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Angular JS

Directives, Scope and Events

Jaiswal, Rupal

Angularjs Controller
A controller is a JavaScript Object, created by a standard
JavaScript object constructor.
AngularJS application mainly relies on controllers to control the flow
of data in the application.
The ng-controller directive defines the application controller.
Controller accepts $scope as a parameter which refers to the

Scope is a special javascript object which plays the role of joining
controller with the views
Scope contains the model data. In controllers, model data is
accessed via $scope object.
Scopes provide context against which expression are evaluated.
All applications have a $rootScope which is the scope created on
the HTML element that contains the ng-app directive.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.run(function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.color = 'blue';

Scope Inheritance
Scope are controllers specific. If we defines nested controllers then
child controller will inherit the scope of its parent controller.
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
mainApp.controller("shapeController", function($scope) {
$scope.message = "In shape controller";
$scope.type = "Shape";
mainApp.controller("circleController", function($scope) {
$scope.message = "In circle controller";

AngularJS has its own HTML events directives.
An AngularJS event will not overwrite an HTML event, both events
will be executed.




- Joshi,

Angular expressions are JavaScript-like code snippets. They bind
application data to a HTML element. Written inside two curly braces,
it reminds us of JavaScript expressions. Though Angular expressions
are different from JavaScript, it is an effort to bring JavaScript like
functionalities, such as, operators, variables, conditions etc to
HTML. You can assign values to the expressions, dynamically using
an Angular directive. This technique will spare you from assigning
static values and instead you can add different types of values
according to your choice.

AngularJS Expressions using String

<!DOCTYPE html>
<div ng-app=" ">
Name: <input type="text" ng-model="name">
<p><b>My name is </b> {{ name }}</p>

AngularJS expression using numbers

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>Sum of two Numbers using AngularJS</h3>
<div ng-app="">
<h3>Using Input Type Number</h3>
<p>First Number:
<input type="number" ng-model="c" />
<p>Second Number:
<input type="number" ng-model="d" />
<p>Sum: {{ c + d }}</p>

AngularJS expressions using Objects

<title>My first AngularJS Expression code</title>
<div ng-app=''>
<div ng-init="customer={ name:'Abhijeet joshi',
address:'CALSTATELA', email:'jeet@yahoo.com'}">
Expression Result: {{ customer.name + " " +
customer.address + " " + customer.email }}

Ternary Operator
A Ternary Operator in Angular is an alternative to if, else conditions in
JavaScript. Angular introduced this feature in its version 1.1.5. It is a
giant leap forward in making this framework, awesome.You can use the
ternary operator in expressions.
A Ternary operator takes three expressions. If the condition is true, it
will evaluate the first expression and it becomes the result. Else, it will
evaluate the second expression and that becomes the result.
Condition ? first_expression : second_expression
Now, let us see an example.

Example of Ternary Operator

<div ng-app
{ day:1, available:25
{ day:2, available:11
{ day:3, available:41
{ day:4, waiting:5 },
{ day:5, available:31


<div ng-repeat="seats in feb">

<div>{{ 'Day ' + seats.day }} # {{ seats.available > 0 ? 'Seats
Available -' + seats.available :
'Waiting List -' + seats.waiting }} </div>

One Time Binding

With version 1.3, Angular introduced a new feature, called the One-time
binding, for the first time. If you use
it will create one-time binding.

:: (Double Colon) in an expression,

One-time expressions will stop recalculating once they are stable, which
happens after the first execution if the expression result is a nonundefined value
When we declare an expression using :: , it tells Angular to ignore the
bind once a value is assigned to it. Angular will unbind it and any Model
updates wont affect the view. Consider it a render-once type method
rather than bind once.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<div ng-app>
Name a City <input type="text" ng-model="city" />
<button ng-click="cityname = city" ng-init="city">Submit</button>
<p>One-time Binding: {{:: cityname}} </p>
<p>Normal Binding: {{ cityname}} </p>

Difference between AngularJS expressions

and javascript expressions
Double curly braces are Angularjs expressions and single curly braces
are javascript objects.
Unlike JavaScript expressions, AngularJS expressions can be written
inside HTML.
AngularJS expressions support filters, while JavaScript expressions do
AngularJS expressions do not support loops, and exceptions, while
JavaScript expressions do.
In Javascript we use eval()function to evaluate expressions but in
angular we evaluate expressions using {{}} and it calls $parse to
evaluate the expressions,basically what $parse does that it converts

Angular Services

- Sachdev,

What are Angular Services

Separation of Concern.
Substitutle objects that can wired together using Dependency
Lazily Instantiated.
Used to organize and share data among and functions accross the

Angular pre-defined services

Starts with $

Create Custom Services

Service () : Return the instance of the function to work with

Factory () : Returns the value of function returned after execution

Using Angular Services

Add Angular Service as a dependency for the component
(Controller, Service, Filter, Directive)

AngularJS: Globalization

- Kumar,

Developer Guide
Globalization = Internationalization + Localization
Internationalization (i18n) is the process of developing products in
such a way that they can be localized for languages and cultures
Localization (l10n), is the process of adapting applications and text to
enable their usability in a particular cultural or linguistic market.
For application developers, Internationalizing an application means

i18n example:

Examples & Demo

Text Formatting
Pluralization and Gender
Dates, Numbers and Currencies
Font, Text sizes, width
and more

AngularJS Animations

- Purohit, Jay

Animation Basics:
-Animations concentrates on making a user interface better and give a
better look and feel which is more responsive in nature.
-AngularJS provides animation hooks for common directives such as
ngRepeat, ngSwitch, and ngView, as well as custom directives via the
$animate service.
-Trigger animations during the life cycle of various directives and when
triggered, will attempt to perform one of the following action depending
on if an animation is placed on the given directive.
-Animations are not available unless you include the
module as a dependency within your application


Rules for supported Directives:

Now here animations based on Directives we have following
The attached CSS classes take the form of ng-{EVENT} and ng{EVENT}-active for structural events like enter, move, or leave.
But, for class-based animations, it takes the form of {CLASS}-add,
{CLASS}-add-active, {CLASS}-remove, and {CLASS}remove-active.
The exceptions to these rules are ng-hide and ng-show. Both of these
directives have add and remove events that are triggered, just
like ng-class, but they both share the .ng-hide class, which is either
added or removed when appropriate.

Built in Directives $animate Events


Animation Events


enter ,leave and move


Enter and leave


Enter and leave


Enter and leave


Enter and leave


Add and remove

ngShow &

Add and remove(the

ng-hide class value)

How Does it work?

There are ultimately two ways of using Animations:
1.Css3 Transition based animation
2.Javascript based animation.
In both the considerations we need css classes for defining
transition on elements.

CSS3 transition using animation:

Angular will automatically detect that CSS is attached to an animation
when the animation is triggered, and add the .ng-{EVENT}-active class
until the animation has run its course. It will then remove that class,
and any other added classes, from the DOM.
Consider an Example:
Where you add, move, or remove an item from an array which is being
used by the ngRepeat directive, Angular will now catch that event, and
add a series of classes to that element in the ngRepeat.

angular.module('myApp', ['ngAnimate'])
.controller('ItemCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.items = [ {name: "Lunchmeat"},{name: "Bread"},
{name: "Milk"},{name: "Mustard"},

{name: "Cheese"}

$scope.addItem = function() {
$scope.item = {};
$scope.removeItem = function(index) {$scope.items.splice(index,
1); };

CSS Class File

.fade {
transition: 1s linear all;
-webkit-transition: 1s linear all;
}.fade.ng-enter {
opacity: 0;
}.fade.ng-enter.ng-enter-active {
opacity: 1;
}.fade.ng-leave {
opacity: 1;
}.fade.ng-leave.ng-leave-active {
opacity: 0;

<li ng-repeat="item in items" class="fade">
<span ng-click="removeItem($index)">X</span>
<div class="row">
<div class="one-half column offset-by-three">
<input type="text" ng-model="item.name" />
<button class="button-primary" ng-click="addItem()">Add


.animation('.fade', function() {
return {
enter: function(element, done) {element.css('display','none');
$(element).fadeIn(1000, function() {done();
}, leave: function(element, done) {
$(element).fadeOut(1000, function() { done();});
move: function(element, done) {element.css('display', 'none'); $
(element).slideDown(500, function() { done();});} }


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