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Pertemuan 13



Penggunaan mikrobiologi, biokimia, dan rekayasa
kimia terpadu untuk mencapai penerapan
teknologi dari kemampuan mikroba dan sel-sel
yang dibiakkan .
Bioteknologi adalah cabang biologi mempelajari
penggunaan mikroorganisme dan produkproduknya dengan bantuan teknologi untuk
kepentingan manusia

Mikroorganisme yang terlibat fungi yakni jamur

benang dan khamir , bakteri
Meliputi bidang:
a. peningkatan kualitas bahan pangan, meliputi :
sintesis senyawa organik
sintesis senyawa antioksidan
b. diversifikasi produk makanan


Green Plants and Photosynthesis

All of our food ultimately results from the process of photosynthesis in green plants and algae. The
pigment chlorophyll is responsible for the green color of plants as well as their ability to photosynthesize.
In common terrestrial plants photosynthesis is usually carried out in the leaves, although it can also occur
in the stem or other parts of the plant.
Oxford Scientific Films/Dr. C.E. Jeffree

Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005. 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



The optical isomers of lactic acid are arranged as follows

(dark lines point toward the viewer and dashed lines point

Just as the right hand and left hand are different, optical isomers (known as
enantiomers) are different from each other and can have different properties.
For example, muscles produce D-lactic acid when they contract, and a high
amount of this compound in muscles causes muscular pain and cramps. On
the other hand, sour milk contains L-lactic acid, giving the milk its sour taste.
Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005. 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All
rights reserved.


fermented, semifluid milk product, used

extensively as a health food. It is prepared from
fresh whole or skim milk, boiled and concentrated
by evaporation. Fermentation is caused by the
addition of cultures of bacteria, usually
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus
thermophilus, and sometimes Lactobacillus
acidophilus. New batches of yogurt can be
produced by introducing into concentrated milk a
portion of a previously prepared batch. This type
of fermented milk has long been an important
constituent of the diet in southeastern Europe and
in Asia Minor. In recent years yogurt has become
increasingly popular in the U.S.
Yogurt is packaged at a dairy in New York state. Long consumed
in southeastern Europe and Asia Minor, yogurt has become
increasingly popular in the United States.
The Image Works/Greenlar
Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005. 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Cheese Factory, Wisconsin

Fermentation, a process in which
microorganisms convert complex
organic molecules into simpler
molecules, is used in the production of
cheese. Bacteria convert sugars found
in milk into lactic acid, a compound that
prevents the growth of other, harmful
microorganisms and helps preserve the
food. Pictured here is a cheese-making
operation in a plant near Kiel in eastern

Photo Researchers, Inc./Joe Munroe

Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005. 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

a chemical reaction carried out by many types of microorganisms to
obtain energy. In fermentation, microorganisms break down complex
organic compounds into simpler substances. Although chemical
changes and microbial growth usually mean food spoilage, in some
cases fermentation is desirable and microorganisms are actually
added to foods. For example, in the production of beer, wine, and
other alcoholic beverages, yeasts convert sugar into ethyl alcohol and
carbon dioxide. In the making of yogurt and cheese, bacteria convert
lactose, a sugar found in milk, to lactic acid. Alcohol, acids, and other
compounds produced in fermentation act as preservatives, inhibiting
further microbial growth. In addition to its use with alcoholic
beverages, cheese, and yogurt, fermentation is used to produce yeast
bread, soy sauce, cucumber pickles, sauerkraut, and other products.
Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005. 1993-2004 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.

Mikroorganisme untuk peningkatan kualitas bahan

Bahan pangan yang mengalami proses bioteknologi
menjadi bahan pangan yang berkualitas, tahan lama,
lebih segar, lebih beraroma, antara lain :
Penggunaan ragi ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) untuk :
- membuat anggur dan bir
- untuk mengembangkan adonan roti

Pembuatan keju
* Keju merupakan bahan makanan dengan bahan
dasar susu, yang digumpalkan, dicetak, dan
dimatangkan dengan bantuan enzim renin atau
bakteri asam laktat, antara lain : Lactobaccillus
bulgaricus dan Streptococcus lactis.

*Keju dikelompokkan berdasarkan kadar

airnya, semakin tinggi semakin lunak
kejunya. Berdasar kadar airnya kita
mengenal keju keras, setengah keras, dan
keju lunak

Keju keras

Propioni bacterium

Penicillium roqueforti

Keju setengah keras

Penicilliu camemberti

Keju lunak



Streptococus thermophyllus untuk mengasamkan dan

neggumpalkan protein susu sehingga menjadi kental

Lactobaccilus bulgaricus memberi cita rasa dan aroma

Untuk pembuatan
kecap dibutuhkan
bantuan Aspergillus
oryzae atau
Aspergillus soyae,
Jamur ini lebih dulu
dibiakkan dalam
kulit gandum,
selanjtnya bersama
bakteri as. Laktat
yang tumbuh di
kedelai melakukan

Selain itu mikroorganisme juga dimanfaatkan untuk

mengubah bahan makanan menjadi bentuk lain ,
misalnya :
Rhizopus oligospora untuk membuat tempe dari
bahan kedelai
Saccharomyces cerevisiae untuk membuat tape
dari ketan atau singkong
Acetobacter xilinum untuk membuat nata de coco
dengan substrat air kelapa

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Acetobacter xilinum

Pembuatan SCP ( single cell protein ), misalnya :

Fusarium dalam media karbohidrat dari tepung

gandum dan kentang


Saccharomyces cerevisae dan Candida utilis

Saccharomyces cerevisae

Candida utilis


Nata de coco, de radia,

de pinna, de soya, de
skin banana.

Bhs. Latin : Natare (= terapung-apung)

Bentuk seperti gel, terapung di
permukaan medium, kenyal, warna putih,
hasil aktivitas bakteri Acetobacter
Populer di Filipina : bahan air kelapa

Agar bakteri Acetobacter xylinum dapat tumbuh
dan berkembang membentuk nata, maka harus
mengandung :
1.Air 91.23 %
2.Protein 0.29 %
3.Lemak 0.15 %
4.Karbohidrat 7.27 %
5.Abu 1.06 %
6.Vitamin (B kompleks)

Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur made important
contributions to the field of
organic chemistry during the
mid-1800s, developing various
vaccines, including one for
rabies, and disproving the
theory of spontaneous
generation. He is considered
the founder of the field of
microbiology, working with
the germ theory of disease to
establish and explain the
causes for many diseases.
Microsoft Encarta Reference
Library 2005. 1993-2004 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.


Komposisi bahan, pH, Aw,

potensial ox-red, ada/tdknya
antimikrobial, struktur fisik
Temperatur, RH, kondisi

Jenis mikroorganisme

Jenis kerusakan

Home-Canned Foods
Fruits, vegetables, and jams and jellies
are preserved shortly after harvest by
home canning. Most canned food is precooked, then placed hot in a glass
canning jar and partially sealed. The
seal is tightened by placing the jar in
boiling water. Properly home-canned
food remains edible for several
FPG International, LLC/Jose Luis Banus
Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005. 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights

Dominan Karbohidrat :Sakarolitik, amilolitik, pektinolitik

Buah : Kapang
Melunakkan & menembus kulit buah
Sayur : Erwinia carotovora
Wortel mengalami pelunakan
Berwarna merah darah
Roti : Serratia marcescens
Dominan protein : proteolitik

Daging : bakteri anaerobik


bau busuk


Susu : suksesi 4 tahap

1. Lactobacillus lactis : produksi asam
2. Lactobacillus : produksi lebih banyak asam
3. Molds & yeast : memecah asam
4. Bakteri pendegradasi protein : bau busuk,


Codfish Drying on Racks

Drying of fruits, fish, or meat is an excellent method of long-term food
preservation. Drying reduces an item to roughly 50 percent of its original
volume and 20 percent of its original weight through the gradual elimination of
water. This dehydration process prevents spoilage by retarding the growth of
microorganisms and reducing or halting enzymatic activity and chemical
reactions. Dried food items can be kept almost indefinitely, as long as they are
not rehydrated.
Oxford Scientific Films/Doug Allan

Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005. 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



Temperatur Tinggi / rendah

Senyawa kimia

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