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Six Exceptional Systems Illustration

TaNisha Jones
EDU596: Creating a Culture of Universal Achievement and Collaboration
Instructor: Dr. Amy Gray
May 2016

By TaNisha Jones


These systems are depicted as a staircase, where each step denotes a unique
solution to important challenges faced by all schools (Lopez, 2013).
A Culture of Universal Achievement takes place when the staff believes that
each student has the ability to meet academic standards in reading, writing,
and math AND that the school has the power to make that opportunity a
Collaboration is taken place when you work together to achieve results.
Standard Alignment is participate in activities that improve our results while
learning from our successes and failures.


Assessment is taken place when assessing students is grounded in a
commitment to use the information in a way that helps us to generate greater
success for them.
Data management is taken place when using as a means of securing greater
success for each individual student.
Interventions take place when analyzing the effectiveness through the use of


Culture of Universal Achievement Support:
With the help of this stage we believe that student everywhere deserves the
opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares his or her for college if they
so choose to attend. It breaks barriers and allows students of all ages from
many different places to have the same opportunity to gain knowledge and
understanding from a learning experience. Staff, students and families must be
committed to taking their role and working for the good of the program and
the success of our students (Lopez, D. (2013).
This step supports and impact the four remaining systems of the staircase
because it leaves no one out of the loop of education and success.

Collaboration support:
Collaboration is a stage that we are able to take the time necessary to
maintain a thorough knowledge and cooperation of our staff and community. To
help us properly equip out students with the knowledge and skills needed for
the work force, each student must be informed with the knowledge and
understanding of college and its importance (Lopez, D. (2013).
This step supports and impact the four remaining systems of the staircase
because it forms the glue to communicating and working together.


Culture of Universal Achievement
From a personal stand point my school is diverse and the culture of universal achievement is
something that my school has demonstrated since the beginning of my time with them. They
speak different languages and allow the students to help and work with other students on
learning their particular language. Teachers become helpful to use some of the language and
diversity of their classroom to set the environment for the students as a comfortable one and
learning friendly. Students begin learning about other cultures as well as other languages while
grasping a understanding of differentiation at the same time. I have enjoyed my time working
with them and hope that this same method is implemented in other schools as well. Student
deserves the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares him or her for college if they so
choose to attend (Lopez, D. (2013). Give our students the opportunity to learn trades and other
skills they will need for the bigger part of their lives. We need to make sure our students are
equip with the skills and abilities that are in demand for the working environment.


A reason is a cause of why something happened that is our of our control.
An excuse is a shift causal attribution away from self (it is not my fault).
Protect self-image (I am not the kind of person who would . . ).
At times teachers are faced with some of these excuses and reasons on a daily basis. Keeping a no
excuse zone somewhere posted will remind us all of not making excuses. Taking responsibility of
our actions and the things we decided to do is the best thing that we can ever do for ourselves.
Making the decision to go to school and be successful is what we should strive for our students.
At times students are faces with these reasons and excuses as well.
Students should be allowed time to utilize various resource options when they have questions and
or concerns that may not can be answered while the teacher is instructing. It is appropriate for the
teacher to keep a comment section and or concern box for students to privately ask questions or

Lopez, D. (2013). No Excuses University: How six exceptional systems are
revolutionizing our schools. China: TurnAround Schools Publications
Lopez, D. (2015). No excuses leadership: Nine bold choices exceptional leaders
make. China: TurnAroundTM Schools Publication

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