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Counselors should set aside their own value

system in order to empathize with the person

during counseling.
The things the counselor may view as
unimportant may be of paramount importance
to the counselee. We tend to view the world
through our own values, and this can
present problems when we are confronted with
values that are at odds with our own. If persons in
your unit think something is causing them a
problem, then it is a problem to them, regardless of
how insignificant you might believe the
problem to be

The objective of counseling is to give

your personnel support in dealing with
problems so that they will regain the ability
to work effectively in the organization.
Counseling effectiveness is achieved
through performance of one or more of the
following counseling objectives:
advice,reassurance, release of emotional
tension, clarified thinking, and reorientation.

Many persons think of counseling as primarily

an advice-giving activity, but in reality it is but one
of several functions that counselors perform. The
giving of advice requires that a counselor
make judgments about a counselees problems
and lay out a course of action.
Herein lies the difficulty, because understanding
another persons complicated emotions is
almost impossible. Advice-giving may breed a
relationship in which the counselee feels
inferior and emotionally dependent on the
counselor. In spite of its ills, advice-giving
occurs in routine counseling sessions because
members expect it and counselors tend to
provide it.

Counseling can provide members with reassurance, which is a way of giving them
courage to face a problem or confidence
they are pursuing a suitable course of action.
Reassurance can be a valuable, though
sometimes temporary, cure for a members
emotional upsets. Sometimes just the act
of talking with someone about a problem
can bring about a sense of relief that will
allow the member to function normally

People tend to get emotional release

from their frustrations and other
they have an opportunity to tell someone
about them.
Counseling history consistently shows

that as persons begin to explain their

problems to

sympathetic listener,their tensions

begin to subside. They become more
relaxed and
tend to become more coherent and
release of tensions does not necessarily
mean that the solution to the problem has
been found, but it does help remove
mental blocks in the
way of a solution

Clarified thinking tends to be a normal

result of emotional release. The fact is that
not all clarified thinking takes place while
counselor and counselee are talking.
All or part of it may take place later as a
result of developments during the
counseling relationship.
The net result of clarified thinking is that a
person is encouraged to accept
responsibility for problems and to
be more realistic in solving them.

Reorientation is more than mere emotional release

or clear thinking about a problem. It involves a
change in the members emotional self through a
change in basic goals and aspirations.
Very often it requires a revision of the members
level of aspiration to bring it more in line with
actual attainment.
It causes people to recognize and accept their
own limitations. The counselors job is to
recognize those in need of reorientation before
their need becomes severe, so that they
can be referred to professional help.
Reorientation is the kind of function needed to
help alcoholics return to normalcy or to treat those
with mental

Avoid giving advice only and do not

impose your personal values.
Listen to the young person
Help her to evaluate her own situation
and behaviour
Work with her to identify possible
to the problems
Be client centered

Respect the young person and

encourage her ability to help herself,
trust in herself, and take responsibility
for her actions and decisions.

Emphasize their good qualities and

Respect their rights as people.
Promote the exercise of their capacity
to think and make decisions.

Accept the young person and do not

judge them.
Maintain confidentiality and privacy,
talk where no one can see or hear you.
Ensure counselling on other referral
services is available to the young

1.Kaunselor bertanggungjawab untuk

mengutamakan kepentingan klien sama
ada klien individu atau klien kelompok.
2. Kaunselor hendaklah menghormati
privasi klien dan merahsiakan segala
maklumat yang diperolehi semasa
kaunseling melainkan maklumat yang
akan menyebabkan klien atau orangorang di persekitarannya terancam.

3.Kaunselor hendaklah memahami dan

menghormati latar belakang sosio-budaya
4. Semasa menjalankan sesi kaunseling,
kaunselor hendaklah memelihara
kesejahteraan fizikal dan psikologi klien dan
tidak memperalatkan klien untuk
kepentingan diri sendiri sama ada dari aspek
kewangan, seksual, emosi dan sebagainya.
5. Kaunselor hendaklah membimbing klien ke
arah pembentukan sikap bertanggungjawab
terhadap tingkahlakunya. Kaunselor juga
perlu menghormati keputusan atau
penentuan kendiri yang dibuat oleh klien.

6. Kaunselor hendaklah berkhidmat

dengan penuh dedikasi, ikhlas, jujur dan
membuktikan kemahiran serta kecekapan
7. Kaunselor tidak boleh mengamalkan,
mempersetujui atau menggalakkan
diskriminasi berasaskan ras, jantina,
agama, status ideologi, kecacatan fizikal &
mental atau dikriminasi dalam bentuk apa
sekali pun.
8. Kaunselor hendaklah menjelaskan
kepada klien mengenai keperluan, proses
dan implikasi perkhidmatan kaunseling.

9. Kaunselor hendaklah mencapai

persetujuan dengan kliennya di peringkat
awal sesi kaunseling mengenai batasan
unsur kerahsiaan.
10. Persetujuan antara kaunselor dan klien
mengenai kerahsiaan boleh disemak semula
dan diubah dengan persetujuan bersama.
11. Dalam kes yang jelas terbukti bahawa
klien atau orang lain berada dalam bahaya,
kaunselor hendaklah menggunakan budi
bicaranya untuk menjaga kepentingan klien
dan orang lain yang terlibat.

12. Kaunselor tidak digalakkan memberi

perkhidmatan kaunseling kepada saudara
mara, kawan karib, atau sesiapa yang
mempunyai hubungan intim dengannya
atau mempunyai hubungan dengan pihak
pentadbiran yang membuat penilaian.
13. Kaunselor tidak boleh menghalang
klien yang hendak menamatkan sesi
kaunseling atau ingin bertukar kepada
kaunselor yang lain.

14. Kaunselor hendaklah memastikan bahawa

kliennya tidak menjalani kaunseling dengan
kaunselor yang lain pada masa yang sama.
15. Sekiranya mengikut pertimbangan kaunselor,
klien memerlukan perkhidmatan luar daripada
bidang kepakarannya kaunselor hendaklah
merujuk klien tersebut kepada pihak yang
16. Kaunselor hendaklah menyediakan tempat
yang selesa dan private untuk sesi kaunseling.
Klien tidak seharusnya diperhatikan oleh orang
luar melainkan dengan kebenarannya, termasuk
juga sesi kaunseling yang dirakam atau dipita

1) Menghadiri sesi seperti yang

ditetapkan dengan persetujuan
2)Memberi kerjasama semasa sesi
3)Berusaha dengan bersungguh2 untuk
mengatasi isu yang dikemukakan.
4)Jika anda tidak dapat menghadiri
sesi, sila maklum kepada saya sebelum
temujanji diadakan.

5)Anda juga berhak untuk menarik diri

daripada sesi dan/atau merujuk kepada
kaunselor lain sekiranya anda tidak
berasa selesa dengan saya.
6)Anda mempunyai hak untuk
mengetahui segala maklumat sesi
yang telah direkodkan dan/atau

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