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Chicken Industry

Member of Group:

Dina Novitasari
Winni Aprianti
Ribby Ansharieta
Ishabella Octaviani
Yugenthri A/P Chandran


Chicken Industry
Chicken industry systems are housed
in confinement with the aim of creating
optimal conditions of temperature and
lighting, and in order to manipulate daylength to maximize production.

Chicken Industry Benefits

Fulfill the demand of animal protein

Relatively low priced
Reproduce rapidly and high rate of productivity
Easy to adapt to most areas of the world

Chicken Industry Management

Consist of:
A.Lighting and Housing Types
B.Restricted Feeding
D.Egg-Laying chickens (husbandry systems)

A. Lighting and Housing Types

Lighting plays a very important role in bird growth,
development, and maturity. Most commercial
chicken species are photosensitive animals. For
example, a constant or decreasing amount of daily
light (as occurs during the fall and winter months)
will delay sexual maturity in growing birds.

B. Restricted Feeding
Restricted feeding is necessary if the birds are
going to be used as breeder stock
Two main types of restrictive feeding programs:
1. feeding in a limited amount, or lower nutrient
content diet;
2. specific quantity of feed every other day.

C. Hatchery
Eggs are typically collected from breeder farms,
taken to a hatchery and stored up to 10 days prior
to being set in an incubator. These eggs will be
stored at temperatures between 55-68 F,
depending on when they are to be incubated.
When the eggs are placed in incubators,
embryonic development begins.

D. Egg-Laying Chickens (husbandry

Commercial hens usually begin laying eggs at 16
20 weeks of age, although production gradually
declines soon after from approximately 25 weeks
of age. Environmental conditions are often
automatically controlled in egg-laying systems.

Chicken Industry Product

Chicken product : Eggs and meat

By product
: Bone, feather, and egg shell
Waste product : Feces (organic fertilizer)

Classification of Chickens
Layer chicken
Chickens raised for eggs
Broiler chicken
Chickens raised for meat
Broiler breeder
Chickens used to produce fertile eggs (as a
Replacement pullet
Chickens raised to become hens or younger

How Chicken Industry Works

A. In Broiler Breeder
The production process
begins on a breeder farm
where broiler breeder hens
lay eggs. These eggs are
quality, and taken to a
hatchery. At the hatchery,
eggs again are monitored
incubators, and held at ideal
temperatures and humidity.

The producer will provide an

area for chicken to roam freely
(growing). Then, they regularly
are monitoring body weight.
They also rear cockerels and
because they have differing
nutrient requirements. If broiler
breeder chicken is ready, the
producer will place it on broiler
farm to produce egg for broiler
chicken industry.

Chicken for broiler breeder

How Chicken Industry Works

B. In Broiler Chicken

How Chicken Industry Works

C. In Replacement Pullet
The production process begins on a layer
farm where the hens lay eggs. Chicks are
placed in pullet houses and reared on a
floor covered with absorbent materials,
such as pine shavings. The pullets are fed
according to body weight gain and/or age.
During the first week, pullet chicks are
usually beak trimmed. Pullets started on
the floor remain there for approximately 10
to 15 weeks and then move to a layer

Pullet Hen

How Chicken Industry Works

D. In Layer Chickens
The production process begins on a layer farm where breeder
hens lay eggs. These eggs are collected and held in cool storage.
Then the eggs are checked for quality. If the eggs are cracked or
weak-shelled, it will be discarded. Finally, the eggs are packaged
to distribute to the town.

How the layer chicken industry works

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