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Structures that contain the genetic

They are complexes of DNA and proteins

The genome comprises all the genetic

material that an organism possesses
In bacteria, it is typically a single circular
In eukaryotes, it refers to one complete set of
nuclear chromosomes

Prokaryotic Chromosomes
Organism with a simple cellular structure
Chromosomes are stored innucleoidin
which DNA is binding to some proteins.
Found in cytoplasm
Includes all of the bacteria

Eukaryotic Chromosomes
Eukaryotic species contain one or more sets of
Each set is composed of several different
linear chromosomes
The total amount of DNA in eukaryotic species is
typically greater than that in bacterial cells
Chromosomes in eukaryotes are located in the
To fit in there, they must be highly compacted
This is accomplished by the binding of
many proteins
The DNA-protein complex is termed

Basic structure of a
Genes are organized into structures called
chromosomes, which serve as vehicles for
transmitting genetic information.
In eukaryotes, nuclear chromosomes are
packaged by proteins into a condensed
structure called chromatin.
This allows the very long DNA molecules to
fit into the cell nucleus.

Basic structure of a
Chromosomes are usually diffuse,
threadlike structures, not easily
distinguishable from each other within the
Just before and during cell division the
chromosomes condense (become shorter
and fatter), so that their different shapes
become visible under a microscope.
The chromosome also copies itself,
making two identical chromatids that
meet at a narrow point called the




Sex Chromosome
These chromosomes determine gender.
Human cells contain two sex chromosomes.
If youre female, you have two X
chromosomes, and if youre male, you have
an X and a Y chromosome.

Autosomal Chromosome
Autosomal simply refers to non-sex chromosomes.
Rather, they contain many genes that code for the
production of thousands of proteins.
So, sticking with the human example, do the math,
and you can see that humans have 44 autosomal
In humans, chromosomes come in pairs.
How many pairs of chromosome that you will find in
your cells?

The 46 Human

Diagram adopted from Genetics for Dummies, Tara. R. R

Each metaphase chromosome is composed of
two identical sister chromatids.
Chromatids are connected at a central region
called the centromere
Centromeres consist of hundreds of kilobases
of repetitive DNA and are responsible for the
movement of chromosomes at cell division.
Each centromere divides the chromosome
into short (p) and long (q) arms.

Anatomy of a chromosome
showing the three shapes

Diagram adopted from Crash course: Cell Biology and Genetics,

4th ED

Centromere locations
and designations of

Diagram adopted from Concepts of Genetics, Klug.W.S., 10th


Figure 2.3

Prepared by Pratheep Sandrasaigaran

An organelle located at
the centromere region
It acts as a microtubule
organizing centre.
It also facilitates spindle
formation by
polymerization of tubulin
dimers to form
microtubules early in

Diagram adopted from

Crash course: Cell Biology and Genetics, 4th

Telomeres have several functions in preserving
chromosome stability:
Preventing abnormal end-to-end fusion of
Protecting the ends of chromosomes from
Ensuring complete DNA replication
Having a role in chromosome pairing during

Prepared by Pratheep Sandrasaigaran

Chromosome structureSummary

Diagram adopted from Genetics for Dummies, Tara. R. R

Prepared by Pratheep Sandrasaigaran

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