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Dissertation Proposal Defense

Your name
Argosy University-Schaumburg
Name of your chair, Chair
Name of your committee member, Committee
Name of your program chair, Program Chair

The Problem
State the problem in one sentence
(insert citation)

Purpose of the Study

State the purpose of the study in one

List the terms that you need to make sure everyone has a
common definition to use for understanding your presentation.
Do not provide the definitions. Know the definitions, and give
them if you are asked to do so.

Theoretical Background
State the main theoretical background and
Use indents to provide related ideas

Research Related to the Theoretical Background

Major studies that supported the theory
Who did what when with how many subjects, and what
were the results?
Who did what when with how many subjects, and what
were the results?
Who did what when with how many subjects, and what
were the results?

Research Related to the Theoretical Background

Major studies that did not support the theory
Who did what when with how many subjects, and what
were the results?
Who did what when with how many subjects, and what
were the results?
Who did what when with how many subjects, and what
were the results?

Significance of this study

How will this proposed research add to the field?

Methodology: Research Design

What is the research design?
What are the major variables?

Methodology: Research
State your research questions

Methodology: Population and Subjects

State your population
State your subjects
State how you will sample your subjects
State how many subjects you will need,
given your design
State if you expect any generalizability

Methodology: Instrumentation
Provide your instrument(s) by name
Overview the key aspects of the instrument in
terms of scale used, what it assesses, etc.
Provide reliability and validity of the
Provide any copyright information and release

Methodology: Procedures
List the major procedures that will be used

Methodology: Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics will be used to
determine which statistical testing to use.
Assuming parametric statistics are
appropriate, the differences between preand post-treatment scores will be tested
using appropriate statistical tests of:
All testing is two-tailed, 95%
confidence intervals.

Assumptions and
State the methodological assumptions and

Thank you for your time and attention
Please ask any questions

Provide the references that you used within this

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