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Possessive Pronouns


Modified from public domain to fit our classs needs

English Review
We begin this lesson with a review of the difference
between an adjective and a pronoun.

describes a noun
takes the place of a noun

English Review
Look at the following sentence pairs. One has an
adjective, while the other has a pronoun.
My book is large. (adjective, describes book)

Yours is small. (pronoun, takes the place of noun)

Your car is green. (adjective, describes car)

Mine is red. (pronoun, takes the place of noun)

English Review
My book is large.
My is an adjective because it modifies, or describes the
noun "book." Furthermore, it is a "possessive" adjective
because it tells who owns, or possesses, the book.
Yours is small.
Yours is a pronoun, because it replaces or takes the
place of a noun. In this case, the previous sentence tells
us that "yours" is replacing the noun "book."
Furthermore, it is a "possessive" pronoun because it tells
who owns, or possesses, the noun it is replacing.

Possessive Pronouns
Lets look at the possessive adjectives first.
There are two sets.
The first set goes before the noun.

Possessive Adjectives (before the noun)

mi / mis


nuestro, -a our
nuestros, -as

tu / tus


vuestro, -a
vuestros, -as


su / sus


su / sus


Possessive Adjectives (before the noun)

mi suter
mis suteres
tu suter
tus suteres
su suter
sus suteres

nuestro suter
nuestros suteres
nuestra sudadera
nuestras sudaderas

su suter
sus suteres

Possessive Adjectives (after the noun)

mos, mas


nuestro, -a our
nuestros, -as

tuyo, tuya
tuyos, tuyas


vuestro, -a
vuestros, -as


suyo, suya
suyos, suyas


suyo, suya
suyos, suyas


Possessive Adjectives (after the noun)

el suter mo, los suteres mos

(my sweater, my sweaters)

la sudadera ma, las sudaderas mas

(my sweatshirt, my sweatshirts)

el suter suyo, los suteres suyos

(his, her sweater / his, her sweaters)

la sudadera suya, las sudaderas suyas

(his, her sweatshirt / his, her sweatshirts)

Possessive Pronoun
The possessive pronouns are similar to the possessive
adjectives, but they are normally used with the
definite article and AFTER it
el mo / la ma
los mos / las mas

el nuestro / la nuestra
los nuestros / las nuestras

yours (familiar)
el tuyo / la tuya
los tuyos / las tuyas

yours (familiar)
el vuestro / la vuestra
los vuestros / las vuestra

yours (formal), his, hers

el suyo / la suya
los suyos / las suyas

yours (formal), theirs

el suyo / la suya
los suyos / las suyas

Possessive Pronouns
El suter mo (my sweater - poss. adj.)
El mo (mine poss. pron.)
La sudadera nuestra (our sweatshirt)
La nuestra (ours poss. pron.)
El libro suyo (his book poss. Adj.)

El suyo (his poss. pron.)

Little Quiz
Choose the correct translation: worksheet

Possessive Pronoun+ verb ser

My casa es blanca (my house is white)

La tuya es azl (yours is blue)

Tu bicicleta es nueva (your bicycle is new)

La mia es vieja (mine is old)

Mis amigas son simpaticas (my friends are nice)

Las tuyas son pesadas (yours are mean)

Nuestra profesora es alta (our teacher is tall)

La suya es baja (theirs is short)

Possessive Pronouns and Clarifications

El suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas can be clarified
as follows:
El carro grande es suyo.

The big car is his. (unclarified)

El carro grande es de l.
The big car is his. (clarified)

La casa pequea es suya.

The small house is hers. (unclarified)

La casa pequea es de ella.
The small house is hers. (clarified)

Possessive Pronouns and Clarifications

Los carros grandes son suyos.

The big cars are theirs. (unclarified)

Los carros grandes son de ellas.

The big cars are theirs. (clarified)

Las casas pequeas son suyas.

The small houses are theirs. (unclarified)

Las casas pequeas son de ellos.
The small houses are theirs. (clarified)

Possessive Pronouns and Clarifications

el mo / la ma
los mos / las mas

el nuestro / la nuestra
los nuestros / las nuestras

yours (familiar)
el tuyo / la tuya
los tuyos / las tuyas

yours (familiar)
el vuestro / la vuestra
los vuestros / las vuestra

yours (formal), his, hers

el suyo / la suya
de usted/de l
de ella
los suyos / las suyas

yours (formal), theirs

el suyo / la suya
de ellos
de ellas
de ustedes
los suyos / las suyas

Learning Strategy: Practice, practice, practice

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