Mass

0verage mass loadings for )" and

Sus*ended Solids are &ommonl!
determined b! 'o*ulation E-uivalent :'E;

esign mass loadings are more &om*le9

and must ta1e a&&ount of seasonal(
diurnal and industrial load variations

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