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1.Anisa Ratna N
2.Aprilia Noor A
3.Fajar Rachmawati
4.Hendhita Yosi P
5.Ilma Ratih Z
6.Karina Kumaladewi
7.Kartika Hevi S
8.Mentari Eka M
9.Multi Sari Dewi
Rani Ambar Rini
Vita Safitri

The pulse is a pulse wave of the artery of blood
flowing through blood vessels as a result of the heart
beat . The pulse is often taken at the wrist to estimate
the heart rate .
Everyone has a different number of his pulse , it is
influenced by several factors, including :
1 . Habit of daily activities
2 . Posture when measuring the pulse in his
3 . Temperature / air temperature seklilingnya
4 . The body size
5 . Quietest we've heard emotion
6 . Consumption of drugs currently measured .

Normal pulse
at rest or not being high activity such as working or
exercising , normal pulse rate as follows :
for adults : 60-80 beats per minute
for the kids : 80-100 beats per minute
in infants : 100-140 beats per minute
rate is too high or low may indicate a health problem .
especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as
dizziness , shortness of breath or fainting spells . Consult
your doctor if your rate is consistently above 100 bpm /
beats per minute , ( tachycardia ) or below 60 bpm
( bradycardia ) .

Pulse Maximum (Max Heart Rate )

Maximum pulse rate is the
maximum pulse that can be done at
the time of the activity maksimal. to
determine the maximum pulse used
formula 220 - age .

Pulse Break ( Resting Heart Rate )

Is a resting pulse rate pulse rate measured at
rest and after activity . This pulse measurements
can describe the level of physical fitness
seseorang.pengukuran done for 10 to 15 seconds .
There are many factors that can affect a
person's heart rate , ie physical activity or fitness
level of a person , the temperature of the air
around , body position ( lying or standing ) , the
level of emotion , and the body size of the drug
being consumed .

Pulse Recovery ( Recovery Heart Rate )

Recovery pulse rate is the number of pulses per
minute were measured after a break of 2 to 5
menit.pengukuran is necessary to see how quickly a
person's body 's ability to recover after heavy activity .
Heart rate should be under 120 after 2 to 5 minutes
after exercise stops depending on fitness level .
If the heart rate is higher , the cooling is not
sufficient or fitness level may be the cause. Slow heart
rate recovery may also be caused by disease or
exercise too hard . If that's the case , cut back to
adjust the intensity of exercise heart rate .
examination at the end of the exercise heart rate
below 100 bpm should aerobic .

How to measure pulse rate :

1. Use two fingers ie index and middle fingers , or three fingers ,
finger, middle finger and ring finger trouble if we use 2 fingers .
2. Discover the most violent areas is the rate / pulse point , namely
the carotid arteries in the neck edge of the hollow section is
approximately 2 cm in the left / right of the midline of the neck (
approximately 2 cm beside the Adam's apple in men ) , radial
pulse at the
wrist in thumb side .
3. After finding the pulse, press gently then compute the number is
the rate
for 15 seconds , then multiply by 4 , this is a pulse in 1 minute .
example, for 15 of our 20 deti adi throbbing pulse , this means 20
x 4 = 80
means for 1 minute pulse rate was 80 bpm our current ( bytes per

2.Explain the procedure
3.Give chance to the patient to ask some
4.Wash the Hand
5.Give privacy to the patient
6.Set comfortable position
7.Roll the arm sleeve
8.Hold the wrist by 3 fingers
9.Measure the pulse at least 30 second by
looking at watch
10.Tidy up the arm sleeve
11.Explain the result
12.End up the exmanination

Location of pulse :


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