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Expressions and

Equations Day 1
Van Siclen Community Middle School
Mr. E Grade 6 Mathematics
Class 602/603/604/605
January 26, 2015


Do Now 5 Minutes

For questions A and B, find the

Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of
the two numbers and write an
equivalent expression using the
distributive property:

A) 24+18

B) 45+27

Mr. E wants to plot the following

ordered pairs on a graph:

(40, 6)

(10, 9)

(20, 15)

(30, 24)

What would be a good scale for the xaxis of his graph?

What would be a good scale for the yaxis of his graph?

Lesson Overview

Welcome to the first day of

expressions and equations!

Today we will start by learning about the relationship between

addition and subtraction

But first..What is an expression, and what is an equation?....

Expression An expression is a mathematical phrase that combines numbers,

variables (like x or y), and operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division). All expressions have a value. An expression does NOT have an equal sign.
Example: 3+10, 4+5, 15 x 3.

Equation An equation is a mathematical statement that says two things are equal.
It is made up of two expressions, one on each side of an equals sign. Example: 3 +
10 = 13, 4+5 = 9, 15 x 3 = 45.

Variable A letter that represents a number

Revisiting Tape Diagrams 1 minute

Remember the tape diagrams we

used to learn about ratios? Theyre

To the right is a tape diagram

representing 4 + 3.

Draw a tape diagram representing

5 + 4.

Look at the tape diagrams to the

right. Write an expression for
each tape diagram.

Predict.. 2 minutes

Predict what will happen you have a tape diagram with a large number of
squares. Some of the squares are removed, and then the same amount of squares
are added back on.

Give Mr. E a Number! (No larger than 10)

A) Expression:

How many should Mr. E remove?

B) Expression:

Adding back the same amount..

C) Expression:

D) What is the value of this expression? Did the value change?

Try your own.. 4 minutes

Build a tape diagram with 10 squares.

Remove 6 squares. Write down a expression to represent the tape diagram.

Add six squares onto the tape diagram. Re-write the original expression to
represent the current tape diagram.

Evaluate (find the value) of the expression.

What effect did removing 6 squares then adding 6 squares have on the number of
squares? Was there any effect?

What if I asked you to add 200 squares to the 10 squares you started with, and
then subtract 200 squares. Do we need to add and remove the squares to know
what the result will be? Why/how do you know?

What do you notice about the expressions we created with the tape diagrams?

Using Variables. 3 minutes

Can your group write an equation using variables to represent what we just
demonstrated with tape diagrams?

Fill in each of the blanks 5 minutes

A) 4 + 5 - ______ = 4

B) 25 - ______ + 10 = 25

C) ______ + 16 16 = 45

D) 56 20 + 20 = _______

A) a + b - _______ = a

B) c d + d = ________

C) e + ________ - f = e

D) ________ - h + h = g


In every expression we wrote

today, why did the final value of
the expression equal the initial

If we add an amount and then subtract the same amount, does this
change the outcome?

If we subtract an amount and then add the same amount, does this
change the outcome?


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