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How to Create a

Personal Mission

Gives meaning and
significance to our actions
and our life
At the end of our lives we will
be able to say, I did what I was
created to do. I contributed to
this world in a significant

2. Clarity for Your Role in Life

Provides a singular focus to all of
our different roles (parent,
employee, friend, spouse, etc.)
Eliminates confusion and
emotional conflicts

3. A Measuring Stick for Life


The best tool to

measure any large
life choices
Ask Does it support
your mission?

4. A Magnet for Staying on

Track in Life
Keeps our mission
in the front of our
Helps to eliminate
Puts first things

5. Ability To
Communicate Clearly
What You Bring To
Personal and
Have a single sentence that states what you
are here to do (taken from your mission

Have it memorized
This allows you clearly tell others what you can
do for them

6. Motivation to Do Your
Keeps one centered on their
Keeps circumstances from
distracting us

7. Maximize your talents

Calls us to use all of our skills and talents
Requires that we use them for the benefit of
Talents grow with us

8. Strength to Stand Tall in

the Fluctuating Winds of
provides a rock of stability
Provides a forward direction that brings peace
and integrity to changing times

9. Creates Action Rather

than Reaction
Keeps us from letting others take the steering
wheel of our lives
Helps us respond with intention
Helps us choose the best course of action

10. Attracts People and

Opportunities That Support
Your Life
The more you live your mission, the more
those around you will respect and support
your actions

Personal Mission Statement

Reflects your Key:
Sense of purpose and meaning for your life.
Your Personal Mission Statement in a sense
becomes your personal constitution that
gives you meaning and direction to life.

Activity: Read Terry Fox story

Steps for Writing Personal

Mission Statement
Reflect on the key
values and principles you
want to use as a guide
for your life. Values may
vary among us, but
correct principles are
shared by all people of
good will.


Steps for Writing Personal Mission Statement

2. Ponder questions like: What

do you want your life to be
about in order to give it
purpose and meaning?
Think about how much
better this world would be if
each person were dedicated
to lifting the lives of
everyone we touch.

Steps for Writing Personal

Mission Statement
3. Brainstorm with yourself,

parents, relatives, teachers,

religious leaders, counselors and
friends about your strengths,
talents, deep-felt values and
principles which are most
important to you.
Read biographies of people you

Steps for Writing Personal Mission

4. View your personal Mission
Statement as your Personal
Constitution Like the
Constitution of a country, your
Personal Mission Statement can be
amended over time if so inspired.
It will always reflect your
fundamental values, purposes and
principles which will guide you
through the thousands of decisions
you will make in your lifetime.

Steps for Writing Personal Mission

5. Find a quiet place, inside or
outside where you can spend
some quality uninterrupted time
pondering and reflecting in
order to write your Personal
Mission Statement. It need not
be too long - no more than a
page or a few paragraphs. It
should inspire you and cause
you to stretch but not break.

Steps for Writing Personal Mission

6. Ask, Does this statement
inspire me? While it does not
totally reflect where you are
today, it helps you to stretch to
become better and is a guide as
you make it difficult decision.
Write in the present tense as if
you are doing it. You will enjoy
the power of purpose as a
result of getting a vision of what
you want your life to be.

An Example of a Mission
The purpose of my life is bringing
happiness and growth to our family and all
within my influence, while living a rich and
abundant life of integrity, which is my
definition of success. Living correct
principles is the center of my life, from
which I seek solutions to lifes many

An Example of a Mission
Statement continued
I value a career in higher education, being
a good father and husband, raising a strong
family, and seeking the truth. I will serve
diligently in my church-keeping focused on
the needs of people. Community service
when appropriate is also valued. Earning
sufficient income to provide a healthy
lifestyle for my family and a secure
retirement are important as I strive to be
wise in managing my money.

An Example of a Mission
Statement continued
With love of others and self as my core
motivating principle, I want to balance
my life consistently with the following 30
human needs: Physical, intellectual,
emotional, sexual/intimacy, social,
spiritual/philosophical, achievemental,
cultural/aesthetic, leisure, creative,
agency/self determination, private
space, time management, humor,
perspective, perseverance,

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