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Aerobic Exercises

is a physical activity
performed with moderate
intensity, with a lot of
repetitive movements
done within a long period
of time.

Benefits of
Aerobic Exercise
1. Increased
maximal oxygen

2. Improved
3. Improved

4. Lower heart rate and

blood pressure with
moderate exercise
5. Lower levels of blood
pressure (for people with
high blood pressure)

6. A reduction of
body fat

Muscle and BoneStrengthening Exercises,

or strength training
exercises are exercises
that, while at the first half of
person life, will produce
increases in both muscle
and bone strength.

A rep (or repetition)

is one full movement
from starting point to
A set is a group of

Benefits of Weight
Bearing or
Strength Training

1. Gain in increase
in muscle strength
2. Strengthen
tendons and

3.Gain a potential
improvement in range of
motion of joints
4.Gain positive changes
in levels of blood


Movements is changing
your position within a
given space.
Locomotor movement
is a movement that
allows you to travel from
place to place.

1.Walking - a set
of steps

2. Running - just
like walking, but
launching of
ground with both

3.Hopping launching off one

foot landing on
same foot

4.Jumping launching off both

feet, landing on
same feet

5.Skipping walking then

hopping on same
foot in one motion

6.Leaping launching off one

foot, landing on
other foot

7.Galloping leaping
almost like a run

8.Sliding moving smoothly

The Five Basic


1. Push-ups - The body is

lowered until the chest is
approximately one first off
the ground. The body is
then pushed off the
ground to return to its
original position.

2.Supermans - from
prone position, lift both
arms and legs. Do not
bend the legs; then
lower arms and legs
without relaxing on the

3. Crunches - from supine

position, with legs bent and
arms crossed in front of the
chest, lift head and shoulders
up, with the shoulder blades
lifting off completely from the
ground. Return to original
position but keep the head
elevated off the ground.

4.Side Crunches - with legs

together and bent, lie on one
side and extend the arm
close to the ground 30 to 45
degrees from the body as
support or balance. Position
the other arm across the
chest or have it float in front

Lift off the shoulder closet

to the ground and the legs
with the chest slightly
facing upward. Return to
original position without
touching the shoulder
back to the ground.

5.Squats - from an upright position

(with feet parallel, around one and
half shoulders apart) and arms and
hands crossed in front of chest or up,
squat lower until the thighs are
parallel to the ground. Chest and butt
must be pushed out, and the knee
must not thrust forward beyond the
toes. Return to original position,
keeping both legs slightly bent.

Perform various
locomotor movements
and various strength
training movements for
at least 5min. then
cooldown for another
3min. with music.

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