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Different culture
and gestures of
different countries


The greetings in their culture consist of the

most common the handshake. Also crossing
someone else's handshake is inappropriate.

Having chewing gum in public it is


Talking with your hands in your hands in

your pockets is disrespectful

Instead of crossing the fingers for good luck

they simply squeeze their thumb.

The dating in Germany is different than that

in the United States. They each pay for their
own food and entertainment unless a special

A raise of eyebrows during a business meeting

may signal approval

They use their little fingers to point out

at somthing or someone

When counting items on their , they start by

numbering their thumb as one, whereas
in many other countries it starts with index

It is polite to look others in the eye during

conversation, however one should not stare.

Direct eye contact is considered a sign of

respect and interest during conversation.

When gesturing or beckoning for someone to

come,you should faceyour palm downwards
and make a scratching motion with the fingers.

Waving the hand back and forth with the palm

up usually signifies no.

The OK sign and thumbs up are understood,

but do not tend to be used that often.

At the end of a presentation or performance,

Germans often signal their approval or thanks
by gently rapping their knuckles on the
tabletop instead of applauding


When it come to personal space an arms length or

less is common when people are familiar with each
other and of the same gender. This distance is
usually greater when interacting with members of
the opposite sex

Touching during conversations is acceptable for

members of the same genders.

Public displays of affection between genders are to

be avoided for the most part while in public.
Married couple will often walk side by side but not
hold hands

Indirect eye contact tends to be the norm when

conversing with superiors and elders. Most
women will avoid a mans eyes in public.

Direct eye contact tends to be acceptable with

members of the same gender who share the
same social status

To beckon someone it is common to extend a

hand or arm with the palm facing down and
bring the fingers back to the palm in a
scratching motion

A thumb under the chin indicates "fullness".

A swift twist of the open hand means "nothing"

or "no".

Snapping fingers may mean "long ago" or and "so


It is impolite to point the sole of one's foot or

shoe at another person.

It is impolite to use the index finger to call

somebody; that gesture is used for calling dogs.

The American "thumbs up" is considered



A handshake is appropriate in most situations. Many

times men will hold hands with other men, and often
the handshake is prolonged into this hand-holding.
This does not have any implication on their sexual
preferences; it's just a sign of friendship and

If you would like to show great respect you may also

place your left hand over your right elbow/forearm
when handshaking. Many times women will hold hands
with other women, and often the handshake is
prolonged into this hand-holding.

Always use your right handwhen shaking hands

Generally, people prefer indirect eye contact.

This does not mean you cant look at somebody
directly, but continuous eye contact during
conversations is not a must.

Overly direct eye contact can be considered

aggressive by some.

Women and children often will look down or

away when conversing with men or with elders.

Personal space tends to be very minimal in

Uganda. People often talk very close to each
other and less than an arms length of spaceis

When gesturing or beckoning for someone to

come,you should faceyour palm downwards
and make a scratching motion with the fingers.

It is rude to point at people as pointing is

reserved for dogs, so usually the whole
hand/arm is used.

Holding the palm upwards and then motioning

in a small flick downwards (like throwing a yoyo) has a variety of vague meanings. It could
bequestioning "what's up?" " What?"; apologizing
"Sorry, what can I do?"; filler "You know."

Pointing fingers upwards and rubbing the

thumb along the fingertips is the sign for

Special traffic gestures when trying to hail a

taxi: Pointing straight upwards (repeatedly
for emphasis): I'm going far. Pointing down:
I just want to go a little ways (rarely used,
because then they don't pick you up. Hand
flat, open towards the ground about waistheight: I'm going a medium distance.


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