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Bible Study
The Apostle
Paul’s Letter to
the Romans
Romans 4:1-25
The Pattern of
Abraham & His Children
Romans 4 in Context
• The Ground of Justification: Jesus Christ's
Faithfulness (3:21‑31).
– Jesus Christ’s Faithfulness—The Justification of God (3:21-
– Jesus Christ’s Faithfulness—The Justification of the Law
• The Pattern of Justification: Abraham and His Children
– What Kind of Descendant from Abraham does God
the Righteous Judge Justify: One of the Law or One
of Faithfulness? (4:1‑8).
– When did God the Righteous Judge Justify
Abraham: Before or After Abraham was
Circumcised? (4:9‑12).
– Who are Heirs of the Promise made by God the
Righteous Judge: Those of the Law or Those of
Faithfulness? (4:13‑25).
When did God the
Righteous Judge Justify
Abraham: Before or After
Abraham was
Romans 4:9-12
This blessing, therefore, does it rest upon the
circumcised or upon those with the foreskin also? For
we say, “Faith was reckoned to Abraham for
righteousness.” 10 How then was it reckoned?
Was it reckoned to him in the condition of
circumcision or with the foreskin? It was
certainly not in circumcision but with the
foreskin. 11 And he received the sign of circumcision
as a seal of the righteousness of faithfulness which
was his though with the foreskin, that he might be
the father of all who believe through the foreskin,
that righteousness might also be reckoned to them 12
and that he might be the father of the circumcised,
who are not of the circumcision alone but also are
ones who walk in the steps of the faith our father
Abraham had while yet with the foreskin.
Who are Heirs to the
Promise made by God the
Righteous Judge: Those
of the Law or Those of
Romans 4:13-17
For the promise to Abraham and to his seed did not
come through the Law—the promise that he was heir of
the world—but through the righteousness of
faithfulness. 14 For if the heirs are from the Law, then
this faithfulness is made void and this promise is
nullified. 15 For the Law brings wrath to completion. But
where the Law is not, there is no transgression. 16 On
account of this the promised inheritance is from
faithfulness, in order that it might be according to
grace, for the purpose that the promise might be
confirmed to all the seed, not only to those who are of
the Law but also to those who are of Abraham’s faith,
who is the father of us all, 17 just as it is written “I
have appointed you to be the father of many
nations” in the sight of him whom he believed,
namely God who gives life to the dead and calls non-
existing things into existence.
Romans 4:14-16

• “Those who are of the Law” (4:14, 16).

Refers to natural born Jews whose
descent from Abraham associates them
with the Mosaic Law.
• “Those who are of Abraham’s
faithfulness” (4:16). Refers to true Jews
(2:29) whose descent from Abraham is
not necessarily by nature but by faith
which makes them heirs of the Promise.
Romans 4:18-25
Who against hope believed on the evidence of hope, in
order that he would become the father of many nations in
accordance with what was spoken, “So shall your seed
be.” 19 And he did not weaken in faith when he considered
his own body, which was already as good as dead, since it
was nearly one hundred years old, and the deadness of
Sarah’s womb. 20 But he did not doubt because of
unfaithfulness but he grew strong in faith, by giving glory
to God 21 and by being fully assured that what God
promised he was also able to accomplish. 22 Therefore
also “it was reckoned to him for righteousness.” 23
But “it was reckoned to him” was not written for him
alone 24 but also for us, to those who will be reckoned,
that is to those who believe upon the one who raised our
Lord Jesus from the dead. 25 Who was delivered up on
account of our trespasses and was raised on account of
our justification.
Abraham Typology
But “it was reckoned to him” was not
written for him alone but also for us. . . .
Romans 4:25
• God promised a son to a • God promised to
husband & wife as good raise his Son from
as dead. the dead.
• Abraham believes God’s • We believe God’s
promise. promise.
• God justifies Abraham. • God justifies us.
What is the role of
Abraham according to
Dual Roles
A Type of Christ
Revelation of God’s Promise
(Disclosure of God’s Righteousness)
(promise made)  (promise fulfilled)
Abraham, faithfulness foreshadow  Christ, faithfulness fulfillment

A Type of Believers
Reception of God’s Promise
(Declaration of Righteousness before God)
(promise made)  (promise fulfilled)

Abraham, type of believer  Believers, children of faith

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