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2D computer graphics are the computer-

based generation of digital imagesmostly

from two-dimensional models, such as 2D
geometric models, text, and digital images,
and by techniques specific to them.

3D computer graphics in contrast to 2D

computer graphics are graphics that use a

three-dimensional representation of geometric
data that is stored in the computer for the
purposes of performing calculations and
rendering 2D images. Such images may be for
later display or for real-time viewing.

Image mode refers to Bitmap, Grayscale,

Duotone, Indexed Color, RGB Color (red,

green, blue), CMYK Color (cyan, magenta,
yellow, black), Lab Color, and Multichannel.

Grayscale- Displays images in black, white,

and 254 shades of gray. This mode will allow

you to use layers and certain filters. Working
in this mode also allows you to save the file in
several file formats, including jpeg and gif

Indexed Color- This image mode is

constrained to a color palette of 256 colors or

less. In this mode you cannot add layers,
apply filters, or add colors that are not already
used in the image. You cannot use most of the
editing tools. This mode allows the file to be
saved as a gif, psd or pdf (Photoshop formats),
or png. Saving as other types of files may
cause a distorted image.

RGB(recommended) - This image mode has

three channels: Red, Green, and

Blue.RGBmode is therecommendedworking
mode for images in Photoshop.

CMYK Mode - This image mode has four

channels:cyan,magenta,yellow, andkey
(black). These are the colors that printers use
when printing a document.

Canvas size- The height and width

dimensions of the area in which your image is

Image size- The overall size of an image in
print size.

Layers - Layers act as separate films, much

like transparency sheets. Each layer contains

objects which, when viewed together, create a
composite image.

Opacity- The transparency that you affix to a

tool, layer, or color. The lower the percentage

is, the more transparent the effect; the higher
the percentage, the more opaque the effect.

Paint Bucket- Applies color to an area within

the tolerance setting of the pixel addressed.

This differs fromFillbecause itaffects those
pixels within the tolerance,
whereasFillaffects all pixels within the

Stroke- A border applied using the

foreground color to selected portions of an

image. Stroke is measured in pixels and can
be placed on the outside, center, or inside of
the selection.

Photoshop is a program that allows you to

work with images and graphics.

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