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Agreeing objectives &

Performance Standards

Objectives- Definition
Describe something to be
accomplished- a point to be aimed at
They define what organizations,
functions, departments and
individuals are expected to achieve
over a period of time

The setting of objectives is the
management process which ensures that
every individual employee knows what
role they need to play and what results
they need to achieve to maximize their
contribution to the overall business.
In essence, it enables employees to know
what is required of them and on what
basis their performance and contribution
will be assessed

Nature of objectives
Targets & Tasks
Targets: quantifiable reusults to be
attained that can be measured in such
terms as return on capital employed,
output, throughput, sales, levels of
service delivery, cost reduction,
reduction of reject rates.
Tasks/Projects: to be completed by
specified dates to achieve defined

Nature of objectives
Work & Personal Objectives
Work related, referring to the results to be
attained or the contribution to be made
towards the achievement of organizational,
functional or team goals.
Personal, taking the form of developmental
or learning objectives, which are concerned
with what individuals should do to develop
knowledge, skills and potential and to
imporve their performance in specified
areas for example building competencies.

Nature of objectives
Levels & Integration of Work Objectives
Corporate Level: Related to organizations purpose, values and
strategic plans
Senior Management level: where they define the contribution the
senior management team is expected to make to achieving corporate
Business Unit, Functional or departmental level: Where they are
related to corporate objectives, spelling out the specific targets and
projects to be accomplished by the unit, function or department.
Team Level: where they are related to the purpose and
accountabilities of the team, and the contribution it is expected to
make to attain unit/departmental and corporate goals.
Individual Level: where they are related to the principal
accountabilities, kras, or main tasks that constitute individuals jobs
and focus on the results they are expected to achieve and their
contribution to team, departmental and organizational performance.

Integration of goals

Two way process of agreeing


Characteristics of good objectives

Time Related
Teamwork Oriented

S- Specific
clear, unambiguous, straightforward and
M- Measurable
Quatity, quality, time and money
A- Agreed
Between individuals and their managers or team leaders
R- Realistic
Within the control and capability of the individual
T- Timebound
To be completed within an agreed timescale

Performance Measures
Performance measures need to be agreed
when setting objectives. It is necessary to
define not only what is to be achieved but
how those concerned will know that it has
been achieved. Performance measures
should identify the verifiable evidence on
the extent to which the expected reusult
has been achieved and the degree to
which the individual or team has
contributed to that result.

Defining & Agreeing

What do you think are the most important
things you do
What do you believe you are expected to
achieve in each of these areas?
How will you or anyone else- know
whether or not you have achieved them?

Steps to define & Agree objectives

Define the overall purpose of the job
Define personal areas
Define Targets/Tasks

Performance Standards
Defined as a statement of the
conditions that exist when a job is
being performed effectively.

Examples of performance Standards

Prepare and distribute management accounts to
managers within three working days of the end of the
accounting period
Deal with 90 per cent of customer complaints within
24 hours remaining to be acknowledged the same
day and answered within five working days.
Hear job evaluation appeals within five working days
Maintain a level of customer satisfaction in which
complaints do not exceed 1:1,000 transactions
Acknowledge all customer orders within 24 working
hours of receipt.

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