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Training and


If you think training

is expensive,try

Vision for this Course

To Train Potential Certified
Quality Managers to teach,
train and present information
clearly, credibly and creatively
to others in order to stay
ahead of their competition .

Is an intensive, hands-on workshop that will instruct individuals in the use
of practical techniques for creative training delivery.

Participants will know what is Training and Development.

Participants will know the difference between Training and Education.

Participants will learn benefits of Training.

Participants will learn how to perform Training Needs Assessments

Participants will learn how to Design Training Needs Assessment Surveys.

Participants will learn how to handle requests for Training Requirements


Participants will learn what are the Misconceptions about Training.

Participants will learn about Training Delivery Methods.

Participants will learn about Determining Training Delivery Methods .

Participants will learn about Evaluating Training and Results.

Participants will learn about Guidelines for Evaluating the Effectiveness of


Participants will learn about Total Quality Management (Training and

Human Resources Development )

Participants will learn about Examples of Quality Management Training.

Participants will learn about using Ice Breakers in Training

Participants will learn how to facilitate discussions, direct activities,

manage the training session and acquire many other skills to help them
train effectively.

They will have an opportunity to practice Training.

They will leave with new ideas on how to "spice up" training as well as
reinforce the skills that will make them feel masterful in training others..

What Is Training?
The simple answer
deals in
with skills.
is is,
a training

skills. Therefore, in order to build skills, training

has to do two things:
Assess learner's skill level before training starts.

Design a program based on sound adult learning


Realistic scope

Clear objectives

Appropriate methodology

Numerous opportunities to practice

skills with feedback and suggestions for

Competent instructors

Assess learner's skill level after

training is over.

If your learner's skills did not

increase, your training did not work.

Education is a change in
1. Education is our attempt to give
our learners broad information on
a subject; no attempt is made to
develop skills
2. Education is what survives when
what has been learned has been

The Difference Between

Education and Training

What is the difference between

education and training?
Are they the same and it is just a
matter of semantics, or are they
completely different concepts?
Can they be studied together?

Formal education is usually thought of studies done
in schools. The students range from the very
youngest through college to those in adult education.
There is also informal education or self-study, where
adults read books, listen to tapes and learn through
other media. Observing life itself is a form of
The objective of classes or of self-education is usually
to gain knowledge about facts, events, principles,
concepts, and such. In some classes the student is
required to demonstrate the memorization of facts
and the association between concepts. In other
classes, they must apply rules to solve problems.
Testing concerns memorization and understanding,
plus perhaps analytic and problem solving skills.

On the other hand, formal training is usually

concerned with gaining a skill. Training is
done in trade schools, seminars, and business
training classes. Learners of training are
usually adults, although there are some
classes to teach youngsters certain skills.
Informal training is usually done through
reading, viewing or listening to how-to
material. Sometimes that material is then
used as a guide, while the person applies the
skills learned. For example, you may refer to a
how-to book when trying to fix your plumbing
at home.
Verification of skills is best achieved by
actually doing something in the real world.
Sometimes tests given in trade schools check
for knowledge, as opposed to skill. Often in
corporate training sessions and in seminars,
there is no verification that the learner had

Training or Education: Does it

make a difference?

The education and training paradigms are opposite

poles on nine characteristics. Many instructional
programs are a mixture to varying degrees of these
two paradigms
(A paradigm is "...a constellation of concepts,
values, perceptions and practices shared by a
community which forms a particular vision of
reality that is the basis of the way a community
organizes itself."
. Much of what is called training is largely
education by definition and that includes many of
the instructor-led PowerPoint programs common in
many corporations. There is also some training in
some educational programs mostly in the
professional schools.

What is Training Good for


There are good reasons to mandate

training and development in your
organization, and there are bad reasons
for mandating training.
There are ALSO good reasons for NOT
training, in some circumstances, and bad
reasons to refuse. Knowing what training
can and cannot accomplish enables you
to make the right decisions at the right
time, ensuring that your limited training
dollars are used effectively.

What Training Can Do

Training CAN accomplish many things.
1. It can help people learn the new skills that are
required to meet new expectations, both formal
and informal
2. Training can help people accept the challenge
of their evolving jobs.
3. Build a common understanding of
theorganization's purpose.
4. Show management's commitment and loyalty
to employees
5. Develop people so they can increase their
responsibilities and contribute to the
organizationin new ways.

What Training Cannot Do

Training cannot do many things. Training, on its

own, cannot change ineffective employees into
effective ones. It is unlikely to address ALL the
causes of poor performance. Limited training also
will not turn a poor supervisor or manager into an
effective one, unless it is coupled with ongoing
coaching from above.

Training will not erase problems that occur because

of poor structuring of work, mismatching of work
with the person, unclear authorities and
responsibilities or other organizationally related

Training as a Tool

The best way of thinking about training is to think of it

as a management tool, much like a carpenter's tool.
Just as if a carpenter picks the hammer and not a
screwdriver to pound a nail, the manager should be
choosing training because it is the RIGHT tool for the

In addition, to continue the analogy, if the supporting

structure (the wood) is rotted, only the foolish carpenter
would attempt to pound the nail into the wood, and
expect it to help. It is the same with the manager. If a
manager expects things to improve because of training,
he or she needs to ensure that the supports
are there for the use of the tool, and that there are no
other non-training related problems hanging about.

Training can be a valuable tool for the organization and

the manager, provided it is the RIGHT tool to solve the
problem or address the identified issues. Even then,
there must be supports in the organization so the
training can be effective.

Lets Relax for 15

Group Game and

The Team Building

Where teams compete to
build an effective team
building game.

Team Building Basics

Everyone is different. To build a solid team,

everyone must know their teammates. Know
your team members.
Define the team mission or goals. All team
members must accept and agree on the team
Define the team organization, structure and
Define tasks and titles within the group that
matches their skills and responsibilities.
Make a game plan and ensure all members know
everyones job.
Use group language to develop team ownership
of the goals.
Share information freely within the group.
Establish strong lines of communication.
Have fun activities to enhance the team


Teams compete to build a great team

building game.
Each team presents their game to the
group giving rational, rules and
Games are evaluated against how
effective they are as a team builder.
The best game is played by the entire

Please break into smaller
groups no larger than 5
people in a group.
The group creates and
presents a Team Building
Time limit 30 minutes


When the time expires, each

team presents their team builder
to the entire group giving

The group votes on which Team

Builder is the most effective.

Playing Your Team Building

The entire group now plays
the winning Team Building
Game with the group that
created it acting as the

This is a process to find the Gap

between the skills required to
perform a job and the skills the
employee have. By this we can
clarify our objectives.

Training Need = Required skillsskills used

Training Needs Assessment

What is a training needs assessment?
A tool utilized to identify what
educational courses or activities should
be provided to employees to improve
their work productivity. Focus should be
placed on needs as opposed to desires.
For example, training dollars would be
better spent on a new employee in the
accounting department who needs to
learn Microsoft Excel for their job duties
as opposed to learning Microsoft
Publisher which the employees wants but
does not need.

Training Needs Assessment


Why conduct a training needs assessment?

To pinpoint if training will make a
difference in productivity and the bottom
To decide what specific training each
employee needs and what will improve
their job performance.
To differentiate between the need for
training and organizational issues.

Training Needs Assessment


How is a training needs assessment

Several techniques can be utilized individually or in
combination with each other. More than one tool
should be considered to get a better view of the big
picture, however, which tools are used should be left
up to the company.
1. Meet with management.
2. Meet with employees.
3. Conduct surveys.
4. Conduct focus groups..
5. Review company goals and mission statement.

Training Needs Assessment

Three things to consider:
1-Consider meeting with employees that are
already successfully completing tasks. You may
uncover useful techniques that can be taught
during training to other employees.
2-Keep surveys brief. More employees will be
willing to complete them and tallying the
results will be more manageable.
3-Good hand-written notes should be taken
during a focus group and consideration should
be given to either audio taping or videotaping
the session allowing it to be reviewed later for
any details initially missed.


What is the
Is it a training
What skills and
knowledge should
be included in the
Who needs to be

ncy Analysis

Steps to be followed during

Training Need Analysis:

First we have to fit our Business Goals

and then we have to find the necessary
skills required to satisfy our Goals
Find the people whom you want to train
and how best to reach them.
Find whether the employee accept
training and the methods that fit their
Take the decision regarding the Training
process, which fits the organization .
Identify the trainee and fix the

Gagne's Nine Events of


Gain attention
Inform learners of objectives
Stimulate recall of prior learning
Present the content
Provide "learning guidance
Elicit performance (practice)
Provide feedback
Assess performance
Enhance retention and transfer to
the job

How to handle requests for

Training Requirements
T r a i n i n g R e q Tu ri ra ei nm i en ng t sR eA qn ua ilrye smi se n t s A n a l y s i s

T r a in in g R e q u ir e m e n ts
A n a l y s is

T r a in in g R e q u ire m e n ts A n a ly s is

The Four Stages of TRA

Task/Competency Analysis
What do learners need to learn?

Task Analysis
For more skill
oriented jobs
When need
consistent set of

Competency Analysis
Soft skills training
such as mgmt,
Professional jobs
Career patching

Steps in Task Analysis

Break job into

major functions
Break functions
into major tasks
Break tasks into
Identify training

Task Analysis Interviews


Best performers

Job incumbents

Subject matter

Competency Analysis

What are competencies?

Enduring characteristics of a
person that result in superior
on-the-job performance
Areas of personal capability
that enable employees to
successfully perform their jobs
by achieving outcomes or
successfully performing tasks

What is a competency

Identifies the competencies

necessary for each job as well as
the knowledge, skills, behavior,
and personality characteristics
underlying each competency.

Lets Relax for 15

Group Game and

Know Yourself
To encourage you to know
yourself better please answer
the 10 Questions distributed
to you on the Know Yourself
Quiz Sheets.

Training Delivery Methods

Training Delivery Methods


Training Delivery Methods


(a) Evaluating Training and


Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of

Training Evaluation

Level 1 Evaluation - Reactions

Just as the word implies, evaluation at this
level measures how participants in a training
program react to it. It attempts to answer
questions regarding the participants'
perceptions - Did they like it? Was the
material relevant to their work? This type of
evaluation is often called a smile sheet.
According to Kirkpatrick, every program
should at least be evaluated at this level to
provide for the improvement of a training
program. In addition, the participants'
reactions have important consequences for
learning (level two). Although a positive
reaction does not guarantee learning, a

Level 2 Evaluation - Learning

To assess the amount of learning that

has occurred due to a training
program, level two evaluations often
use tests conducted before training

Level 3 Evaluation - Transfer

This level measures the transfer

that has occurred in learners'
behavior due to the training
program. Evaluating at this level
attempts to answer the question Are the newly acquired skills,
knowledge, or attitude being
used in the everyday
environment of the learner?

Level 4 Evaluation- Results

This level measures the success of the program in

terms that managers and executives can understand
-increased production, improved quality, decreased
costs, reduced frequency of accidents, increased sales,
and even higher profits or return on investment.
From a business and organizational perspective, this is
the overall reason for a training program, yet level four
results are not typically addressed.

Why Evaluation of

Training cost can be

significant in any business.
Most organizations are
prepared to incur these cost
because they expect that
their business to benefit from
employees development and

There are four parties involved in evaluating the

result of any training. Trainer, Trainee, Training
and Development department and Line Manager.
The Trainee wants to confirm that the course
has met personal expectations and satisfied any
learning objectives set by the T & D department
at the beginning of the Programme.
The Trainer concern is to ensure that the
training that has been provided is effective or
Training and Development want to know
whether the course has made the best use of the
resources available.
The Line manager will be seeking reassurance
that the time hat trainee has spent in attending
training results in to value and how deficiency in
knowledge and skill redressed.

Important Revision
What to Evaluate


Donald Kirkpatrick developed four level models

to assess training effectiveness. According to
him, evaluation always begins with level first
and should move through other levels in
Reaction Level:
Learning Level:
Behavior Level: .
Result Level:

There are three possible opportunities to

undertake an evaluation:
1. Pre Training Evaluation:.
2. Context and Input Evaluation improvement and
adjustments needed to attain the training objectives.
3. Post Training Evaluation

Lets Relax for 15


Group Game and


The Is Have It !
To illustrate how we tend to
be more self-centered than
we may have thought, and
to demonstrate the
importance of focusing on
the other person.

Our Exercise

Many of us forget about focusing on

others and instead become somewhat
self-centered, albeit not in a conscious
Please find a partner and for the next 2
minutes, you will be allowed to talk about
anything in the world you want to
discuss. There is, however, one rule
You can do anything else they want; you
just cannot say I.
Time over After 2 minutes
Let us discuss the results.

Our Discussion

How many of you were able to talk for

those 2 minutes without using the
pronoun 'I'?
Why do so many of us have difficulty
avoiding the use of 'I' in conversation?
How do you feel when talking to
(listening to) someone who starts every
sentence with I?
How can we phrase our communications
to better focus on the other person?
If you did not use the word 'I', what
strategies did you use to avoid it? Could

Total Quality Management

Training and Human Resources
Total quality
human resources
management (TQHRM) is an
approach to human resources
management that involves many of
the concepts of quality
management especially on Training
and Development.
The primary goal of TQHRM is
employee empowerment and

Training and Human Resources


Example of Quality
Management Training
Why provide training for Quality
To be more competitive in today's
changing world
Process improvement becomes a
companywide initiative through
empowered employees
Successful organizations must
continuously improve to survive
Continuous improvement becomes
focused on the customer
Prevention is the goal instead of
detection of problems

Quality management
training addresses the
following areas:

The critical essentials of quality

Understanding and meeting customer
Measuring customer satisfaction
Prevention vs. detection of errors
Management commitment leads the

Quality management
training addresses the
following areas (cont)

The elements of a successful quality

management implementation
Customer Focus
Leadership for Quality

Education and Training

Continuous Improvement
Planning for Quality

Quality management
training addresses the
following areas (cont)

The personal aspects of quality

Understand we each have personal

Internal customers must be treated
the same as external customers
Using functional analysis to identify
our personal products and customers
Developing a personal action plan for
meeting our customers expectations

Quality management
training addresses the
following areas (cont)

Developing a quality improvement plan,

This plan should include the following:
Quality Policy
Critical Success Factors
Evidence of Success
Organization Actions
Function Actions

Quality management
training addresses the
following areas (cont)

The Critical Outcome is that:

Management leads the process

The Customer defines Quality
Organizations Comply with Customer
Expectations (not just specifications)
Zero Defects is the Goal
Continuous improvement is ongoing
Every employee plays a role in continuous
Do it right the 1st time all the time (No Rework)
Focus on prevention rather than detection

Thank you for

Wish you success

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