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Kelompok 2

- Ahmad zaky Raihan

- Fetty Fajriyati
- Figga Arida
- Harby
- Rifani Masfufah
- Siti Hanun N

Kelompok 2

Politics and Law

Politik dan Hukum

Learning Objectives
To understand the importance of the political
and legal environments in both the home
and host countries to the international
business executive.
To learn how governments affect business
through legislation and regulations.
To see how the political actions of countries
expose firms to international risks.
To examine the differing laws regulating
international trade found in different countries.
To understand how international political
relations, agreements, and treaties can affect
international business.

A Look at Three Segments

The Home-Country Perspective
Negara yang perspektif
Host Country Political and Legal
Keadaan politik negara dan
lingkungan yang legal
International Relations and Laws
Hubungan dan hukum

The Home Country Perspective

Major areas of governmental activity that are of concern to the

international business manager:
Bagian utama didalam kegiatan pemerintah yang menjadi
perhatian utama manajemen bisnis internasioanl adalah :
Embargoes and Sanctions
Embargo dan sanksi
Export Controls
Kontrol ekport
Regulation of International
Peraturan internasional
Business Behavior
Perilaku bisnis

Sanctions and Embargoes

Governmental actions that distort free flows of
trade in goods, services, or ideas for adversarial
and political, rather than economic, purposes.
Tindakan pemerintah yang mendistorsi bebas arus
perdagangan barang layanan atau ide untuk
permusuhan dan politik, daripada tujuan ekonomi.
Sanctions tend to consist of specific coercive trade
Sanksi cenderung terdiri dari langkah-langkah
perdagangan yang spesifik koersif .
Embargoes are typically broader in that they
prohibit trade entirely.
Embargo biasanya melarang perdagangan
sepenuhnya yang luas.

Export Controls
Are designed to deny or delay the acquisition of strategically
important goods by adversaries.
Apakah yang dirancang untuk menolak atau menunda akuisisi
barang strategis yang penting oleh musuh.
The legal basis for export controls varies in nations.
Dasar hukum kontrol eksport bervariasi dinegara-negara
Most international business can be carried out under NLR
Kebanyakan bisnis internasional dapat dilakukan dalam kondisi NLR
Export licenses are issued by the Dept. of Commerce for
commodities whose export is considered sensitive.
Izin eksport yang dikeluarkan oleh departemen perdagangan untuk
komoditas yang eksportnya dianggap sensitif.

How an Export License is Issued

bagaimana lisensi eksport
Specialists in the Department of Commerce match the exported
commodity with the Critical Commodities list, the country of
destination, and the recipient company.
Spesialis didalam departemen perdagangan sesuai dengan
komoditas yang dieksport dengan daftar kritis komoditas,
negara tujuan dan perusahaan penerima.
If no concerns exist in any one of the three areas, a license is
Jika tidak ada masalah 1 dari 3 area, lisensi dikeluarkan.
This process is only carried out if the product or the recipient
country is considered sensitive.
Proses ini hanya dilakukan jika produk atau negara dianggap

A New Environment for Export Controls

lingkungan baru untuk kontrol eksport
Focus of export controls on
the Third World
Fokus kontrol eksport dunia
A loosening of mutual bonds
among allied nations
Saling melonggarkan obligasi
diantara sekutu negara
The increased foreign
availability of high-tech
Peningkatan asing
ketersediaan produk
teknologi tinggi

The speed of change and

the rapid dissemination of
information and
innovation around the
Kecepatan perubahan dan
penyebaran informasi yg
cepat dan inovasi
diseluruh dunia
The issue of equipment
Masalah ukuran peralatan

Implementation and Enforcement of Export

Implementasi dan penegakan kontrol eksport
Export controls are increasingly difficult to implement and enforce.
Kontrol ekspor semakin sulit untuk menerapkan dan menegakan
The number of countries that are able to manufacture products of
strategic importance has increased.
Jumlah negara yg mampu memproduksi produk dari kepentingan
strategi telah meningkat
Products that are in need of control are developed and disseminated
very quickly.
Produk yg membutuhkan kontrol dikembangkan dan disebar luaskan
sangat cepat
It is difficult to control the transfer of technology and know-how.
Sulit untuk mengontrol transfer teknologi dan pengetahuan


Regulation of International Business Behavior

Perilaku dari peraturan Bisnis Internasional
Regulations on firms varies substantially among nations.
Peraturan perusahaan bervariasi secara substansial antara
Nations may employ boycotts to govern business activities.
Boycotts pekerja nasional memungkinkan untuk mengatur
kegiatan usaha hah
Antitrust Laws are a regulatory activity.
Undang-undang anti kebenaran adalah perusahaan aktivitas


Firms operating abroad are affected by laws
against bribery and corruption.
Operasi perusahaan di luar negeri dipengaruhi oleh
hukum terhadap penyuapan dan korupsi
International businesses may bribe to
counterbalance poor product quality, to create a
market for goods, or to stay competitive with other
firms that bribe
Bisnis internasional memungkinkan terjadinya suap
untuk mengimbangi kualitas produk yg buruk
untuk menciptakan pasar untuk barang, atau untuk
tetap kompetitif dengan perusahaan lain yg

Host Country
Tuan Rumah Negara
Political Action and Risk
Aksi politik dan resiko
Varies widely from country to country
Bervariasi secara luas dari satu negara ke negara.
Economic Risk
Resiko ekonomi
Less dangerous, but more common
Kurang berbahaya tetapi lebih umum


Three Types of Political Risk

Tiga jenis resiko politik
Ownership Risk
Resiko kepemilikan
Exposes property and life
Paparan properti dan hidup
Operating Risk
Resiko operasional
Interference with the ongoing operations of a firm
Gangguan pada operasi yg sedang berlangsung dari perusahaan
Transfer Risk
Transfer resiko
Limitations on the outflow of funds
Keterbatasan pada aliran dana

Political Risk May Involve

resiko politik mungkin melibatkan
The government takeover of a firm without compensation to the owners.
Pemerintah pengambil alihan perusahaan tanpa kompensasi kepada
Pengambil alihan
A form of government takeover in which the firms owners are
Bentuk pengambil alihan pemerintah dimana perushaan pemiik
The government demands transfer of ownership and management
Pemerintah tentukan trnasfer kepemilikan dan tanggung jawab


Economic Risk
resiko ekonomi
Exchange controls may be levied
Kontrol pertukaran memungkinkan dikenakan.
Tax policies may be used to control corporations and their
Kebijakan pajak dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol
perusahaan dan modal mereka.
Price controls may employed to control prices of imported
products or services.
Pengendalian harga dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol harga
produk impor atau jasa.


Managing the Risk

mengelola resiko
Demonstration of concern with host
countrys society can be effective.
Perhatian dari negara tuan rumah
dapat menjadi efektif
Firms can take out insurance to cover
losses due to political and economic
Perusahaan dapat mengambil asuransi
untuk menutupi kerugian karena
politik dan resiko ekonomi.


Legal Differences and Restraints

hukum perbedaan dan perdagangan
Countries differ in their laws as as well as in their use of the law.
There are two major legal systems worldwide:
Perbedaan hukum dalam suatu negara serta dalam penggunaan
hukumnya. Ada 2 sistem utama hukum di dunia:
Common Law: Based on tradition and dependent upon
precedent and custom.
Hukum umum: berdasarkan tradisi kebiasaan yang daoat
dijadikan teladan.
Code Law: Based on a comprehensive set of written statutes.
Kode hukum : berdasarkan seperangkat anggaran dasar yang

International Relations and Laws

hubungan dan hukum internasional
International Politics:The effect of politics on international
business is determined by both the bilateral political relations
between home and host countries and by multilateral
agreements governing the relations among groups of countries.
Politik internasional ; pengaruh politik pada bisnis
internasional ditentukan oleh hubungan politik bilateral antara
negara asal dan tuan rumah dengan perjanjian multilateral
yang mengatur hubungan antara kelompok-kelompok negara.
International Law:Plays an important role in the conduct of
international business. Treaties and agreements have a strong
influence on international business operations.
Hukum internasional: berperan penting dalam melakukan
bisnis internasional. Perjanjian dan kesepakatan memiliki
pengaruh kuat pada oprasi bisnis internasional

International Law
hukum internasional
The World Trade Organization defines internationally
acceptable economic practices for its member nations.
The world trade organization mendefinisikan praktik ekonomi
yang dapat di terima secara internasional bagi negara
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) provides procedures for
filing patent applications.
Menyediakan prosedur untuk mengajukan aplikasi paten.
The United Nations has developed codes and guidelines that
affect international business.
PBB telah mengembangkan kode dan pedoman yang
mempengaruhi bisnis intrnasional.

In cases of disagreement, the

parties can choose:
dalam kasus perselisihan, para pihak dapat
Arbitration: Procedures are quicker and often spelled out
in the original contract
Arbitrase: prosedur cepat dan sering di jabarkan dalam
kontrak asli
Litigation: Often involves extensive delays and is very
Litigasi: sering melibatkan penundaan yang luas dan
sangat mahal




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