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Prob Stats Tutorial # 2

10 Questions only

Select the null & alternative hypotheses for the

following tests:
1. Test if the mean weight of cereal in a cereal box differs from 18 ounces.

H0: 18; HA: < 18

H0: = 18; HA: 18

H0: 18; HA: > 18

2. Test if the stock price increases on more than 60% of the trading days.

H0: p 0.60; HA: p > 0.60

H0: p = 0.60; HA: p 0.60

H0: p 0.60; HA: p < 0.60

3. Test if Americans get an average of less than seven hours of sleep.

H0: 7; HA: > 7

H0: 7; HA: < 7

H0: = 7; HA: 7

Select the null & alternative hypotheses for the

following claims:
4. I am going to get the majority of the votes to win this election.

H0: = 0.50; HA: 0.50

H0: p 0.50; HA: p > 0.50

H0: p 0.50; HA: p < 0.50

5. I suspect that your 10-inch pizzas are, on average, less than 10 inches in

H0: = 10; HA: 10

H0: p 10; HA: p < 10

H0: 10; HA: < 10

6. I will have to fine the company since its tablets do not contain an average
of 250 mg of ibuprofen as advertised.

H0: p 250; HA: p > 250

H0: p = 250; HA: p 250

H0: = 250; HA: 250

7. Lie Detector
A polygraph (lie detector) is an instrument used to determine if the
individual is telling the truth.
These tests are considered to be 95% reliable. In other words, if an
individual lies, there is a 0.95 probability that the test will detect a lie.
Let there also be a 0.005 probability that the test erroneously detects a
lie even when the individual is actually telling the truth.
Consider the null hypothesis, "the individual is telling the truth," to
answer the following questions.
a. What is the probability of Type I error?
b. What is the probability of Type II error?

8. Blood Test
The screening process for detecting a rare disease is not perfect.
Researchers have developed a blood test that is considered fairly
It gives a positive reaction in 98% of the people who have that
However, it erroneously gives a positive reaction in 3% of the people
who do not have the disease.
Answer the following questions using the null hypothesis as "the
individual does not have the disease."
a. What is the probability of Type I error?
b. What is the probability of Type II error?

9. Illegitimate Children

It is generally believed that no more than 0.50 of all babies in a

town in Texas are born out of wedlock. A politician claims that the
proportion of babies that are born out of wedlock is increasing.
Identify the correct null and alternative hypotheses to test the
politician's claim.

H0: p = 0.5 ; HA: p 0.5

H0: p 0.50; HA: p > 0.50

H0: p 0.50; HA: p < 0.50

10. Steroids in sports

A professional sports organization is going to implement a test for
steroids. The test gives a positive reaction in 94% of the people who
have taken the steroid. However, it erroneously gives a positive
reaction in 4% of the people who have not taken the steroid. What is
the probability of a Type I and Type II error using the null hypothesis
"the individual has not taken steroids."

Type I: 4%, Type II: 6%

Type I: 6%, Type II: 4%

Type I: 94%,

Type I: 4%, Type II: 94%

Type II: 4%

Thank you

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