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Transpersonal Human

Caring and Healing

Achmad Fathi

Definisi transpersonal human caring
Definisi healing
Perbedaan proses healing dan curing

Human caring
Moral ideal dalam keperawatan
dimana perawat menggunakan
dirinya sendiri secara utuh
kedalam hubungannya dengan
diri pasien/klien yang dipandang
secara utuh pula, yang bertujuan
untuk melindungi pasien/klien
dan memperlakukan mereka
secara manusiawi dan

Suatu keadaan diluar batas

identitas ego individual

dan kemungkinankemungkinan untuk memberi
penilaian lebih besar
terhadap sesuatu.

Meliputi kesadaran, dinamika
intrapersonal, hubungan
interpersonal, dan pengalaman
hidup terhadap hubungan dan
kesatuan dengan lingkungan,
kosmos, atau Spirit.

Munculnya right relationship
pada satu atau lebih level sistem
body mind spirit.

Healing system
Sistem pelayanan kesehatan yang ideal
dimana masyarakat dapat menerima
bantuan secara adekuat, non toksik,
dan non-invasif dalam
mempertahankan kesejahteraan dan
penyembuhan terhadap body, mind , dan
spirit, bersamaan juga dengan
ketersediaan akan teknologi
pengobatan medis yang mutakhir
dan agresif.

Right relationship
Sebuah proses hubungan antara
elemen-elemen dari keseluruhan hal
yang meningkatkan energi,
koherensi/keterkaitan, dan
kreativitas dalam sistem body
mind spirit.

Transpersonal human caring

Jean Watsons theory of nursing as the art
and science of human caring.
Watson defined human caring as the
moral ideal of nursing, in which the
relationship between the whole self of
the nurse and the whole self of the
patient/client protects the
vulnerability and preserves the
humanity and dignity of the

Transpersonal human caring

Penekanan Watson pada:


Transpersonal human caring

The whole self (the whole person of
both nurse and patient) requires the
addition of the term


Transpersonal human caring

Within a transpersonal perspective,
people are more than the body
physical and the mind as
contained in that body.
A transpersonal perspective
acknowledges that all people are body,
mind, and spirit or soul, and that
interactions between people engage
each of these aspects of the self.

Transpersonal human caring

A holistic nurse recognizes that
there is something beyond the
personal, separate selves of the
nurse and the patient involved in the
act of caring.

Transpersonal human caring

When nurses enter into caringhealing relationships with patients,
bringing with them an
acklowdgment and appreciation
of the body, mind, and spirit
dimensions of their own human
existence , they are engaged in a
transpersonal human caring process.

Transpersonal human caring

Watson called these healing
encounters caring occasions, and
suggested that they actually transcend
the bounds of space and time. The
field of consciousness created in and
through the caring-healing relationship
has the potential to continue healing
the patient long after the physical
separation of nurse and patient.


While caring is the context for

holistic nursing, healing is the


Wholeness is frequently
described as harmony of body,
mind, and spirit, while harmony
is defined as an ordered or
aesthetically pleasing set of
relationships among the elements
of the whole.

Healing vs. Curing

Healing and curing are different
Curing is the elimination of the
signs and symptoms of disease,
which may or may not correspond to
the end of the patients disease or

Healing vs. Curing

Curing is not a wrong focus, only
an incomplete one.
When it is estimated that 85% of
health problems are either selflimiting or chronic, it becomes clear
that something in addition to a
focus on the curing of diseases is

Healing vs. Curing

Healing may occur without

The person dying of acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS) who reconciles with his parents after a long
separation is healing. The person who has become
quadriplegic and uses this as an opportunity to recommit to
living a life of meaning and service is healing. The mother of
young children who consents to radical, invasive surgery for
an otherwise incurable cancer is healing by coming into a
new relationship with the disease and making choices based
on her commitment to live for her children. The surgery may
not cure her disease, but the choice to undergo the surgery
is a healing choice. Curing is almost always focused on the
person as a physical entity, a body. If the body cannot be
fixed, if the physical disease state or state of disability
cannot be cured, than there is nothing more we can do for
you. Healing is multidimensional. It can occur at the
physical level, but it can also occur at each of the other
levels of the human system (emotion, mind, and spirit).

Curing may or may not be

possible, but healing is always

Many of the diseases of our time are, in fact,

not curable, and people who are living with
chronic illnesses of the immune system and
cardiovascular systems make up a large
percentage of the caseload of any primary
care provider. In contrast, because healing
is the emergence of right relationship at any
or all levels of the human system, it can
happen even when there is no possibility for
physical cure. The potential for healing
exists within every human being by the very
fact that as humans, we have a
multidimensional, self-reflective nature.

Although curing follows a usual

or predictable path, healing is
always creative and
unpredictable in both process
and outcome
In textbooks on curing, the events that will be probable
parts of recovery and the time line are described, and
the actual progress of the patient is measured against
these referents. The misapplication of this information is
increasingly apparent as patients in the modern
sickness-cure system are being told exactly how many
days of care they are permitted for cure to occur. The
nature and the direction of a healing change cannot be
predicted, however. Furthermore, the direction of
healing is always toward self-transcendence, something
new is emerging, and the whole that was before
becomes a part of the new, larger (or deeper) whole.

Death is seen as a failure in

the sickness-cure system, but
as a natural process in the
healing system.
Death is seen as the enemy, that which is to be avoided at
all costs, even at the expense of the humanity and the
personhood of the one being treated in the sickness-cure
system. The increasingly widespread use of the living wills
formal, legal documents that are required to allow death
without the heroic battle waged in sickness-cure institutions
provide abundant evidence of this observation. Rather
than being a failure, however, death is part of the natural
unfolding of the life process. All living systems eventually
die. In some spiritual traditions, death itself is viewed as the
ultimate healing, because it releases the eternal soul from
the limitations, pain, and suffering of embodiment. This, of
course, is a matter of individual belief.

Healing as a process of emergence
does not lend itself to the type of
outcome measurement usually
applied to curing.
Journal keeping is a powerful way
for people to keep track of their own

Healing is completely unique and
creative, and may not be coerced,
manipulated, or controlled, even by
the one healing.
The nurse healer is a facilitator of
this process.


Integration of the Masculine

and the Feminine
The Western sickness-cure system is
characterized almost exclusively by
attributes usually ascribed to the
masculine principle and usually carried
by men.
This is a natural consequence of the
fact that men have been the principal
creators of that system and continue to
be the dominant culture of the system.

Nurse As Healing
One of the most powerful tools for healing is
the presence of the nurse in the patients
In fact, the nurse has the greatest impact of all
the elements in the patients environment.
Simply by virtue of the role, a nurse has all the
ritual power of the shaman of other cultures.
The nurse is guardian of the patients journey
through illness and healing, the keeper and
bestower of information, medicines, and
treatments, the mediator of the system and the
comings and goings of others in the system.

Nurse As Healing
Nurse should ask themselves:
1.Do patients hear in my voice that I care?
That I have time for them? That they are
safe with me?
2.What is the quality of my facial expression?
Of my eyes?
3.Am I focused on the task at hand and simply
touching the patient to get the job done? Or
does my touch convey care, support,
nurture, and competence?


Everyone is wounded. Life does not allow anyone
to slide under its radar and escape its trials.
Thus, being wounded is not optional, though.
When nurses do the work of healing that their
own woundedness requires, they have the
capacity to become wounded healers for
As nurses heal, they become increasingly aware
of the sacred trust that is granted to them when
they are privilege and its demands and
responsibilities willingly, because the wounded
healer always wants to give something back.

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