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SCES 3033 (3 kredit)

Ahmad Rushidi Bin Ramli : Tel: 0174772601

Objektif Pembelajaran:
1. Membincangkan konsep dan teori tentang struktur, asal-usul dan
sistem-sistem utama bumi
2. Menghuraikan sejarah perkembangan astronomi, sistem suria,
fenomena dan objek-objek samawi
3. Menghubung kait kesan pergerakan bumi, bulan dan matahari
dengan fenomena di bumi dan di angkasa lepas
4. Menganalisis data-data pemerhatian untuk menjelaskan fenomena
alam berdasarkan amali yang dijalankan secara berkumpulan
5. Membincangkan secara kritis dan analitis mengenai sumbangan
ahli astronomi serta perkembangan teori dan teknologi angkasa lepas
berdasarkan rujukan pelbagai sumber maklumat

Kaedah dan Jenis Pentaksiran :

1. Peperiksaan : 40%
2. Kerja Kursus : 60%

Jumlah Interaksi Bersemuka

Kuliah : 26 jam
Tutorial : 14 jam
Amali (4 amali) : 16 jam

Buku Rujukan
Kasim Bahali. 2015. Hebatnya Kejadian Alam.
Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka.
Seeds, M. A. & Backman D.E. 2011.
Foundation of astronomy. Ed. Ke-11. Canada:
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
Lutgens, F. K., & Tarbuck, E.J. 2008.
Foundations of earth science. Ed. Ke-5. New
Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

History of Earth
Berapa banyak sebenarnya 1 BILLION

The Universe : Everything starts 13.5

billion years ago

Asal Usul Bumi

Bumi dengan planet-planet yang lain serta
matahari terbentuk pada masa yang lebih
kurang sama daripada awan-awan habuk
dan gas (nebula) yang panas.
Lebih kurang 5 ribu juta tahun dahulu,
kerana tarikan graviti,
nebula mula
mengecut dan mula berputar dan meleper.
Seterusnya berlaku pelakuran matahari
dan planet yang baru terbentuk mula
mengasingkan unsur yang lebih berat dan
komponen kimia termendak ke bahagian
tengah dan
bahan batuan membentuk
Planet-planet yang baru terbentuk berserta
bulan-bulan membebaskan gas-gas atau
udara yang membentuk atmosfera yang

Where does all the water in oceans., lakes, rivers come from?

Hadean, Archean and Proterozoic Period

4.5 billion years of earth history

How does the moon come into existence?

Fakta Bumi
Statistik Bumi
Jisim (kg)
Mass (Earth = 1)
Jejari di Khatulistiwa (km)
Equatorial radius (Earth = 1)
Min ketumpatan (gm/cm^3)
Min jarak dari matahari (km)
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth = 1)
Tempoh putaran (hari)
Tempoh putaran (jam)
Tempoh mengorbit matahari (hari)
Min kelajuan orbit (km/sec)
Orbital eccentricity
Kecondongan paksi (darjah)
Orbital inclination (degrees)
Equatorial escape velocity (km/sec)
Tarikan graviti permukaan di Khatulistiwa (m/sec^2)
Visual geometric albedo
Min suhu permukaan
Tekanan atmosfera (bars)
Kandungan atmosfera


Bumi ialah planet ketiga daripada Matahari

dengan jaraknya 150 juta kilometer.
Bumi mengelilingi matahari dalam orbitnya
dalam pusingan lengkap selama 365.256 hari
Bumi berputar pada paksinya dalam masa
ialah 23.9345 jam.
Putaran bumi pada paksinya yang laju dan
teras bumi yang terdiri daripada besi dan nikel
menghasilkan medan magnet. Medan magnet
melindungi bumi dari solar wind.

Apakah itu atmosfera?
Adakah planet lain mempunyai atmosfera?

Utarid (Mercury) : atmosfera nipis almost undetectable atmosphere

composed of sodium and potassium gas. Atmosfera ditiup oleh angin solar.
The atmosphere of Venus is composed mainly of carbon dioxide with
minor amounts of nitrogen and trace amounts of nitrogen, helium, neon,
and argon.
Mars' atmosphere is a thin layer composed mainly of carbon dioxide.
Nitrogen, argon, and small traces of oxygen and water vapor are also
present. The atmosphere of Mars is poisonous because 95% of it is
composed of carbon dioxide. The rest of it is nitrogen (3%), argon (1.6%),
and very small amounts of water, methane, and oxygen.
Jupiter's atmosphere contains mainly helium and hydrogen with trace
amounts of water, ammonia, methane, and other carbon compounds. Three
layers of clouds may exist in Jupiters outermost atmosphere. The lowest
are made of water ice or droplets, the next are crystals of a compound of
ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, and the highest clouds are ammonia ice.
There seems to be no solid surface under the atmosphere, only a
transition from gas to liquid metallic hydrogen.

Saturn has a thick atmosphere composed of hydrogen and

helium. The ratio of hydrogen to helium ratio decreases with
depth. Methane and ammonia are also present. The atmosphere
of Saturn envelops a thick layer of hydrogen.
Uranus' atmosphere is composed mainly of hydrogen and
minor amounts of helium Methane is present in minor amounts,
and probably forms most of the clouds seen by space probes
and telescopes. Uranus and Neptune both appear blue because
methane strongly absorbs light of other wavelengths.
The atmosphere of Neptune consists mainly of hydrogen and
helium, but about 2.5-3% of the atmosphere is methane. Like
Uranus, clouds in Neptune's atmosphere are composed of
crystals of methane.
Pluto's atmosphere seems to be very thin, and is likely
composed of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Atmosfera bumi ialah satu lapisan sfera bergas yang
meliputi Bumi.
Atmosfera bergas ini mengandungi satu campuran gas-gas
yang terutamanya nitrogen, oksigen, karbon dioksida dan
wap air termasuk gas-gas yang lain spt neon, helium,
methane, carbon dioxide, krypton, hydrogen, xenon, ozone,
nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and iodine.
Atmosfera bumi ini adalah kaya dengan kandungan
oksigen, suhu yang sederhana, air yang banyak dan
pelbagai komposisi kimia yang membenarkan bumi
menyokong kehidupan.

The atmosphere is the blanket of gases which surrounds

Ia meliputi bumi kerana disokong oleh graviti bumi.
Tanpa atmosfera maka tiada hidupan mampu hidup di bumi.
Bagaimana atmosfera menampung kehidupan di bumi?
Udara yang kita bernafas
Melindungi dari radiasi ultra ungu matahari dan solar wind
Memerangkap haba dari matahari dari terlepas ke angkasa
Komponen utama dalam kitaran air.
Mengimbangi iklim di bumi supaya sederhana dan boleh
didiami berbanding planet lain.

Kandungan udara dalam atmosfera bumi adalah seperti



Oksigen 20.9463%

Wap air


Karbon dioksida

Jisim atmosfera 51018kg dimana 75% dari jisimnya berada
dalam lingkungan 11 km dari permukaan bumi.
While the atmosphere becomes thinner the higher you go,
there is no clear line demarcating the atmosphere from space;
however, the Karman line , at 100 km, is often regarded as the
boundary between atmosphere and outer space.

Oksigen mula terkumpul dengan banyak di

bumi hasil dari proses photosintesis algae
2billion tahun dahulu.
Tahap oksigen juga berubah dari masa
kesemasa semasa evolusi bumi sehingga
malar ketahap 20% sekarang.



This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere,
closest to the surface of the earth. The
troposphere varies in height in different parts
of the world, from about 8km above sea level
at the poles, to 16km at the equator. Within the
troposphere, the temperature drops rapidly the
higher you go.This is the layer where we see
clouds and most of the "weather" occurs.

The stratosphere contains a layer of ozone
which absorbs the Sun's ultraviolet rays,
protecting life on the earth's surface.

The mesosphere reaches up to about 80km above the
surface of the earth. This is the coldest layer of the
atmosphere, where the temperature drops rapidly
with altitude.In the top layer of the mesosphere,
called the mesopause, the temperature bottoms out at
a low of about -100C at 80km above the earth. After
that the temperature begins to rise again with greater
This is the layer where meteorites usually burn up as
they enter the atmosphere.

The thermosphere extends upwards from a
point 80-100 kilometres above the earth's
surface. There is very little air in this layer.
The temperature continues to rise in the
thermosphere and beyond, increasing for an
indefinite distance into space.

The exosphere is the very outer limit of the
atmosphere. The bottom of this layer is found
at 500 kilometres above the Earth's surface.
The pressure drops to little more than a
vacuum. Auroras form in the exosphere.

Suhu berubah mengikut atmosfera

Langit Biru dan Aurora

Kenapa langit biru?
The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering which means as light
moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight
through. Very little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.
However, much of the shorter wavelength light(blue) is absorbed by the gas
molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in every direction. So, no
matter where you look, you see the scattered blue light.
Bagaimana Aurora terjadi?
The atmosphere is also responsible for the aurora borealis. Auroras are
caused by the bombardment of solar electrons on oxygen and nitrogen atoms
in the atmosphere. The electrons literally excite the oxygen and nitrogen
atoms high in the atmosphere to create the beautiful light show we know as
an aurora.

Pembentukan Awan
Wap air terbentuk dari proses penyejatan (evaporation)
Kondensasi menghasilkan embun, kabus atau awan
Awan mengandungi berjuta-juta titisan kecil air (20
mikrometer) yang terawang-awang (tergantung) di udara.
Diameter rambut manusia ialah 75 mikrometer
Titisan hujan mempunyai diameter bersaiz 2000 mikrometer
dan terdapat berjuta-juta kali ganda isipadu titisan awan
Perpeluhan (hujan-Precipitation) memerlukan titisan air
tambahan dan juga pelanggaran.
Kerpasan : hujan, hujan batu dan salji



Pengkelasan Awan
2 kategori awan : berlapis dan aruhan (layered and
Awan stratus atau or stratus bermaksud berlapisan
Cumulus bermaksud bertimbun atau "piled up.
Nimbus bermaksud awan yang menghasilkan hujan
cirro, high clouds above 20,000 feet (6,250 meters),
alto and mid level clouds between 6,000 - 20,000
feet (1,875 - 6,250 meters).
There is no prefix for low level clouds.

Awan Tinggi (Kumpulan A)

Cirrus cloud

Awan Pertengahan (Kumpulan B)


Awan rendah (Kumpulan C)

Termasuk stratus iaitu kabus yang menyentuh permukaan tanah.
Cumulus humilis
Cumulus mediocris

Awan Menegak (Kumpulan D)

Cumulonimbus (dikaitkan dengan hujan lebat dan kilat)
Cumulonimbus calvus
Cumulonimbus incus
Cumulus congestus

Coriolis Effect
If the Earth did not rotate and remained stationary, the
atmosphere would circulate between the poles (high
pressure areas) and the equator (a low pressure area) in a
simple back-and-forth pattern.
But because the Earth rotates, circulating air is deflected.
Instead of circulating in a straight pattern, the air deflects
toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward
the left in the Southern Hemisphere, resulting in curved
This deflection is called the Coriolis effect. It is named
after the French mathematician Gaspard Gustave de
Coriolis (1792-1843), who studied the transfer of energy in
rotating systems like waterwheels. (Ross, 1995).

This apparent deflection is the Coriolis effect. The wind is like

the ball. It appears to bend to the right in the Northern
Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, winds appear to bend
to the left.
In the Northern Hemisphere, wind from high-pressure systems
pass low-pressure systems on the right. This causes the system
to swirl clockwise. Low-pressure systems usually bring storms.
This means that hurricanes and other storms swirl clockwise in
the Northern Hemisphere.
In the Southern Hemisphere, storms swirl counter-clockwise.

Kelembapan Udara (Air Humidity)

Kelembapan udara adalah kandungan air dalam udara.
Wap air adalah dalam keadaan gas dan tidak dapat dilihat
dengan mata kasar.
Kelembapan udara tinggi menyebabkan perpeluhan badan
kurang berkesan kerana kadar proses sejatan dari kulit
manusia tidak efisien.
Apabila kelembapan udara rendah, mengeringkan pakaian
diampaian adalah lebih .
Apabila kelembapan udara meningkat, dan indeks
kelembapan udara 90%, maka peluh badan tidak boleh
menyejat dan suhu badan akan meningkat.

Indeks kelembapan udara.

An index number
used by
meteorologists to
describe how hot
the weather feels
to the average
person, by
combining the
effect of heat
and humidity.

Alat mengukur kelembapan udara ialah

Di negeri beriklim sederhana kadangkadang kelembapan udara adalah terlalu
rendah maka alat humidifier
diperlukan untuk mengimbangi
kelembapan udara di dalam bilik.

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